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Halloween Kills (2021)
Halloween Kills (2021)
2021 | Horror
Fab movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
When I first heard they were reimagining the Halloween series, my first response was "leave it alone," but I was pleasantly pleased. I liked the first one, but this one was even better.
Unlike the previous film, this one isn't really about Laurie; in fact, she doesn't appear in it very much because she spends most of her time in the hospital. This one is largely on Michael still being on the prowl and the other children's desire for vengeance as adults. It's fantastic that it eventually reveals Laurie wasn't the only one who was affected on Halloween night.
There are so many killings in this film, and each one is masterfully executed. My favourite scene was when Michael was killing a gathering of people one by one. However, I was grieved by a few fatalities because I so much wanted them to succeed in their intentions; one death in the hospital that was not caused by Michael was terrible; I felt so bad for this person; and one kill towards the end devastated and enraged me. Overall, a very good film; however, I would strongly advise watching the extended version rather than the theatrical cut, since you will receive more clear answers.
A Celebration of Winter (Mariana Books Rhyming #4)
A Celebration of Winter (Mariana Books Rhyming #4)
Roger Carlson | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Celebration of Winter is a book about Winter and its fun activities and holidays we celebrate during the season. This book goes along with the others in the series. Children will learn all about the Winter and learn to rhyme. They can learn to read with this book as well. It is pretty easy to read and enjoyable.

What fun activities can your child or children do during the Winter? What can they do for fun in the cold or snow? You will enjoy the family get-together. Children can enjoy decorating for a unique visitor during this holiday season. They will also probably enjoy getting the house decorated for Christmas.

This book also talks about Winter. The way it is the last season of the holiday before it starts all over again. Children will learn that each season is three months long. December starts the winter season and ends in February. Children will discover that there are four seasons in a year. The images created did well.

They capture the season and the meaning of this book. What are some of your child or children's favorite winter activities or traditions during the winter months? What things will you and your child or children do during the winter season?
Merci Suarez Changes Gears
Merci Suarez Changes Gears
Meg Medina | 2018 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>
#Merci Suarez #Net Galley Candle Wick Publishing Children's fiction Middle Grade
Release date September 11, 2018 368 pages

I was lucky enough to be selected to read this book before it is released. I enjoyed this book greatly. I gave it 4 stars.
This book is about a Latino family who live in Florida. The family consist of a grandma, grandpa, aunt, twin cousins, mom, dad, older brother and the main character Merci. They really aren't poor but nor are they rich. probably low middle class. Both of the older children go to a private school by way of scholarship. The dad owns his own business as a painter and to pay the children's books during the summer they painted the gym. They wear a uniform to this school. Merci isn't as smart as her older brother who loves science. She has lazy eye and has gone the process of wearing a patch and having surgery. Her eye still has some issues at times. The students are required to do community service at this school. Most students only have to do 40 hours but Merci and her brother have to do 60 hours because of their scholarship. She isn't thrilled about her community service which is being a Sunshine Buddy. She ends up being a buddy to a boy which is unusually for a girl to be buddy with a boy. All the other children tease her when she tries to make contact in school. This new boy Michael Clark is a very cute boy and all the girls talk about him.
This book is about Merci and the things she goes through not only at school but also at home. She hates have to help out with her twin cousins because now she isn't able to go to soccer try outs which she really wants to do because she has to her Grandma watch the twins. Her Grandpa whom she adores is sick and she does find out but is the last to know and gets upset with her family for not telling her sooner. She is scared and mad at the same time.
This is a great book for a middle grader to read because it will explain about the disease her grandpa has in a very understanding way. It will give them understanding on how you can work through some hard times.
It is hard to go into detail because I don't want to give anything away about this story. I read most of it in one setting.
The author did a great job.
My Life with Bob
My Life with Bob
Pamela Paul | 2017 | Biography, Essays
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I need to read more books about books, because the few that I've read, I've really enjoyed! Earlier this year I read Tolstoy and the Purple Chair, and loved it. I have holds on Voracious: A Hungry Reader Cooks Her Way Through Great Books and The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe. (I also have a hold on The Man Who Loved Books Too Much, but I'm not sure that quite counts.) And, in looking up the links for those books, I just put holds on three more books about reading, since this is a genre I apparently enjoy!

