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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Raybearer (Raybearer #1) in Books

Sep 15, 2020 (Updated Sep 15, 2020)  
Raybearer (Raybearer #1)
Raybearer (Raybearer #1)
Jordan Ifueko | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Raybearer is a fantasy set in part in West African myth (which I really wish I knew more about, by the way). Tarisai lives in a big house full of tutors and servants, all training her for one purpose. Her mother rarely visits, and Tarisai wishes she would visit more often - she longs for a mother who will care for her and touch/ hug her. The reason for this becomes very clear as the story progresses.

Tarisai learns that her education has been leading her to one end: to become part of the crowned Prince’s Council of Eleven, and to ultimately kill him. But Tarisai doesn’t want to fulfil her life’s purpose. She doesn’t want to be a murderer, and she actually really likes the Prince.

I shouldn’t be surprised, because I’ve said it often enough myself, but for those uninitiated in YA books, this actually deals with some pretty serious themes: gender roles, and the fact that girls don’t all want their sole life purpose to be that of a child bearer, and parental abuse of children (in this case, physical abuse - eg. hitting). So this isn’t a book for the faint hearted! It’s a beautifully told story though, it has a feel of the fairytale or myth about it, and I definitely think that it was time well spent. To top it off, I see that this is the first book in perhaps a duology or trilogy? I’ll be looking out for the next one, because I’m intrigued to see how this story will develop.

Many thanks to the publisher, Hot Key Books, and to NetGalley for my copy of this book.
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #1)
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #1)
Ivy Ash | 2020 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High book 1)
By Ivy Fox

Review will be completed on Smashbomb once finished link will be placed in comments

I had their love once.

They saw me for the girl I am and the person I yearn to become one day—a woman who thrives in her freedom and dances away in her rightfully earned independence.

They saw all the strong, unafraid parts of me, and coaxed each one of them out, daring me to dream bigger, climb higher.

They never once saw the girl I had been groomed to see in the mirror.

The abandoned daughter of a dead man.

The unwanted child of a woman who despised her.

The broken body formed wrong and built on a shaky foundation, threatening to fall apart and shatter.

They made all the ugliness disappear and left only wonder and promise. The love we shared for each other was probably the only miracle I would be granted in this life, and I knew they felt the same.

Or so I thought.

Everything I held dear has been robbed from me, and I’ve been a victim of theft too many times to mention.

I will not have them steal my pride.

They can keep my heart, for all I care.

The day they became my stepbrothers, it stopped working anyway.

Well that was so much better than I thought it was going to be! I do love Ivy’s books. This was brilliant I didn’t put it down. So much has happened and we haven’t hit the school yet! The epilogue was sooo good!

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Night Ship in Books

Dec 12, 2022  
The Night Ship
The Night Ship
Jess Kidd | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Night Ship is a wonderful story told from two different perspectives: Mayken is travelling to the Dutch East Indies on board the Batavia in 1629; in 1989, Gil is sent to live with his grandfather after he death of his mother. Gil finds out about the shipwreck of the Batavia when he meets some archaeologists, and becomes really interested in what happened.

The story switches between the two children, and I couldn’t wait to read about each perspective. Mayken is a happy, curious child, who is desperate to explore the world below decks - which due to her status, she isn’t supposed to do. So she enlists the help of a cabin boy and disguises herself. Mayken searches for a monster below decks, the Bullebak, as things start to go wrong on the ship. But it soon becomes apparent that the threat doesn’t come from a monster.

Gil doesn’t want to live with his uncommunicative, distant grandfather. He doesn’t want to fish with him either. And her certainly doesn’t want to talk about what happened with his mother. He finds solace in his friendships with an ancient tortoise called Enkidu, and Silvia Zanetti, the wife and mother of his grandfathers enemies, Frank and Roper (the latter sounds like he should be locked up, to be honest).

I absolutely loved this book. Mayken and Gil are both such tragic characters who only need someone to care for them. It’s a magical story, made more so by the imaginations of the two children. It’s a shame that the real world has to encroach on them.

Highly recommended.
    MDCalc Medical Calculators

    MDCalc Medical Calculators

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Dragonslayer (Twitterlight #1)
Dragonslayer (Twitterlight #1)
Matthew Lang | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
creeps up on ya, but so bloody good!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Adam, a student, is pulled into a world, a fight, he knows nothing about. A fight involving a sword and a dragon and hero that it seems he is! Faced with four armed beasts, flying lizards, magic and sorcery, fur sprouting lovers, and many more challenging things, Adam must kill the dragon, and return home, or die trying.

I don't know about you, but I read a lot, a LOT, a lot. And much of that reading is within the same genres and I'm happy to be doing all that reading, don't get me wrong. It's just much of the same. And I don't know what I was expecting from this book, but I'm fairly certain I saw the word dragon in the blurb and that did it for me.

This book, right here?? Totally way out of my comfort zone, and it is high fantasy at its very best! I freaking LOVED this book, bar one teeny tiny thing, but I'll come back to that. So bloody good!

Adam is pulled into the twitterlight world, where there is no sun, nor moon, and the world is bathed in this half light. A princess, a warrior, and a child cast out from his people find Adam, and immediately bring him into their quest. And Adam is like " oh, ok, lets get to it then!" He literally just jumps straight in and I loved that he did not question much in the beginning; more so, once he realised that HE was the one meant to kill the dragon, but still, he was mostly " yeah ok!"

