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TravelersWife4Life (31 KP) rated The Choice Is Yours: 52 Choices for Happier Lives in Books
Feb 24, 2021
I loved Barbra Dahlgren’s sense of humor and the light in her heart that shines throughout this devotional. The humor in this book reminds me of Chonda Pierce and Jen Hatmaker. Barbra Dahlgren encourages Christians to find laughter in every day and to make good choices in our lives. I have only read about half of the devotions so far, there are fifty-two of them (Barbra Dahlgren suggests reading them over the course of a year). The devotionals I have read so far are great, very encouraging and upbeat with verse references mostly instead of the actual verse. As Barbra encourages us to read and verify the word ourselves rather than just basing it off what she says in the book.
One of my favorite quotes from the book so far:
“Christians are a rare breed when it comes to laughter. Just the knowledge of Jesus Christ as our Savior should fill us will joy, but Christians can be some of the biggest fuddy-duddies around.” -pg.40
I truly like this devotional, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a new devotional to read. I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the way it drew me in and has kept me coming back day after day, for the sense of humor Barbra Dahlgren interwove into every chapter, and for the circle always coming back to what God said in the Bible. It is a book that I will continue to read until I reach the end, and then I will regift it to someone else who needs some smiles in their life.
*I received this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
One of my favorite quotes from the book so far:
“Christians are a rare breed when it comes to laughter. Just the knowledge of Jesus Christ as our Savior should fill us will joy, but Christians can be some of the biggest fuddy-duddies around.” -pg.40
I truly like this devotional, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a new devotional to read. I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the way it drew me in and has kept me coming back day after day, for the sense of humor Barbra Dahlgren interwove into every chapter, and for the circle always coming back to what God said in the Bible. It is a book that I will continue to read until I reach the end, and then I will regift it to someone else who needs some smiles in their life.
*I received this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.