My Life with Bob is about the author's reading life. Bob is a notebook she uses to keep track of what she's read. Just title and author, and whether or not she's finished it. Very simple. But in looking back through what she's read, she recalls where she was, and what she was doing or going through at the time. So the real story is how her reading choices fit into her life, and how being a bookworm affected her life.

I enjoyed the book, with the slight irritation (in the latter part of the book) of her insistence on calling Young Adult literature, Children's Lit. Children's books are picture books and books for young readers, not The Fault in Our Stars and The Hunger Games. Those are Young Adult, and there's a pretty big difference in my opinion. Maybe not in the professional world; she is the editor of The New York Times Book Review. But it's frustrating to hear her talk about Kid Lit and lump Harry Potter in with a 36-page autobiography of a teddy bear written for kids under 10.

I was also a little shocked to learn (in the book!) she wrote a book about how porn is destroying the American family, and testified before Congress about it, sponsored by Senators Orrin Hatch and Sam Brownback. I normally don't have a problem reading Republican authors - I often don't know the exact political leanings of authors - but I'm reading about her reading choices, and suddenly they are all suspect. (She disliked Ayn Rand, at least, so that's something.) The book was published in May of last year, so after the last presidential election. Anyone who acknowledges working with the GOP at this point, and isn't embarrassed by it, immediately gets a black mark in my book.

So ultimately I'm torn on this book. I liked reading it. I dislike the author. (I will never even try to be non-political on this blog. Sorry-not-sorry.)

You can find all my reviews at
This Little Prayer of Mine
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Little Prayer of Mine is a beautiful prayer book that every kid—and parent—should read and pray. It gets down into the heart, disclosing what's really there and how we all really feel. I was surprised how much I as an 18 year old related to this book. I pray the same prayers—though not in such beautiful verse—as this prayer.

It targets just about everything: the biblical command to be joyful: "help me to be happy," the search for the God's will: "show me what the right path is and help me follow you," and even loneliness and depression: "please let me know you're here with me and everything's alright," and then our end path, what really matters: "but most of all I'm grateful for your love that never ends." I had shivers running down my spine while I read this prayer.

Not only is it a wonderful prayer in itself, but the rhythm of the verse is enchanting and perfectly smooth. The illustrations are beautiful, and instantly reminded me of Max Lucado's children's book You Are Special (those of you who don't know, another highly recommended book and author).

This Little Prayer of Mine may be short, but it's a prayer that needs to be read by the big and the small.

Recommendation: Ages 4+
From the Dark (Bewitch the Dark #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the Dark has some interesting ideas, nothing original but good still the same; it's just too bad the story couldn't come together. I got to the end of page 170 and just could not go on. I hate to be so harsh but I was not going to force this torture onto myself anymore.

The main problem with the book was how hurried it was; the book had too much going on and was light on a decent plot, yet it still ended up boring. For the most part the story consisted of parts that were redundant, cheesy, weird, and/or ludicrous, which in turn made me cringe. The characters were one-dimensional, boring, and unsympathetic; I can't say I hated them and I can't say I liked them, although Ravin got on my nerves. Not to mention, what was up with the counting thing? What is Michael, Sesame Street's the Count? I mean if that was used in a children's book or a comedic PNR than fine, but in a supposedly serious paranormal romance? It's not funny, it's bloody ridiculous.

I'm sorry to say this, but this whole disaster made me think the author just half-heartedly wrote the book by filling in blanks around a few ideas. I sincerely hope Michele Hauf's other books are much better than this.
P.S. I Miss You
P.S. I Miss You
Jen Petro-Roy | 2018 | Children, Contemporary, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
P.S. I Miss You by Jen Petro-Roy is a captivating and authentic story of a young girl as she writes letters to her sister about the issues of their lives. Evie's voice drives the action in a way that feels real and true, with the urgency and intensity of a young woman opening her heart to her older sister and confidante.

