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Surrendering for Two (Soul Match #4)
Surrendering for Two (Soul Match #4)
Morticia Knight | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best one of the bunch!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Soul Match series, and you really MUST read the other books in the series to know what has driven these people to this point.

Graham has suffered the fate that Chris and Morgan were expecting. He was abused by the Nall, to such an extent, he is permanently scarred. Graham, his brother and his father were due to hang, at the Nall's gathering, for punishment for the attack at the Nall's party. And Alasharian saves him, and Graham's opinion on the race changes. Balor is a guard to the Nall, but also part of the rebellion. Oman is advisor to the Nall, but has been watching Balor for some time. He knows Balor is his Soul Match and when Balor mentions the human he helped save, Oman knows they will be a three. But time is of the essence, and humans and Alasharians must band together to any of them are to survive.

What I particularly liked about this one, was the CARE that Oman , and indeed Balor, took with Graham. They both knew he had suffered, badly. They can see his scars, and are enraged by the treatment of Graham by the Nall but they know Graham needs time. They may NEVER fully Soul Match, but Oman and Balor will take whatever Graham can give them.

Graham, while reluctant, knows that he can give as little, or as much, as he is able to, to Oman and Balor. I liked that he was in total control of the speed that things moved. LOVED that he was not the submissive in this match. Liked that he spoke to Morgan about the Soul Match, since Morgan was equally, if not more so, against the idea.

While Chris, Lasar and Nary take no part here, the rebellion is gaining ground as more and more humans and Alasharians arrive at the old air base they are camped out at. Problem is, no one knows where Chris, Lasar and Nary are, or even if Chris is a real person!

Book 5 is next, and it is the conclusion of this series. I'm not sure I really want to read it! Thoroughly enjoying these!

5 stars
Hiding From Two (Soul Match #3)
Hiding From Two (Soul Match #3)
Morticia Knight | 2017 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really enjoying this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Soul Match series, and you really DO need to read books one, Slave For Two and book two, Cherished By Two before you read this one. You need to know about Chris, Lasar and Nary and not all is recapped here.

Morgan is Chris' cousin and under Lasar's protective custody. After Advisor Hallosh helped save Morgan from the attack at the Nall's sex party, the Soul Match flares between them. But then it flares again when Morgan meets Rama, Lasar's warrior friend. But Morgan is scared, and it takes another vision that Chris has to make Morgan see, that there are worse things than being a third in a Soul Match bond. Time is running out, though, for both the human and Alasharian rebellion.

For me, the weakest of the three books so far, and I think it's mainly because of Morgan himself! He was so adamant that he would NOT match with Hallosh and Rama, and then BOOM, his opinion flipped on a penny and I felt it a bit much.

We do get some Chris and that vision the Shar Shar Ar graces Chris with. We get what's happening with the Nall and the Void.

And we are introduced to Graham in the most horrific way. His book is next.

So, not as good as book 2, but on a par with book one.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere*

Biff Byford recommended Close to the Edge by Yes in Music (curated)

Close to the Edge by Yes
Close to the Edge by Yes
1972 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I don’t mean this in a derogatory way, but Graham Oliver and Steve Dawson of Saxon were into the bluesy bands - simple but with a lot of groove. But me and Paul Quinn were into more muso bands like Genesis and King Crimson. That was the type of stuff we played, with more jamming and improvisation. As a bass player and singer, my goal was to play like Chris Squire. I used to try and learn the songs – it took me about six months to learn ‘Roundabout’. I‘ve talked to Rick Wakeman about Yes, and he said Jon Anderson would structure melodies like I do it. They would sit in a room and arrange things around the vocals, and we do that because it gives me more freedom to write. I could listen to this all day. NWOBHM bands liked Yes because the musicianship was great - it moves away from blues feel to a jazz feel. A lot of these guys were university trained, but we learned from listening to music. We knew nothing about music theory or scales, but prog rock really made you better as musicians when you learned to play it. It seemed unattainable because it was so good."


Henry Rollins recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"Another film is Apocalypse Now, which I’m sure every male moron you’ve ever interviewed has put in his top five. But the reason I put it in my top five is because Ian MacKaye, my best friend, and I went to go see it, first run, and we walked out not understanding what we had seen. But we walked home with, like, smoke coming out of our ears. And it’s one of those, where you’re young with no car, you get used to walking — like, “it’s only four miles each way.” And you’re so young and so stupid you just do it. Just getting snowed on. No problem. It was one of those massive walks back to our neighborhood and we just kinda walked home in shocked silence. We were, in a way, devastated, and neither one of us could tell you what that film was about. “Was it about the war?” “I guess.” So we went back to see it again later, and we were like 18 or 17. And maybe other 17-year-olds could’ve articulated it, but for Ian and I, we loved it but we were just kinda devastated by it. As I grew older, now I’m a twenty-something, and I’m watching once a year. And I start to understand it when I start to understand the Vietnam War differently. I’m starting to understand that conflict a little more as a young adult. Then I start reading into the characters more, and the more I see it, one day I feel like I’m Willard, Martin Sheen’s character. And one day I feel like I’m Kurtz, Brando’s character. And then I join Black Flag and our tours — our van was like PBR Street Gang. The highway was the Nung river. We would just go into these hairy situations. I’ll never forget one night, I’m in the back of our equipment truck with the backdoor kinda open, me and one of the roadies, and we’re looking at the lights of some harbor in Florida and I looked at him and said, “This sure enough is a bizarre sight in the middle of all this s—,” as Clean says when they’re going into that crazy kinda nightclub, DMZ area where Bill Graham comes out and does his amazing scene. And, Apocalypse Now lines from the film became patter between me and a Black Flag roadie, and then between members of the Rollins band, where we would speak in Apocalypse Now. When we’d go into a place where everything was screwed up I’d say, “Chris, did you find the monitor guy?” and he’d say, “No, there’s no f—ing CO here,” which is from Apocalypse Now, which means there’s nobody in charge; this place is a wreck. So, as I got older — I’m 55 now — that film is still relevant to me. And it still speaks to me on a lot of levels. Like when Kurtz says to Willard, “It’s impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means… you must make a friend of horror.” And I never really understood that line until I was involved in a murder [the murder of Joe Cole], where I was almost killed and my friend was killed. I became full of horror. And once you get that, you get it. And so I’ll never think of that line the same way again, because it so describes what happened to me. I can’t describe what that was like to you. I can describe it but it’s gonna fall short. Unless that’s happened to you, you don’t understand what I’m telling you. You’ll only understand it in a journalistic way. Oh, right, OK, something bad happened. You don’t know the half of it, ’cause I can’t articulate it to you, and you can’t read me. And it’s what happened to all these dudes. These Vietnam vets, Iraq and Afghanistan. They come home and no one can read them. Which is shown so beautifully in The Hurt Locker. When the guy goes home and he’s preparing the meal with his wife, like yeah, “This guy got blown up.” And she’s like “Uh-Huh, cut the carrots.” There’s a complete disconnect. And so what Apocalypse Now — I finally figured it out — it’s just about insanity, which is nothing but what war is. It’s just a bunch of people being completely insane. And it captures the insanity of human conflict perfectly. It could’ve been any war."
