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The Sprightly Carrot's Dream
The Sprightly Carrot's Dream
Jennifer Tremblay | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a cute spring story for your children or child? One that may deal with a significant issue that comes away gently but deals with the problem. I thought this was a fun and lovely story about the persuasion of what you wanted. But also, bullying does not always get your way. The Sprightly Carrot's Dream is the book to get.

Children will learn some suitable life lessons about bullying and learn about gardening; Children will learn about kindness and friendship. I did see this throughout the book. I wonder what Spright will do to achieve this dream? Will he get his goal, or will he not.

Sometimes being what you are is essential, and enjoying that. Children will learn something about carrots and also about flowers. Will Dave get what is coming to him? The way he acts and does not like Spright for some reason.

Parents will love this book on their children's bookshelves as it does teach some lessons about some fun things. Parents and children can learn about carrots and learn something about carrot roots and what they might make. You will be surprised.

The author does a beautiful job with this. I even learned something about carrot roots and what could happen. I thought the story was sweet. The pictures are beautiful as we
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
Mike Berenstain, Jan Berenstain | 2009 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks is another excellent book to have for your child or children's bookshelves during the holiday season. Suppose you are looking for another good Thanksgiving book. This one is good.

This one somewhat brings in the fact of Sister's feelings about Thanksgiving dinner and a turkey. Have you had to distract a child from worrying and giving them something else to do? Well, this book shows that with Sister Bear and her worry about a turkey named Plymouth. Mama seems to come up with a suggestion that Sister can write a play about Thanksgiving or the Pilgrims Bears and their journey over to the new land. How we have our Thanksgiving feast and how it came about.

This book teaches several different life lessons and some meaningful things we should be thankful for. Children should be able to describe what Thanksgiving is at your house by their feelings or senses. What could they all be?

Some things children can do as they wait for the dinner on Thanksgiving occur act out or write a Thanksgiving story or what they think the Thanksgiving story is. You may be surprised what Thanksgiving means for them or your family.

Parents and grandparents might want to add this to your child's bookshelves, for they will want to read and reread it. It is terrific to read before the holiday.

Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Annie (2014) in Movies

Jul 31, 2022  
Annie (2014)
Annie (2014)
2014 | Drama, Family, Musical
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Having never seen the original movie, I went in to this with a clean slate and nothing to compare it to. Therefore this review will be based purely on just this version of the movie.

The movie begins with Annie giving her school report before summer break, the school bell goes and Annie heads........ Anywhere but home. It seems she stays out pretty late to the point where you think she's homeless, but then she finally goes home where she is met by a woman who is not very nice to her. She then goes to her room when we realise she's in foster care with 4 other children, and it's not long before they're singing and Annie is trying to find her real parents.

There seems to be a back and forth story with this rich guy running for mayor, but we soon find out his role in the story as he invites Annie to move in with him to boost his career.

At first I couldn't get into the movie, it came across as poorly acted and the songs wasn't very catchy. However, as the movie went on it got better and by the end there was definitely "dust in my eye". It was very much a children's film though, so whilst it may not have much of a rewatch factor for adults, kids will love it.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Nightcrawling in Books

Aug 27, 2022 (Updated Aug 27, 2022)  
Leila Mottley | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a firm five star read for me. Itā€™s visceral, heartbreaking and beautifully written.

Kiara, 17 years old, gets drawn in to prostitution and is picked up by a group of corrupt cops who like to ā€˜inviteā€™ young sex workers to their parties. And a lot of these girls are too young. Kiara included.

It really angered me that people who were supposed to take care of and protect people, young black girls included, should take advantage and blackmail them.

Kiara and her neighbours son Trevor, live in poverty. Kiara has stopped going to school, so has no qualifications and no one will employ her. Trevorā€™s mother goes missing for days at a time, and Kiara sees children's services as a last resort, wholly unacceptable. So to feed them and to pay the rent, she walks the streets, sells sex, and does what the cops want her to do. These men made me feel quite murderous, actually.

