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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 18, 2020  
Today's special guest on my blog is Marlene M Bell, Author who shares her top 5 duties when feeding sheep. There's also a spotlight on her children's picture book MIA AND NATTIE: ONE GREAT TEAM! Be sure to enter the GIVEAWAY to win a Nattie plush, Nattie mousepad, a Nattie pendant, and/or a signed copy of the book - three winners!

Nattie’s mouth was a little crooked. Her legs were a bit shorter than usual, and one horn was too straight, like a unicorn’s horn.
But Mia thought Nattie was perfect.

On a visit to her grandma’s farm, eight-year-old Mia discovers a newborn, orphaned lamb outside in the cold and takes her to the laundry room, naming her Nattie. As she tries to nurse the lamb back to health, Mia discovers that Nattie is different from the other lambs and struggles to fit in with them like Mia does with other kids her age.

When her grandmother says she will sell Nattie to a neighbor, Mia must come up with a plan to keep her friend around — one that will show the family just how special Nattie truly is.
Max Attacks
Max Attacks
Kathi Appelt, Penelope Dullaghan | 2019 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Cute, Fun Story!
I admit that I was sucked in by the cover for Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt. Then I read the synopsis, and I knew that I had to read this for myself and for my 4 year old son. We were both delighted and entertained throughout this cute story. In fact, my son wanted me to read this book again right after we were done reading it the first time!

The plot for Max...Attacks if very simplistic yet fun. It's an easy plot to understand for young children. Max is a cat how likes playing (attacking) everything in sight! It's basically just a day in a life of a cat that children (and adults) will definitely enjoy with plenty of humorous moments!

The rhyming in Max...Attacks is done superbly and in such a fun way that makes it easy to read and understand. My 4 year old loved the rhyming throughout this book as did I. The easy language and rhyming help this book to flow smoothly. Sentence structure is fantastic.

The titular character of Max is one that children (and adults) will fall in love with. He's easy to love, and he's funny without even trying to be. My son and I laughed over and over at Max's attacking adventures! We also the dog and even the goldfish in the book. Okay, we loved every character. It was hard not to. I believe Kathi Appelt captured a day in the life of a cat perfectly!

The illustrations for Max...Attacks were done beautifully yet simplistically. Penelope Dullaghan, the illustrator for this book, did an amazing job with the illustrations. They are vibrant, very colorful, and extremely fun to look at. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the illustrations really helped to make Max...Attacks as great and as enjoyable as it is. The attention to detail in these illustrations is also spot on. Seriously, these illustrations are some of the cutest and most fun that I've seen in a children's picture book in awhile. If you're looking for a book that will hold even the most inattentive child's attention, Max...Attacks is the book you need!

All in all, Max...Attacks is an incredibly fun children's book to read as well as to look at. The amazing illustrations as well as the entertaining story will definitely thrill children and adults alike. I would definitely recommend Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt to everyone no matter their age. If you are looking for books for a specific age group, I think this would appeal to children between the ages of 3 - 6 the most. Max...Attacks gets a solid 5 out of 5 stars from me and my son.
(A special thank you to Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing me with an eBook of Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling | 2016 | Children
9.1 (229 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't be so sirius ...
As much as I say I can't choose one of the Harry Potter books as my favourite ... this one possibly takes the biscuit! The humour, the mystery and of course the introduction of two of my (everyones?) favourite characters: Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
The way Rowling manages to make us all panic and worry for Harry the entire way through the book to end up actually rooting for the 'bad guy' is probably one of her many talents (no spoilers but read the last book people).
The introduction of the Dementors who are supposed to 'protect' the school and pupils was chilling - no pun intended - and the actual meaning of them for Rowling's own depression was a real interesting twist to these 'childrens' books. Just adding more and more layers to these fabulous books. Introducing a concept such as 'depression' to young readers is a very difficult thing to do and Rowling achieves this with grace and tact. Introducing something as big as depression to young readers, she has managed to crack through the metaphorical glass roof in the way of mental health. Showing children that any person (Wizard or Muggle) can be effected by depression but there are ways to help combat it is something that is done beautifully in this book.
One of the main things I loved about this book was that she made a werewolf, in which horror has made us fear and distrust, into a character we all root for and adore. His backstory of how he has been mistreated by society and basically pushed to one side is respondent to what has happened to certain people in our society. Again, these are meant to be children's books - Rowling manages to put these points across in such a informative but almost gentle way for children to understand without directly shoving it down their throats. I believe in this way Rowling has managed to help the readers who grew up with these books understand the issues in our society and has helped people grow up to want to help end the stigma attached to certain groups and help make equality in our society.
Not bad for children's book.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The God of Small Things in Books

