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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Chris Hemsworth (4 more)
Tessa Thompson (valkyrie)
Best of all, the soundtrack
It was missing something (0 more)
Makes up for The Dark World
Contains spoilers, click to show
Thor number 1, great film. Thor The dark world, not everyones cup of tea (i liked it), Thor Ragnarok, this has everything the others missed and more.
Comedy, action, fight scenes, soundtrack, Cameos it had it all. Its highly recommended even if most of the film he is without Mjölnir( not a spoiler if you watch the trailers) Plus some of the fight scences are behond epic. Still not the best Marvel based film but up there thats for sure mainly because it had Loki, Dr Strange and the fire demon Surtur.
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
2019 | Comedy
Kevin Smith (3 more)
Jason mewes
Harley Quinn Smith
Just watched this film is seriously funny I like some Kevin Smith films like chasing amy and red state definitely put this up there with those films. Any film that breaks the third wall and pokes fun at it self and even Kevin Smith makes fun of himself which was funny. Love the cameos especially Matt Damon and Chris Hemsworth who I thought would never do something like this. But lastly not forgetting Harley Quinn Smith daughter of Kevin Smith star of the future who manages to steal the movie from her dad chip off the old block anyway good movie worth a rewatch.
Show all 7 comments.

Crystal Meyer (7 KP) Feb 13, 2020

Crazy good!


Brandon Aaron Bonnette (4 KP) Jul 16, 2020

Ehhhhh. I still love Kevin but, this wasn't for me. I could see how someone would like it, but I haven't watched alot of the comic book movies he parodies in this flick. Still love the View Askewniverse!!!

Men in Black International (2019)
Men in Black International (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
This turned out to be pretty much what I expected: the weakest movie in the series.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm not the biggest fan of Tessa Thompson to begin with. She's very bland, and this movie did nothing to change my opinion. I guess it was nice to look at Chris Hemsworth for a couple of hours, and there were a couple of moments that gave me a chuckle, but I found myself wistfully flashing back to that first MIB movie and wishing Hollywood would stop ruining things.

I mean, it was ok. By no means a bad movie, and at the very least it was mildly entertaining....but meh.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Visual effects, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston (0 more)
Drags in places (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Thor: The Dark World is one of a few MCU movies that I hadn't seen many times, and never since its' initial release. It has the reputation of been one of the weakest/worst entries in the 'continuity' however my memory of it was that it was okay. Having watched 'Endgame ' (several times!) and seeing that movie revisit a segment of the God of Thunders second solo outing I decided to give it another viewing.

Personally speaking, I still enjoyed it and think the reputation is a bit harsh. I prefer it to the first film but it falls way behind 'Ragnarok'. The visual effects are first rate and surpass some of those that would be seen in later Marvel movies.

Hemsworth is great however I can see why Hemsworth could have grown weary with the part (The Thor of Ragnarok onwards is a delight). Likewise with Hiddleston. The two have great on screen chemistry.

The story is simple enough - the dark Elf Malkeith awakens after a long period of sleep/exile to harness the power of the Aether, with the aim of plunging the Universe into darkness. Natalie Portman returns as Jane Foster in a role key to events, effectively serving as the plot device with which events kick start. This is also the first MCU entry to start referencing the Infinity Stones and tying together the various macguffins seen so far.

The film drags in places, more so during the second act, however the final battle is a visual delight.

Not therefore the worst, but certainly not the best!

Erika (17788 KP) rated Bad Times at the El Royale (2018) in Movies

Oct 18, 2018 (Updated Oct 18, 2018)  
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
2018 | Thriller
Ok is the perfect descriptor for this film.

I have two major gripes, first of which is that around half an hour needed to be edited out. Some of the scenes were excruciatingly long, and the use of the singing over and over again was really tiresome. The second gripe is that there was nothing new or original about this film. Everything was kind of obvious from the very beginning.
Jeff Bridges acted the same as he has in films for the last 10 years, so nothing new or original there. Chris Hemsworth was nice to look at, and he was a convincing Charles Manson-esque dude. I'm also not sure as to why they'd give Jon Hamm's character an interesting story, only to discard him.
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Andy K (10821 KP) Oct 18, 2018

Hey now! If I said that about a girl in a movie you all females would all get mad at me! ?


