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This Little Prayer of Mine
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Little Prayer of Mine is a beautiful prayer book that every kid—and parent—should read and pray. It gets down into the heart, disclosing what's really there and how we all really feel. I was surprised how much I as an 18 year old related to this book. I pray the same prayers—though not in such beautiful verse—as this prayer.

It targets just about everything: the biblical command to be joyful: "help me to be happy," the search for the God's will: "show me what the right path is and help me follow you," and even loneliness and depression: "please let me know you're here with me and everything's alright," and then our end path, what really matters: "but most of all I'm grateful for your love that never ends." I had shivers running down my spine while I read this prayer.

Not only is it a wonderful prayer in itself, but the rhythm of the verse is enchanting and perfectly smooth. The illustrations are beautiful, and instantly reminded me of Max Lucado's children's book You Are Special (those of you who don't know, another highly recommended book and author).

This Little Prayer of Mine may be short, but it's a prayer that needs to be read by the big and the small.

Recommendation: Ages 4+
From the Dark (Bewitch the Dark #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the Dark has some interesting ideas, nothing original but good still the same; it's just too bad the story couldn't come together. I got to the end of page 170 and just could not go on. I hate to be so harsh but I was not going to force this torture onto myself anymore.

The main problem with the book was how hurried it was; the book had too much going on and was light on a decent plot, yet it still ended up boring. For the most part the story consisted of parts that were redundant, cheesy, weird, and/or ludicrous, which in turn made me cringe. The characters were one-dimensional, boring, and unsympathetic; I can't say I hated them and I can't say I liked them, although Ravin got on my nerves. Not to mention, what was up with the counting thing? What is Michael, Sesame Street's the Count? I mean if that was used in a children's book or a comedic PNR than fine, but in a supposedly serious paranormal romance? It's not funny, it's bloody ridiculous.

I'm sorry to say this, but this whole disaster made me think the author just half-heartedly wrote the book by filling in blanks around a few ideas. I sincerely hope Michele Hauf's other books are much better than this.
Poppy (Poppy, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poppy by Mary Hooper is a sweet novel. The book gives a look at the lives of English nurses of World War One who took care of soldiers who wounded where their injuries were to the extent that caused the soldier to be returned home. Poppy shows World War One in a fresh and touching perspective.

Poppy takes a look at some of the less talked aspects of war. The book foxes on returned soldier who had facial injuries leaving them disfigured and cause damage to themselves to get away from the fighting and being strong. The topics discussed are series and sensitive issues but the author, Mary Hooper, does a great job of addressing and dealing with the issues in Poppy.

One aspect I enjoyed was the letters that were interspersed throughout the story. The letters brought the voice of the character into the story. I felt the story was an enjoyable and quite touching. They writing style flows well and was easy to slip into the story. It was great to see the novel tackle some of the less well-known aspects of the First World War and I only hope the second book does the same.

I give this story 4/5 stars.

I received this book from Bloomsbury USA Children's Books via Netgalley in exchange of a honest review.
    The Very Cranky Bear

    The Very Cranky Bear

    Book and Education

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    ‎"It takes the characters that you’ve come to love and brings them to life. It even invites you...

The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
Mike Berenstain, Jan Berenstain | 2009 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks is another excellent book to have for your child or children's bookshelves during the holiday season. Suppose you are looking for another good Thanksgiving book. This one is good.

This one somewhat brings in the fact of Sister's feelings about Thanksgiving dinner and a turkey. Have you had to distract a child from worrying and giving them something else to do? Well, this book shows that with Sister Bear and her worry about a turkey named Plymouth. Mama seems to come up with a suggestion that Sister can write a play about Thanksgiving or the Pilgrims Bears and their journey over to the new land. How we have our Thanksgiving feast and how it came about.

This book teaches several different life lessons and some meaningful things we should be thankful for. Children should be able to describe what Thanksgiving is at your house by their feelings or senses. What could they all be?

Some things children can do as they wait for the dinner on Thanksgiving occur act out or write a Thanksgiving story or what they think the Thanksgiving story is. You may be surprised what Thanksgiving means for them or your family.

Parents and grandparents might want to add this to your child's bookshelves, for they will want to read and reread it. It is terrific to read before the holiday.