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I Miss You Most
I Miss You Most
Cassie Hoyt | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Were you looking for a book for your child last year to explain the different way life is for some time and still going on a bit for now with Covid? Well “I Miss You Most” by Cassie Hoyt has come to mind. I would have read this one earlier in the year if I received it earlier. That's okay I read it now. This book reminds me of the Covid 19 lockdowns and might be able to help children with the stress of distancing.

This book deals with the emotion of missing your loved ones that are far away. It is a good one all around. It might help the social distancing we have to deal with. It works for distance in a general manner rather than just a specific time.

The illustrations are beautiful. This book also deals with child imagination. It also shows that distance is not a faraway thing. You can call your distant relative as well to stay in contact. The rhyming in this book is just good. I do not all rhyme though. Think of all the things you can do when you see that loved one next time.

I love the way this book is done and can be used at any time. The plot can be used for any type of distance like a friend that lives far away or down the block. Good for bedtime reading as well. Parents will want this on their child's or children's bookshelves.
Children seem to sometimes have a difficult time with change. Are you planning to move to a new place with a child or children? This book named "The Adventures of Molly and Ollie: Moving Day" by Sally Beale may be a book to pick up.

This book deals with changes. It seems like it deals with emotions a child or children may express. They find that maybe things will not be so different after all. Who is Ollie? You will be surprised at what he does? There seems to be a conversation between Ollie and Molly about her moving to a new house? Will Molly warm up to her new bedroom and the place she moved to?

This sweet plot deals with change and moving away. I enjoy the way the pictures remain made; They are colorful and magical. Children will enjoy the images. How does Molly get her room unpacked? You will be surprised and enjoy it. I know children will want this book to read to them and reread to them.

Parents might want to have this book on the child or children's bookshelves for fun. But will help with your child's emotions on moving and dealing with change. Meeting someone new may help with making it easier to move to a new house and town. I can not wait to read more of The adventures of Molly and Ollie. I wonder what Molly and Ollie deal with in book 2.
Another sweet Easter story I found. This one is about Ava and Aaron Easter. The Easter story is something I haven't seen in a children's book yet. Children will learn some teachable moments and learn about teamwork. There is rhyming throughout the book, and this is book nine in the series. Suppose you remember Ava and Aaron's, Christmas Story. Well, this is the third book about them. Only this one is about their Easter.

Will Ava and Aaron learn to take turns and help find each other out to find all five Easter eggs for their team? Children will love reading and learning to read as well. Throughout the book, there is strong teamwork, with Aaron and Ava working to solve the clues.

There may be some fun and enjoyable idea for parents to come up with for the Easter hunt or another way to celebrate Easter with the children and learn about teamwork. What Easter ideas or fun things can your child or children come up to do with others and learn about teamwork?

Children can learn to read with this rhyming story. What adventure did Ava and Aaron go on? Will they win their contest? I hope they enjoy and see that having fun is better than winning. This book does focus on teamwork and solving the clues. Can your child or children solve the clue to find the hidden easter eggs?