Nightcrawling made me feel emotionally exhausted, but I had to read every page. Itā€™s a story that drags you in, grabs your attention, and doesnā€™t let go until the last page. The fact that itā€™s based on a true story makes it even more saddening.

If youā€™re up for a challenge, Iā€™d recommend this. It deserves its place on the Booker Prize long list.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole.
Max Attacks
Max Attacks
Kathi Appelt, Penelope Dullaghan | 2019 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Cute, Fun Story!
I admit that I was sucked in by the cover for Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt. Then I read the synopsis, and I knew that I had to read this for myself and for my 4 year old son. We were both delighted and entertained throughout this cute story. In fact, my son wanted me to read this book again right after we were done reading it the first time!

The plot for Max...Attacks if very simplistic yet fun. It's an easy plot to understand for young children. Max is a cat how likes playing (attacking) everything in sight! It's basically just a day in a life of a cat that children (and adults) will definitely enjoy with plenty of humorous moments!

The rhyming in Max...Attacks is done superbly and in such a fun way that makes it easy to read and understand. My 4 year old loved the rhyming throughout this book as did I. The easy language and rhyming help this book to flow smoothly. Sentence structure is fantastic.

The titular character of Max is one that children (and adults) will fall in love with. He's easy to love, and he's funny without even trying to be. My son and I laughed over and over at Max's attacking adventures! We also the dog and even the goldfish in the book. Okay, we loved every character. It was hard not to. I believe Kathi Appelt captured a day in the life of a cat perfectly!

The illustrations for Max...Attacks were done beautifully yet simplistically. Penelope Dullaghan, the illustrator for this book, did an amazing job with the illustrations. They are vibrant, very colorful, and extremely fun to look at. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the illustrations really helped to make Max...Attacks as great and as enjoyable as it is. The attention to detail in these illustrations is also spot on. Seriously, these illustrations are some of the cutest and most fun that I've seen in a children's picture book in awhile. If you're looking for a book that will hold even the most inattentive child's attention, Max...Attacks is the book you need!

All in all, Max...Attacks is an incredibly fun children's book to read as well as to look at. The amazing illustrations as well as the entertaining story will definitely thrill children and adults alike. I would definitely recommend Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt to everyone no matter their age. If you are looking for books for a specific age group, I think this would appeal to children between the ages of 3 - 6 the most. Max...Attacks gets a solid 5 out of 5 stars from me and my son.
(A special thank you to Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing me with an eBook of Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The God of Small Things in Books

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 11, 2017)  
The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things
Arundhati Roy | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant way with words
This beautifully-written book tells the story of Estha and Rahel, a twin brother and sister who have been long separated due to a family tragedy about which we only learn the full truth near the end of the book, and who come back together at the age of 31 at the family home.

The book moves seamlessly between the summer that the twins were seven, when their lives changed for ever, and their present, as they strive to come to terms with the guilt of their past. Along with exploring the children's lives, Roy also develops in detail those family members and friends who have been most important to them - their frail violinist grandmother Mamachi (a battered wife turned domestic tyrant after her husband's death), their beautiful, frustrated mother Ammu, their overweight depressive uncle Chacko, and his English ex-wife Margaret and extrovert little daughter Sophie, the mysterious gardener Velutha, the local communist Mr Pillai and the twins' great aunt, 'Baby' (Navomi) Kochamma, the only one of the family to still be around when the twins reach the age of 31, and the most bitter and destructive in the entire doomed clan.

There is a great deal to admire in the book. Roy tells a lot about Indian customs without ever giving way to dry lectures, but there are a lot of unanswered questions left in the book. Nevertheless, this is a wonderful read by a superb author.
What a struggle! For over one-hundred pages, I slogged through mediocre writing, awkward and stilted dialogue, and then just as it's starting to get interesting, the author decides to stop and skip almost a year! Then the plot continues where it left off and plods on for the remainder of the book.