Duin, the child cast out from his people but a child no more, creeps into Adam heart, much as he does his bed, and I loved that, while fully aware that such things are not the norm in this twitterlight world, Duin can't keep away from Adam.

I LOVED the twist at the end, I really did not see that one coming!

Which brings me to why I knocked a whole star off, even though I loved this book.


Only Adam gets a voice! And I wanted, no I desperately NEEDED to hear from Duin, I really did! There were to many to mention points along the way that Duin needed to be heard and he wasn't. And that really pissed me off, even though I did LOVE this book! Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a bloody great book, even without Duin's voice, but I WANTED his voice, you know?? It would really have made this a stand out of the year book, for me!

It's billed as Twitterlight book one, but I can't see anything pertaining to future books. I don't know if they will be about Adam and Duin future adventures, or if they will be about other people we have met here. I don't care, I want to read them. This is the first I've read of Matthew Lang, and he is firmly in my crosshairs.

So, ONLY because Duin doesn't get a say

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Woman in Black (2012)
The Woman in Black (2012)
2012 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.8 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“During afternoon tea, there’s a shift in the air. A bone-trembling chill that tells you she’s there. There are those who believe the whole town is cursed. But the house in the marsh is by far the worst. What she wants is unknown, but she always comes back. The specter of darkness, the Woman in Black.”

Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliff) is a young lawyer who lost his wife during the birth of his son. He is a hardworking man who will do anything to take care of his family. Duty calls when he is ordered to go to the home of a recently diseased woman who lives in a remote marsh. When the local town catches wind that Mr. Kipps will be working at the remote house they start to fear what he might uncover while he works within the walls of the creepy home. He soon starts hearing noises and seeing shadows of an old woman in black. The town seems to think that it is somehow cursed as children keep dying unexpectedly and in bizarre circumstances. Is this the result of a woman scorned or is it just a superstition? Without the help from the town Mr. Kipps races to find out what the secret of the Woman in Black is.

Daniel Radcliff picked the perfect project to stray away from the Harry Potter series and I am glad he did. Now don’t get me wrong; the Harry Potter series is pretty awesome but the fact of the matter is most child actors don’t go very far within their acting careers. Take Shirley Temple for instance, she ended up not getting any major roles after growing out of her child faze. In any case it was a perfect decision on his part to take the chance on this character and just proves that we will be seeing much more of him throughout the coming years.

If you enjoy a good ghost story from time to time, The Woman in Black is such a treat to watch. Finally a really good ghost story that is not filmed like a home movie or a documentary but encompasses what a good ghost story should. The movie also has tidbits of British humor which I am a big fan of. Really good ghost stories like this one will chill you to the bone and startle your senses. Not an award winning movie but an excellent spine tingling story without the gore and special effects we have all become anesthetized to. Don’t miss this one in theaters I promise you won’t be disappointed.
    Gro Book

    Gro Book

    Games and Book

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    * Pick of the Week - * Rated 5 out of 5 - * Rated 5 out of 5 -...

As a mom of two teenaged boys, I find it hard, sometimes, to find time to do anything. It's a hectic, crazy time being a mom! It's hard to make sure they are taken care of, go to work, come home, cook dinner, spend time with them and my husband, and still find God time. It really is hard sometimes. But, my mom said something once, and this book kind of reminds of it. She told me "Jesus came to you, why can't you go to Him?" That's so true. Why can't I make the time to seek Him out no matter what whirlwind parenthood throws at me? 

Ms. Synder takes the hustle, bustle hectic life of being a working mom, wife, and child of God, and tells us how she found the strength to deal with it all. She creates this book in a way that is never boring, always leaving me with a chuckle. Learning to put God in the center of all and realizing that this crazy thing we parents call life is not that hard if we put Him at the front of all we do.

I definitely enjoyed this fast, interesting read. Ms. Synder did an incredible job and has really given me lots to ponder on as a mom. My life as a parent is a blessing not a burden no matter how crazy wild it can get. This is worth 4 stars for sure and I highly recommend this to all parents, new and seasoned! You'll find grace and peace in the middle of what may be an overwhelming experience and it will really help! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
City of Scoundrels
City of Scoundrels
Victoria Thompson | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saving a War Widow from Scoundrels
It’s the fall of 1918, and the draft age for World War I has been increased, upsetting Elizabeth Miles since her fiance, Gideon Bates, has been drafted. Gideon is focusing his last few weeks as a civilian on drafting wills for soldiers. Most of them are, but one of the exceptions is Tom Preston, part owner of Preston Shoes, which has made a fortune providing shoes to the soldiers. Tom wants a new will leaving his share of the family business to his new wife and their unborn child – a wife the rest of his family knows nothing about. When word comes back that Tom has died, this new will goes missing, and his family doesn’t want to acknowledge his widow. Elizabeth is quick to jump in, getting her family, all conmen, to come up with a scheme to get this war widow the money she should have inherited. But what complications might there be along the way?

Yes, there are complications. We wouldn’t have much of a novel without them. It would have been nice if they are started a little sooner, but that’s a minor complaint. I was hooked the entire time, and it only became harder to put the book down the further I got into it. History came alive, and I felt like I was part of what was happening in the New York City area during this time. It helps that the characters are extremely strong. Through them, I came to care about the plot and the history that was unfolding around us. Yes, I felt that welcomed into the world that I was actually part of what was happening on the page. If you aren’t taking these trips back in time, you need to do so today.