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Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher
Maxine Sylvester | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best about his book was how Ronaldo chooses to put his new friend over getting an award for himself. (0 more)
fart jokes (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher by Maxine Sylvester was a wonderful children's book. It is a cute story about a reindeer and his friend at the Flying Academy. The story teaches about the value of friendship and what it means to put your friend's well being before personal gain. It alos brings up judging someone on their personality and not on how they look.

Ronaldo is a level two cadet at the Reindeer Flying Academy and wears his two snowflakes that show his rank on his jacket with pride. He consistently stays at the top of his class and is in the running for getting the Golden Snowflake for having the best speed overall for the year. His best friend, Rudi is in fourth place but that dose not seem to affect their friendship.

One day after completing his flying challenge Ronaldo sets down his bag with camrots in it to watch Rudi finish his challenge. When the friends return to eat the carots they find the carrots are
missing and this is not the first time this has happened. On the way home the two friends discuss how to find the animal responsible for the missing carrots. Not too far from his home Ronaldo meets Ernie who is lost. He agrees to help Emie find her family again in secret. Rudi helps develop a plan to get a message to Ernie's family but it will cost Ronaldo the speed record. Ronaldo decides that helping a friend is more important than breaking a record and takes the risk to help award for himself.

What I liked best about his book was how Ronaldo chooses to put his new friend over getting an award for himself. Ronaldo and Rudi also overcome their fear of The Forest of Doom in order to help Ernie and Ernie saves Ronaldo from bullies. There really isn't much that I did not like about this
book. If I had to pick something it would be that I could have done without the fart jokes, but I understand the appeal they have to younger children.

Target readers for this book are elementary students. Second grade students shoulhandle this book without a problem. Some words may need to be looked up but not too many of them. Having to look up a few words would help expand a young child's vocabulary so that is just another plus for this book. I rate this book a perfect 4 out of 4. This book has a great story line that moves along steadily and the chapters are short enough that they do not discourage young readers. The characters are cute and even the artwork is done nicely.
Secrets of the Snow Globe (Science Makes It Work)
Secrets of the Snow Globe (Science Makes It Work)
Catherine Stier | 2022 | Children, Science & Mathematics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My 7 year old has been obsessed with snow globes for the past few years. When I saw Catherine Stier's new book entitled Secrets of the Snow Globe, I couldn't wait to read it with my son. (As we were reading, my son had to go grab his own snow globe to hold onto the whole time.) We ended up both loving it!

Secrets of the Snow Globe is a great read for those youngsters who are into science and learning. Reading this book, it felt like we were getting a science lesson but in a very fun way. My son and I enjoyed the fact that the language wasn't in "baby talk" as my son put it. The author doesn't talk down to the children throughout the book which I appreciated. The language is appropriate for the age group of this book. I enjoyed how it would have the actual science word for something, and then it would explain what the word meant. However, it didn't explain what the world "soluble" meant, so my son and I looked that word up online. Other than than, everything was explained very well.

My son and I very much enjoyed the story of Secrets of the Snow Globe. We loved learning the background on where snow globes were invented. We loved reading about how Lily makes her own snow globe and watching her collection of snow globes grow. I really enjoyed Lily's inquisitive nature and her initiative to find out information. She reminded me very much of my son who is very curious and thirsty for knowledge.

My 7 year old said his overall favorite thing about Secrets of the Snow Globe was the illustrations. Floss Pottage, the illustrator, did an amazing job at making this book come alive. Floss' illustrations are spot on at keeping a child's attention, and they were very well done and very realistic looking. Many times throughout the book, we would have to pause for a few minutes while my son took in everything the illustrations conveyed. The illustrations are colorful and very vibrant for sure!

All in all, Secrets of the Snow Globe is a fantastic children's book full of learning adventures. You and your child will be instantly transported to Lily's world of snow globes. With colorful illustrations and a well written educational story, this is a book that children and adults will enjoy over and over again. I would definitely recommend Secrets of the Snow Globe by Catherine Stier to those aged 5+ who constantly love learning and like finding out the why's of things. This is a book though children and adults can very much enjoy together. Just be ready to make a snow globe together afterwards!
(A special thank you to the publisher and Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback copy of Secrets of the Snow Globe by Catherine Stier in exchange for a fair and honest review.)

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Coraline in Books

Jul 15, 2019  
Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell | 2013 | Children
8.4 (41 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spooky Kids Book
I listened to the audio book narrated by Gaiman himself, which I think helped enhance the experience as he does a great job. Despite really being a children's story I was still able to enjoy this and have little doubt if I’d come across it as a child it would of been a favourite, up there the my Dahl books.

It’s a spooky story about the young girl Coraline, she’s a likeable character with plenty of sass. When she discovers a door to a secret world where she has another Mother and Father who seem more loving and attentive then her own, it seems like a good place to spend some time despite their odd black button eyes. Coraline is rapidly pulled into a game of high stakes with her other Mother.

The sinister nature of the button eyed creatures was rather ruined for me because I had previously seen a bit of a Simpsons Halloween episode based on this. I did keep having flashes of Marge with button eyes which spoiled the atmosphere. The spooky rats singing on the audio version did send chills through me and along with Gaiman’s narration I would recommend the audio version.