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Ronaldo: Rudi's Birthday Extravaganza
Ronaldo: Rudi's Birthday Extravaganza
Maxine Sylvester | 2017 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was that once again Ronaldo puts his friendship with Rudi first. (0 more)
What I did not like about this book was actually similar to my complaint about the previous book. This time there is entire chapter about Ronaldo breaking wind. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
The book Ronaldo: Rudis Birthday Extravaganza by Maxine Sylvester followed perfectly in the footsteps of the previous book in the Ronaldo series. It comes right after Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher that I previously gave a 4 out of 4. This is another wonderful Ronaldo book although it was not quite what I expected from the title. For some reason, I was expecting the entire book to take place at Rudi's birthday party but that was not the case.

The book opens to Ronaldo looking at his options for Rudi's birthday present. Then Rudi's mother shows up asking Ronaldo for his help. Rudi needs to go the doctor for an injured hoof but he is afraid of needles and is refusing to go. Ronaldo agrees to go along so that he can support and comfort Rudi. On the way home Ronaldo ends up helping his favorite baker with her shopping bags. After learning that her hip is hurt Ronaldo offers to deliver her cakes to the bakery for her.

On the news Ronaldo lears of Vixen's Workshop and his parents agree to let him go. Rudi wants to go as well but can't because his father just lost his job. Ronaldo takes his earnings from the cake deliveries and tries to pay for Rudi to got to the Workshop himself, unfortunately there is no room. Little dose Ronaldo know Rudi's father got a job with the baker and also tried to get Rudi into the Workshop but was unable to do so as well. At his party Rudi got a wonderful suprise by meeting Vixen and discovering he was going to be able to go to the Workshop anyway.

What I liked best was that once again Ronaldo puts his friendship with Rudi first. He offers his own money that he worked hard for to ty to do something that meant a lot to his friend and that is not all he did Rudi. This book also teaches about honesty as well as the value of friendship. What I did not like about this book was actually similar to my complaint about the previous book. This time there is entire chapter about Ronaldo breaking wind. Again I do understand the usefulness of it in this book as a consequence of Ronaldo being greedy with suckers and cake. I just could do without it.

Target readers for this book is the exact same as the previous one. Elementary students, probably around second grade could handle this book without a problem. Chapters are short and words such as "apprentice" are explained within the story for readers who might not be familiar with them. I rate this book 4 out of 4. It is a great children's book with a wonderful story line. There are even a few nice surprises along the way. I look forward to my own children being old enough to enjoy the Ronaldo books.
The Witches
The Witches
Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl | 1983 | Children
8.5 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:

<b><i>The most important thing you should know about REAL WITCHES is this. Listen very carefully. Never forget what is coming next.

REAL WITCHES dress in ordinary clothes and look very much like ordinary women. They live in ordinary houses and they work in ORDINARY JOBS.

That is why they are so hard to catch.</b></i>

Truth be told, I never read this book as a child. I got about 40 pages in and it scared the living daylights out of me. Now, as an adult, I can still understand why. I can now also truly appreciate how terrifying it is! I mean, this book contains subjects such as a car accident killing our narrator's parents, adults murdering and eating their own children, children being led away by claw handed women, maids threatening to drown pets… it’s all so horrifying!

The imagery in this book is the stuff of nightmares. Grandma really doesn't hold back on the horror and gore in her stories, they are deliciously dark and disturbing. Honestly, one of the worst parts of this book, for me, is when we first encounter a witch from the narrator's eyes - <b><i>She was looking up at me and smiling in the most peculiar way… this woman’s lips went upwards and downwards, showing all her front teeth and gums. The gums were like raw meat.</b></i> Gah, horrifying!

<i>Fun fact:</i> This book terrified (and terrifies) me so much that I'm still affected by it today (no thanks to my mum!!) Each and every night I <i>still</i> tuck my thumbs into my fists, to stop the witches coming and taking them away, like they did with Grandma’s.

While I am still scared by this book, I can also now appreciate the comedic aspects of it too. Grandma is an absolute hoot! Some of the conversations between grandson and narrator are hilarious.

Why this book is for kids I'll never know, so as a children's book, it gets 2 stars, but in general terms I think this is one of the best horror novels I've ever and will ever read so it gets a full 5 out of 5 from me!
The Iron Man
The Iron Man
Ted Hughes | 1968 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I chose to read The Iron Man by Ted Hughes as part of my Potions prompt for my OWLs Readathon in April. I am very glad I picked it up, because it was such a pleasant short read. 

