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I don’t always read poetry, but I won "It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" by Casey Renee Kiser and Johnny Scarlotti through a giveaway on LibraryThing.

And if you are already familiar with my “reading rules”, you know I try and read every single book I have ever received, because it’s only fair. And sometimes, the most unexpected books and the ones we don’t actively search for tend to surprise us the most. That happened with this book as well!

"It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" is written by two authors - two amazing writers of poetry, who have a very similar style of horror and suspense, but also very distinctive differences in their writing style too. The book is split in two parts, and we get the chance to explore both worlds. 

<b>Part 1 - Casey Renee Kiser</b>

The first part of the book was written by Casey Renee Kiser, and my favorite poem was “I am not a ghost yet”. It is morbid and powerful, and I loved the way the feelings and scenes were amplified in a morbid sense. I love the brutality of the writing. 

<b><i>“Everything was beautiful the day you died”,
You said as you touched my cold hand. </i></b>

<b>Part 2 - Johnny Scarlotti</b>

I could instantly see the difference in the poems between the two poets, but at the same time, also admire how similar their styles and themes are. I find Johnny’s writing very creepy, much creepier than Casey’s. Especially when the mood suddenly changes and the random “haha’s” and “woahh’s” in the poems appear.

<b><i>Now I’m dashing through the park clipping
Children’s kite strings
Ha ha, that’s what you get, you little freaks!</i></b>

It felt like I was reading the secret diary of the Joker. Either him, or Pennywise. It was so fucked up, but it read as the new normal, which is what a psycho would think and feel. It was creepy, it was wrong, but at the same time it satisfied my curiosity. I think that may be the same curiosity that makes me watch true crime shows, crime confessions and old interview with Ted Bundy. And I really enjoyed it. 

If I could change anything about my experience with this book, I would have read this for Halloween. I think it would have been the perfect experience, next to a lot of red candles and dim lighting, alongside some quiet creepy music. 

I would recommend "It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" to all fans of horror poetry - it is dark and twisty, brutally honest and creepy, and it will pull you over to the dark side, even for a day. 
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How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7
How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7
Joanna Faber | 2017 | Education, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

The highly rated <i>How To Talk</i> books were developed by Adele Faber as a guide for parents who face daily struggles with their children’s behaviour. Now her daughter, Joanna Faber, and childhood friend Julie King, are parenting experts themselves, and have made their own contribution to the series. This latest addition, <i>How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen</i>, is a survival guide for parents with children between the ages of terrible-twos to the semi-civilised-sevens. Covering topics from food battles to sleep issues, parents are bound to relate to something in this book, and be able to put some of the advice into practice.

The majority of the content encompasses the tried and tested methods that Joanna and Julie encourage parents to consider as part of a parenting workshop. Split into topics, the reader is given a set of tools to work with that may help to turn a difficult situation away from a tantrum and a harassed parent. These tools are demonstrated with real life stories from the Mums and Dads who used them.

As well as the usual behaviour troubles that most children develop, the book also includes ways to cope with children who have sensory issues or find themselves diagnosed with Autism. These youngsters do not process the world in the same way as other people their age, which can be very frustrating for parents. Armed with a new set of tools, adults will be able to support their children as they grow up in a world they do not understand, and make them feel safe and understood.

Illustrated with cartoons, each chapter ends with a short summary of ideas to try in any situation. By providing these recap points, parents can locate a tool or idea in a moment of desperation and put into practice immediately. The layout and clear headings offer an easy way of locating the relevant information, meaning that harried parents do not have to skim paragraphs and pages to find what they are looking for.

By including the real life scenarios, Joanna and Julie highlight that there is no one-size-fits-all when it come to dealing with unruly children. Each child is different and needs to be treated appropriately. However, the experts provide enough information so that when one tool fails, there’s another standing as backup.

After reading <i>How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen</i>, you will feel empowered to tackle anything your child throws at you. Of course there is no guarantee that you will become a parenting master over night, but you will be more confident about dealing with the little rascals.

<i>How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen</i> is a book that feels realistic with no psychological jargon to make you feel inadequate. Joanna and Julie are both parents and have had to resort to taking their own advice, and sometimes failing. It is clear the writers are human and not a childless psychologist who believes he knows what he is talking about. So, if you are tearing your hair out and do not know what to do to make your child happy, this <i>How To Talk</i> series is definitely something to check out.