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 11, 2017)  
The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things
Arundhati Roy | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant way with words
This beautifully-written book tells the story of Estha and Rahel, a twin brother and sister who have been long separated due to a family tragedy about which we only learn the full truth near the end of the book, and who come back together at the age of 31 at the family home.

The book moves seamlessly between the summer that the twins were seven, when their lives changed for ever, and their present, as they strive to come to terms with the guilt of their past. Along with exploring the children's lives, Roy also develops in detail those family members and friends who have been most important to them - their frail violinist grandmother Mamachi (a battered wife turned domestic tyrant after her husband's death), their beautiful, frustrated mother Ammu, their overweight depressive uncle Chacko, and his English ex-wife Margaret and extrovert little daughter Sophie, the mysterious gardener Velutha, the local communist Mr Pillai and the twins' great aunt, 'Baby' (Navomi) Kochamma, the only one of the family to still be around when the twins reach the age of 31, and the most bitter and destructive in the entire doomed clan.

There is a great deal to admire in the book. Roy tells a lot about Indian customs without ever giving way to dry lectures, but there are a lot of unanswered questions left in the book. Nevertheless, this is a wonderful read by a superb author.
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Robert Beatty | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will confess that it's been quite some time since I read a middle grade/young adult book, but perusing my children's family night book fair, I came across this book. I read the back of it and noticed one thing. Biltmore. Living in North Carolina, a few hours away from the Biltmore, I thought it would be the perfect dive back into the wonderful world of innocence and fun. I wasn't wrong!

Serafina and The Black Cloak is a wonderful start to Mr. Beatty's Serafina series. I read this in two sittings and loved every minute of this read! Serafina's character is wonderful and I loved following her along the halls of the Biltmore Estate. The story is filled with just the right amount of kid-friendly mystery and is perfect for those curious minds that love to seek out clues and solve the puzzle.
Serafina's search for answers on the disappearances within the walls of the magnificently built estate, and the lovely story line, Mr. Beatty has just become my favorite author for books like this. I am already looking forward to reading book 2, Serafina and the Twisted Staff. If it's anything like this book, it will be just as captivating and filled with tremendous doses  of 5 star worthy moments! Fantastically done, Mr. Beatty. Fantastically done. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Savannah's Story
Jodi Stone | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I rather enjoyed this little children's book. It tells the story of Savannah, a bored little girl with sisters who don't have the time to play with her. She then wishes she could be in her dollhouse, and lo and behold, it happens! She plays with her dolls, her teddy bears, and has a grand old time. But soon, she starts to miss her sisters, wishing she could go back to them, and she realizes that her sisters are her true friends.

I really liked the ending message of the story, that as long as you believe in magic, it's all around you. I've always felt that way, and it's a great thing for children to believe in, especially those with large imaginations. I would definitely read this story to my kids (if I had any), but I enjoyed reading it, as well.

5 stars
The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame | 1908 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
The language is beautiful (0 more)
Perhaps a little slow (0 more)
I was pleasantly surprised by this book
I was surprised by this book. I did a bit of a skim read to begin with because I intend to use some of the books content as part of an essay that I'm writing for children's literature. My skim read put me off reading it for a few days. When I did start reading it I was enthralled by Grahame's use of language and imagery. I have to say that his use of language to describe the countryside and the changing seasons is perhaps some of the most beautiful language I have ever read. He captures the scenery so perfectly that you can almost touch it.
The characters were good, toad in particular. It is clear to see that Grahame was talking about hysteria in the character of toad. Written in the early 20th century, the novel is typical of its slower pace when compared to modern literature for children. The humour and sentiment may be enough to grip even the 21st century child. As an adult though, this is a delightful little book that should never be skimmed.
My Life with Bob
My Life with Bob
Pamela Paul | 2017 | Biography, Essays
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I need to read more books about books, because the few that I've read, I've really enjoyed! Earlier this year I read Tolstoy and the Purple Chair, and loved it. I have holds on Voracious: A Hungry Reader Cooks Her Way Through Great Books and The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe. (I also have a hold on The Man Who Loved Books Too Much, but I'm not sure that quite counts.) And, in looking up the links for those books, I just put holds on three more books about reading, since this is a genre I apparently enjoy!