This beautiful, moving story celebrates the deep connection between sisters. Evie's letters to her older sister Cilla, sent away by conservative Catholic parents after becoming pregnant in high school, give such a detailed glimpse into the life and mind of the seventh grade protagonist. Evie's admiration for Cilla shines throughout, as well as the way she sees herself as akin to her sister -- is she a sinner in her parents' eyes, too, because she has a crush on her female friend, June? I loved following along as Evie turns over so many deep questions in her mind. I yearned for Cilla and Evie's parents to reconsider their strongly held beliefs and become more compassionate, yet their portrayal is unfortunately true to life in this very polarized historical moment we find ourselves in.

I received an ARC from Macmillan Children's Publishing Group and Feiwel & Friends via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

I give this book 5/5 stars.
Poppy (Poppy, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poppy by Mary Hooper is a sweet novel. The book gives a look at the lives of English nurses of World War One who took care of soldiers who wounded where their injuries were to the extent that caused the soldier to be returned home. Poppy shows World War One in a fresh and touching perspective.

Poppy takes a look at some of the less talked aspects of war. The book foxes on returned soldier who had facial injuries leaving them disfigured and cause damage to themselves to get away from the fighting and being strong. The topics discussed are series and sensitive issues but the author, Mary Hooper, does a great job of addressing and dealing with the issues in Poppy.

One aspect I enjoyed was the letters that were interspersed throughout the story. The letters brought the voice of the character into the story. I felt the story was an enjoyable and quite touching. They writing style flows well and was easy to slip into the story. It was great to see the novel tackle some of the less well-known aspects of the First World War and I only hope the second book does the same.

I give this story 4/5 stars.

I received this book from Bloomsbury USA Children's Books via Netgalley in exchange of a honest review.
The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #5)
The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #5)
C.S. Lewis | 1995 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, is this the third Narnia book, or is it the fifth?

The answer to that is whether you go by chronological setting (in which case it's the third), or by publication date (it's the fifth).

This is also a story that I didn't remember reading as a child; however, when I was recently re-reading it I was finding plot elements to be a little-bit-more-familiar than I was otherwise expecting: perhaps I did, and had just forgotten.

Unlike [b: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe|100915|The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)|C.S. Lewis||4790821], this does not follow the Pevensie children, but rather the journey of a young boy named Shasta who discovers he was adopted and is running away to Narnia when his adoptive father is about to sell him into slavery; running away alongside/with the help of the talking horse Bree. Along the way they fall in with a girl named Aravis and her talking horse Hwin, who are also making the same escape.

While I've heard arguments recently that, in this book, CS Lewis is displaying his own racist xenophobia ('fair and white ... accursed but beautiful Barbarians'), personally I think that is reading too much into what is simply intended to be a children's Arabian Nights esque fairytale
The Doll Factory
The Doll Factory
Elizabeth Macneal | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

The Doll Factory is the debut novel of Elizabeth Macneal. It is not a children's book. Before reading it, some reviewers thought it could be because of the cover. Afterward, they realized they were mistaken.

It is a historical fiction novel set in 1850 London. It revolves around Iris, a doll maker, who dreams of a better life. Iris knows her life drastically changes when she meets Louis Frost, a painter, who agrees to teach her to paint in exchange for sitting as his model. What she does not know is it also drastically changes with a brief exchange with Silas, a strange collector who is entranced and quickly becomes obsessed with Iris.

The story is a slow burn and took a while for me to really get into it. It was because of this, the story felt longer than 336 pages. Macneal's description of Silas's increasing obsession with Iris is creepy, dark, and extremely believable. What made it creepier is that Iris does not even remember meeting Silas. Yet, he believes Iris is as infatuated with him as he is with her. This theme has been done before but the 1850 London setting helps make the obsession even darker.

This 200-word review was published on on 2/6/2020.