This is a Children's book about a little boy an an iron man. The Iron Man starts eating all the metal in the town, and the concerned town members capture him. But when a bigger danger comes around, the might need the help of the Iron Man after all. 

The book was beautifully written and it had many illustrations that supported the story. Illustrations are always something I truly admire. These may have been a bit too grim for me though. 

The writing is very smooth and easy to digest. I believe that it is able to spark a child's imagination and curiosity. The book is entangled in bravery, friendships and adventure, and I am certain that it will be a child's dear friend forever, should they read it once. 

I recommend watching the 1999 animated movie The Iron Giant after reading the book, for better enjoyment. 

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The Sprightly Carrot&#039;s Dream
The Sprightly Carrot's Dream
Jennifer Tremblay | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a cute spring story for your children or child? One that may deal with a significant issue that comes away gently but deals with the problem. I thought this was a fun and lovely story about the persuasion of what you wanted. But also, bullying does not always get your way. The Sprightly Carrot's Dream is the book to get.

Children will learn some suitable life lessons about bullying and learn about gardening; Children will learn about kindness and friendship. I did see this throughout the book. I wonder what Spright will do to achieve this dream? Will he get his goal, or will he not.

Sometimes being what you are is essential, and enjoying that. Children will learn something about carrots and also about flowers. Will Dave get what is coming to him? The way he acts and does not like Spright for some reason.

Parents will love this book on their children's bookshelves as it does teach some lessons about some fun things. Parents and children can learn about carrots and learn something about carrot roots and what they might make. You will be surprised.

The author does a beautiful job with this. I even learned something about carrot roots and what could happen. I thought the story was sweet. The pictures are beautiful as we
Housekeeping: Faber Modern Classics
Housekeeping: Faber Modern Classics
Marilynne Robinson | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Haunting imagery, tremendous classic American literature
There was something deeply unsettling yet moving about this book exploring abandonment, solitude and loss over the span of three generations of women in a family.

Ruth, who is our main narrator, is speaking about her childhood in which her sister Lucille and her were continually abandoned by one family or another. Eventually they end up with their deeply eccentric aunt Sylvie, and she seems completely incapable in many ways of being a responsible parent, but rather a sister instead. She leads a transcient life, having deserted her husband, jumping on trains to get from place to place. She's a spirited wanderer, and sees Ruth as an ally and her own sister, Helen, who killed herself at the start of the book.

Their solitary life of never mixing, but staying in the great outdoors both seems idyllic and claustrophobic. There are images of the lake where the children's mother committed suicide, that seem to draw the women to this area. The metaphors are cold and quiet hence it feels unnerving.

It's a classic American tale about real women, which makes this different to the old books talking only about marriage and fidelity.
The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Glaser is a wonderful book that's positively overflowing with charm. The Vanderbeeker children are hilarious, and I fell instantly in love with each one of them and with the happy chaos of their household of 5 children, one dog, one cat and one bunny.

The five Vanderbeeker children range from age 4-and-three-quarters to twelve; four girls and one boy. They also have a dog, a cat and a rabbit which all adds up to one bustling household. When they find out their lease will not be renewed for the new year, the kids all come up with their own ways to convince their landlord to let them stay.

Each of the kids are endearing in their own way, as are the the various neighbors who are such a big part of life as they know it. The Vanderbeekers face troubles, misunderstandings and heartaches, but in their lives there is also beauty, music, ingenuity, teamwork, and love.

I received this ARC from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children's Book Group and HMH Books for Young Readers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 
Think Big (The Live Big Series #3)
Think Big (The Live Big Series #3)
Kat Kronenberg | 2020 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love the way the pictures can tell a story. Think Big is adorable. It tells a story of helping each other out and along with believing in yourself. The way this story is told is just unique to anything I have seen in a children's book.

Children will love it. The big words around the page will have little one say them. I loved that it a fun way for some children to repeat them. The animals are relatable. I enjoyed the story. Each animal and living thing has to find their way to see how are the best that they can be.

Kat Kronenberg can does this though the animals need to learn to work together and help to survive. Will they do it. Will their hearts and minds connect and they Think Big to get what they need to grow and be the best they can be?

Parents and Grandparents will love reading this to their children and grandchildren. It makes me want to read and reread the book myself if I had children. It is adorable and cute. I hope to pick up the first to books of this series.
Wish You Weren't
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

The blurb of this book really caught my eye. I don't usually read middle grade books, but this one sounded very interesting.

