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Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13)
Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13)
Jim Butcher | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been a while since I last read the last full-length Harry Dresden novel ([i]Changes[/i]), so I'd more or less forgot how action-packed they generally are.

Picking up months after *that* ending of the previous books, I've gotta say, you'd wonder how Jim Butcher is going to continue the series! The answer is rather unusual: how many other novels (or, for that matter, stories in general) can you think of where the main character/narrator are a ghost? Beetlejuice, maybe, but other than that ... ?

Anyhow, this is another action packed entry in the series, with Harry's shade - unable to touch any physical object, or to communicate with the vast majority of the world - is back in Chicago, primarily looking for the identity of his own killer (I must admit that I was actually blindsided a bit by that identity, when it was finally revealed).
The Nubians of Plutonia by Sun Ra
The Nubians of Plutonia by Sun Ra
1966 | Jazz
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This comes from a place that keeps coming back into my life, which is Chicago. So many records from Chicago resonate in my Mancunian hellhole! When we were picking up Sun Ra records in the bargain bins for 50p with all the corners cut off, you'd go for the cover of the sleeves because on the back they'd show them playing these car parks somewhere with all this pageantry and all these weird electronic keyboards. And you'd be like, ""Oh! That looks really interesting!"" You'd put it on and it sounded like this odd, aged, Biblical music; like the Seven Tribes crossing the Sahara or something. It's very percussive – there huge sections where it's just percussion clattering away, and then you'd be hit by this kind of big band swing thing. And you'd be, ""Oh! That's really odd!"" and then there'd be an electric piano solo in the middle of that; it was just totally confusing! This was one of those records that sat around for a while and there'd be maybe one or two track that you went for. Gradually, the album would then open up for you. And then your friends would have another Sun Ra album and these things gathered together. There was a gig in Manchester in 1981, and it was Sun Ra with what must have been a 20-piece band and they had [saxophonist] John Gilmore and [singer/violinst] June Tyson in it – the classic version of the band, really – and it was like a three-hour concert. The epiphany that came with it was they did this enormous timeline that included music from the 1930s, which then went all the way through to freeform electronic wailing and synthesizer solos that went on for 15 minutes, as well as battles between trombones and really structured compositional things. A few years ago, it was Sun Ra's centenary and there was a festival in Liverpool and we put a band together to do a Sun Ra tribute. So we learnt a lot of stuff from the Impulse label records – the 50s Chicago stuff – and you can get all the music from the Smithsonian. We put in enough time to making it sound good and it was a really rewarding experience to live in that music for a while. [Saxophonist] Marshall Allen once stayed at my house. He saw all the instruments lying around and he says, ""Oh, you play?"" And I was like, ""Sort of"" because at that point, imposter syndrome kicks in, but he was like, ""Can you play two notes?"" and I'm going, ""Yeah, yeah"" and he said, ""Well, let's do it!"" We ended up setting up a recording session and we made an album in the evening, and then went out and had kebabs! But it's interesting how popular Sun Ra's records have become over time, because back then, they were practically giving them away."

The Lost Girl of Astor Street
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh.My.Goodness! I don't even know where to start with this one. First of all, I am not overly attracted to books that are suspenseful and cause me to jump out of my skin when my REFRIGERATOR makes noises. However, Rachel McMillan keeps talking about this book, and I decided that I just had to read it! THAT being said, The Lost Girl of Astor Street is a must read!

This book is written in first person, but it is nothing like other books with this point of view. Most of the time when I read a book written as first person, I feel like I am simply inside the character's head, getting a front row seat to the way they think and the way they process information that comes their way. With The Lost Girl of Astor Street, Stephanie Morrill takes the first person voice to a whole new level. A level where I felt as though I became Piper Sail. I was processing the way Piper was processing, her thoughts were my thoughts...This added such a deep level of intimacy with the character that I feel like I know Piper like I know myself.

Set in 1920s Chicago, you will be swept into the Jazz Age and will be tempted to dance the night away with Piper and a certain Italian detective. Having grown up in what Piper Sail thought was a safe neighborhood, she soon comes to realize that nothing is as it appears. Has she placed her trust in the wrong people? Will she ever discover what has happened to Lydia? And will the unlikeliest of people, become her greatest champion? Follow "Detective" Sail through the underbelly of Chicago. Uproot lies, reveal truth, and fight for justice for those who can not fight for themselves.

I borrowed The Lost Girl of Astor Street from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.ull review to come.
Maybe I should have read the first book in this series before asking for this via NetGalley. Unfortunately, I don't think I can finish reading this.

For example, I was terribly confused by the scene which has DeLuca saving Van Buren from almost drowning. The whole episode just wasn't described so that I could visualize what was going on, who was where, how she got into the water, and how he was able to find her to save her. I'm hoping that this is fixed in the final version.

By the way, I don't think that this author knows Chicago that well. She describes a warehouse there near the lake, but by her description, it sounds like it is only yards from the lakefront. However, as far as I know there were never any shipping warehouses on the lakefront, only on the river. That means the characters in that scene couldn't have been looking out on Lake Michigan, but only onto the Chicago River.

Another thing that confused me was why the author gave DeLuca - who is so Italian that he translates from that language into English - a very Scottish first name like Hamish. If that's explained in the first novel, I really wish the author had added a line about it in this one.

Finally, the "romance" bit here - or should I call it angst - was too overpowering for me. DeLuca goes on and on about every aspect of this woman and why he adores her and how he feels when he's around her. When she started in on her feelings towards him, well... that's when I gave up on this book. (I only read about 15%.)

This is really a shame because I've been trying to find a good cozy mystery series where I can fall in love with the protagonist/s and enjoy some harmless sleuthing on a historical backdrop. I'm afraid this one didn't deliver for me.

Now I have to figure out what I'm going to tell NetGalley when I tell them I'll not be reviewing this book.
    New York City Subway Map

    New York City Subway Map

    Navigation and Travel

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    The free New York Subway Map app has everything you need to get around NYC Subway including - -...

Goblins Wear Suits (The Magical Beings' Rehabilitations Center #2)
Goblins Wear Suits (The Magical Beings' Rehabilitations Center #2)
K. M. Shea | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morgan thought the most difficult decision of her life was deciding to become an official employee of the MBRC. But now, a senior in high school, she’s realizing it only gets worse.

With a certain Goblin mob boss urging her to stay within commuting distance of Chicago, and a flirtatious Pooka pushing her to study overseas, Morgan has a hard enough time trying to sort through her college choices the way it is. Planning out her future is made even more difficult when terrorist threats are issued by an anti-human, anti-rehabilitation, magic-based organization. Does Morgan want to continue working at the MBRC when it puts her life in danger?

It has rounded off book one nicely but I think I got a little bored towards the end. I'm glad that she chose her pooka in the end. I do like K.M. Shea and I'm moving on to her next series!