My Life with Bob is about the author's reading life. Bob is a notebook she uses to keep track of what she's read. Just title and author, and whether or not she's finished it. Very simple. But in looking back through what she's read, she recalls where she was, and what she was doing or going through at the time. So the real story is how her reading choices fit into her life, and how being a bookworm affected her life.

I enjoyed the book, with the slight irritation (in the latter part of the book) of her insistence on calling Young Adult literature, Children's Lit. Children's books are picture books and books for young readers, not The Fault in Our Stars and The Hunger Games. Those are Young Adult, and there's a pretty big difference in my opinion. Maybe not in the professional world; she is the editor of The New York Times Book Review. But it's frustrating to hear her talk about Kid Lit and lump Harry Potter in with a 36-page autobiography of a teddy bear written for kids under 10.

I was also a little shocked to learn (in the book!) she wrote a book about how porn is destroying the American family, and testified before Congress about it, sponsored by Senators Orrin Hatch and Sam Brownback. I normally don't have a problem reading Republican authors - I often don't know the exact political leanings of authors - but I'm reading about her reading choices, and suddenly they are all suspect. (She disliked Ayn Rand, at least, so that's something.) The book was published in May of last year, so after the last presidential election. Anyone who acknowledges working with the GOP at this point, and isn't embarrassed by it, immediately gets a black mark in my book.

So ultimately I'm torn on this book. I liked reading it. I dislike the author. (I will never even try to be non-political on this blog. Sorry-not-sorry.)

You can find all my reviews at
This Little Prayer of Mine
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Little Prayer of Mine is a beautiful prayer book that every kid—and parent—should read and pray. It gets down into the heart, disclosing what's really there and how we all really feel. I was surprised how much I as an 18 year old related to this book. I pray the same prayers—though not in such beautiful verse—as this prayer.

It targets just about everything: the biblical command to be joyful: "help me to be happy," the search for the God's will: "show me what the right path is and help me follow you," and even loneliness and depression: "please let me know you're here with me and everything's alright," and then our end path, what really matters: "but most of all I'm grateful for your love that never ends." I had shivers running down my spine while I read this prayer.

Not only is it a wonderful prayer in itself, but the rhythm of the verse is enchanting and perfectly smooth. The illustrations are beautiful, and instantly reminded me of Max Lucado's children's book You Are Special (those of you who don't know, another highly recommended book and author).

This Little Prayer of Mine may be short, but it's a prayer that needs to be read by the big and the small.

Recommendation: Ages 4+
From the Dark (Bewitch the Dark #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the Dark has some interesting ideas, nothing original but good still the same; it's just too bad the story couldn't come together. I got to the end of page 170 and just could not go on. I hate to be so harsh but I was not going to force this torture onto myself anymore.

The main problem with the book was how hurried it was; the book had too much going on and was light on a decent plot, yet it still ended up boring. For the most part the story consisted of parts that were redundant, cheesy, weird, and/or ludicrous, which in turn made me cringe. The characters were one-dimensional, boring, and unsympathetic; I can't say I hated them and I can't say I liked them, although Ravin got on my nerves. Not to mention, what was up with the counting thing? What is Michael, Sesame Street's the Count? I mean if that was used in a children's book or a comedic PNR than fine, but in a supposedly serious paranormal romance? It's not funny, it's bloody ridiculous.

I'm sorry to say this, but this whole disaster made me think the author just half-heartedly wrote the book by filling in blanks around a few ideas. I sincerely hope Michele Hauf's other books are much better than this.