The title of this book is fantastic! It's really conveys what the book is about. Once you read the book, you'll know what I'm talking about.

I like the cover, but I don't feel like a child in junior high school or elementary would be drawn to the cover. For me, the cover encompasses what this book is about.

The world building, for a children's book, was believable. I feel like children will instantly be immersed in Marten's world.

The pacing starts off decent enough, but I felt like it becomes a little too fast paced. There were times I was left so confused as to what had just happened. I felt like the transitions between one scene to the next weren't very smooth. I feel that maybe if this book was a little bit longer, the pacing could have been better as things could've been explained a bit better.

I think children in middle school and older elementary children will definitely enjoy the plot. I'm sure many children with younger siblings have been so annoyed with them, that they've wished they would disappear. That's exactly what happens to Marten, but after his wish comes true, he begins to regret it and does anything and everything he can in order to make his little brother come back. Wish You Weren't conveys such a fantastic message about being a family.

I think most children will be able to easily relate to Marten. He's an 11 year old boy who is sick of his younger brother always messing with his stuff and always getting him in trouble. Marten is definitely a brave boy, and throughout the book, it's easy to see how much he really does love his brother as well as the rest of the family. I don't really have an opinion about Paul. On one hand, he just felt like a really pointless character, but I could see why the author chose to put him in the book. Paul is Marten's best friend, and I felt like he contributed to making Marten feel a bit braver. I would've like to know more about Aldrin, Marten's younger brother, so I would feel a bit more emotional towards him.

The dialogue flows really well and fits in with a middle grade level book. I think children who are interested in astronomy will really love this book as there's some scientific information regarding stars and space in this book. There's not any violence or sexual references and no swearing unless you consider "hell" a swear word which was only mentioned once.

Overall, Wish You Weren't by Sherrie Petersen is a great read for older elementary children as well as those in junior high. It touches on a topic that most children can relate to and has a sense of adventure to it. The only downside was the pacing which goes a little too fast although that doesn't take away from the book that much. However, the message this book conveys is a very good one!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 8+ who have ever wished a sibling away or for those that like a book that has a great sense of adventure within its pages.

(I received a free ebook of this title from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Home For Christmas (Texas #9)
Home For Christmas (Texas #9)
RJ Scott | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Home For Christmas (Texas #9) by R.J. Scott
Home for Christmas is the ninth book in the Texas series, and we reunite with the Campbell-Hayes clan. It starts with Christmas (obviously) and Connor ready to make his way home. Before he goes though, he has to rescue a friend from a roof. River is blind drunk and speaks about things he had wanted to keep from Connor. Connor decides to throw an intervention, and the story starts.

Connor admits to being a fixer, and he thinks River needs fixing. The only trouble is, he doesn't really know River that well, and therefore has no idea on what to fix.

It was good catching up with the clan again, and I love how Jack and Riley still have their say, and insights, in their children's lives. Personally, I would have liked a bit more about River and his past, his condition, and what it took to move him forward, but this is only a short novel so I guess I can't have everything.

As with all of R.J. Scott's books, this was smoothly written, with some angst, and definitely some sexy times. The characters are wonderful to return to, and the scenery is breathtaking, making me want to see their ranch in real life.

Another winner for this author, and the series. I know this is supposed to be the final book, but is it really...? I hope not! Definitely recommended by me.

* I received a copy of this book with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Together Forever (Orphan Train, #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Any time I pick up a Jody Hedlund book, I wish I could just cancel the day and binge read. Alas, life happens and children must be fed...However, there is a point in each of her books that demands that you read past your bedtime in order to finish (and that happened to me last night).

Filled with rich detail and engaging history, Together Forever will whisk you away to another era. A heartbreaking time in our history, I have learned a lot about The Children's Aid Society and the orphan trains through this series.

Marianne Neumann is a young woman riddled with guilt from past decisions. She is in a place that I am sure many of us have been. Thinking that God no longer cares, or would even bother with the likes of her. Her journey of acceptance, truth, and love is one to cherish. I LOVE the tender, fun, and passionate Andrew Brady. He too battles with forgiving himself for past mistakes...but his faith and character make him stand out among heroes.

Jody Hedlund never ceases to capture my heart and soul with her stories and Together Forever, is no exception. Faith, family, and romance are at the heart of this story. Let it sweep you away and get lost in a good book today! Together Forever is Book TWO in the Orphan Train Series, make sure to check out the prequel (An Awakened Heart) and Book One (With You Always) first.

I received a complimentary copy of Together Forever from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.