The heavy-handed use of religion is the least of it's problems, which should have at least have fit in better and not tossed like an oversight. I could not sympathize with any of the characters, the reader only got a cursory look at them, with Madeleine being worst of the lot (what a twit). The history is superficial and thrown in randomly; it rather reminded me of a children's book or show where they're being taught by an adult. Not to mention two years pass and there is no sense of it, we're just told in ten-twenty pages, not shown. That was an opportunity wasted right there and could have been the most interesting aspect of this novel. IN THE SHADOW OF THE SUN KING glossed over way too much and what remained was boring and stale.

Maybe the casual reader or more devout will enjoy it more, but I would have given up after fifty pages if I didn't have to review the sequel, A PRISONER AT VERSAILLES, and thought I <i>should</i> read this first. Hopefully, it will be much better because I'm really dreading it.
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Robert Beatty | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will confess that it's been quite some time since I read a middle grade/young adult book, but perusing my children's family night book fair, I came across this book. I read the back of it and noticed one thing. Biltmore. Living in North Carolina, a few hours away from the Biltmore, I thought it would be the perfect dive back into the wonderful world of innocence and fun. I wasn't wrong!

Serafina and The Black Cloak is a wonderful start to Mr. Beatty's Serafina series. I read this in two sittings and loved every minute of this read! Serafina's character is wonderful and I loved following her along the halls of the Biltmore Estate. The story is filled with just the right amount of kid-friendly mystery and is perfect for those curious minds that love to seek out clues and solve the puzzle.
Serafina's search for answers on the disappearances within the walls of the magnificently built estate, and the lovely story line, Mr. Beatty has just become my favorite author for books like this. I am already looking forward to reading book 2, Serafina and the Twisted Staff. If it's anything like this book, it will be just as captivating and filled with tremendous dosesĀ  of 5 star worthy moments! Fantastically done, Mr. Beatty. Fantastically done. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The Great Shelby Holmes by Elizabeth Eulberg was a wonderful story that I enjoyed. At the beginning of the story the reader is introduced to John Watson who recently moved with his mother to 221 Baker Street in Harlem, New York. John's parents recently divorced. John's mom finished her tour of duty as a military doctor and is recovering from a wound she received in Afghanistan. Mrs. Hudson, new landlady, introduced John to the girl, Shelby, who lives in apartment 221B. John is use to moving around and making friends easily as a military brat but this is the first non-Army post. John's mom selected an apartment to move to in order to be near her new john and a great school for John.

School has not started yet and John does not know anyone or his way around the neighborhood. However, with Shelby as his guide, John learns his way around town soon. He discovered that Shelby knows everyone in their area. Shelby is a talented child who solves mysteries around the neighborhood, but this is an annoyance to Detective Lestrade for the NYPD. John and Shelby friendship causes the reader to be pulled into the story. I could not turn the pages fast enough to find out the answers to my questions and the mysteries.

I give this book a 4 out 5 stars.

I received this book from Bloomsbury USA Children's Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Debbie (52 KP) rated Bob in Books

Aug 14, 2018  
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bob By: Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead
Children's Fiction 216 pages

The copy of this book I have is a B&N Exclusive Edition so it has a bonus chapter in it.
I picked up this book to read to my son, David. This book takes place in Australia.
It has been five years since Livy has visited her Grandmother in Australia. Now that she has returned she has a feeling she is forgetting something. She goes into her mom's old bedroom where she stayed before and she opens up the closet and out comes this small greenish creature in a chicken suit. This creature is named Bob. He has been waiting five years for Livy to come back for him. He doesn't know who or what he is and five years ago Livy promised to find out. Now it is time for Livy to keep that promise. Bob has a big job helping Livy remember things from five years ago. When Livy is away from Bob for any length of time she starts forgetting about him. As you read the story it takes you through some fun events to help solve the mystery of who Bob is. This was a fun story. There are differences of how Australia talk and what things are called in that country compared to ours. I would recommend that you read this book. We gave it 4 stars.