Sarah (7798 KP) Oct 18, 2018

Oh no @Erika possibly not the best film choice either for a date ?

 @Andy K ? feel free to say that in future, I promise I won't get mad!


David McK (3222 KP) rated Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) in Movies

Jun 9, 2024 (Updated Jun 9, 2024)  
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
2024 | Action
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I kinda get why this was subtitled 'A Mad Max saga'.

That was to get the punters in.

I kinda don't.

He isn't in it, in either incarnation (Mel Gibson, or Tom Hardy)

Instead, we have a prequel to the breakout character from Fury Road - that of Imperator Furiosa - but here re-cast to be played by Anya Taylor-Joy instead of by Charlize Theron.

This also takes place over a longer period of time - something like 15 years - than Fury Road does, and so sacrifices the break-neck speed of that previous film for something a bit more sedate.

We also, here, have Chris Hemsworth absolutely chewing up the scenery (and loving every second of it!) as the villain Dementus!
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Hulk smash plenty (2 more)
Jeff Goldblum
More cameos than an Edwardian garden party
Weird effects on Cate Blanchett (0 more)
Having suffered through the first Thor film, given up on the second one, and detested him in the Avengers films I wasn't expecting to enjoy Thor all that much and was really only in it for the Hulk. However I was pleasantly surprised. Chris Hemsworth seems to have learned to act in the last few years, and seems to have developed an awareness of comic timing.
The film sees Thor team up with Loki, Hulk and a former Valkyrie to defeat Thor's sister Hela and avoid Ragnarok as she looks to lead an army of the dead throughout the galaxy.
There is a great deal of comedy throughout the film but also top notch action sequences, most notably Thor vs Hulk and Hela's assault on Asgard.
Having been disappointed with the absence of Thor and Hulk from Captain America: Civil War (Huffy Cry-baby) I had hoped this film would make amends, and it did indeed.
Of particular enjoyment was the theatrical interpretation of Loki's death where Matt Damon and the other Hemsworth act out Loki's apparent death, overseen by Sam Neill's Odin.

Ollie SB (2279 KP) rated Extraction (2020) in Movies

Apr 26, 2020 (Updated Apr 26, 2020)  
Extraction (2020)
Extraction (2020)
2020 | Action
Action, action and more action (0 more)
Story lacks depth (0 more)
All out Action
If you're a fan of action films, you'll probably enjoy this one. The fight scenes and gun fire is pretty much non-stop from the start. There are some very impressive looking scenes shot up-close from a handheld camera. However, behind this constant action is a mediocre storyline.

Chris Hemsworth plays Tyler Rake, a ruthless mercenary who is hired to complete the 'extraction' of the kidnapped son of an international crime lord. After collecting the child (Ovi), Tyler embarks on a dangerous mission to get him to safety.

Whilst they are being hunted, Tyler and Ovi find unlikely friendship in each other and Tyler decides he will do anything to ensure that Ovi makes it to safety.
Spiderhead (2022)
Spiderhead (2022)
2022 | Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Weak Script Sinks This Flick
The history of cinema is littered with tales of the Mad Scientist who gets too caught up in their own experiments to the detriment of all. Once the human cost of the experiment is revealed to this seemingly sane inventor, he (it usually is a he) turns with a wild-eyed look and justifies the human expense in the name of science.

Such is the case with the Netflix Original movie SPIDERHEAD with Chris Hemsworth as the mad scientist in this scenario and Miles Teller and Jurnee Smollett as 2 of the prisoners who trade in their life sentences to be used as guinea pigs in his experiment.

It’s an interesting enough premise - one that is not new - so it is always the execution of this concept that makes (or breaks) this type of film.

Unfortunately for SPIDERHEAD, Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are unable to elevate the premise (based on a short story by George Saunders) into anything new, unique or interesting.

Director Joseph Kosinski (TOP GUN: MAVERICK) does a yeoman’s job trying to elevate this material to something better than it is. But…kind of like trying to get me to be a Prima Ballerina…Kosinski just cannot make something out of raw material that is fundamentally flawed. He uses a few interesting camera moves and draws out suspense in enough areas to catch the audience’s interests…but not much else.

He is helped by the casting of some top notch talent. Chris Hemsworth is engaging and charismatic (initially) as the Elon Musk/Steve Jobs-esque new age inventor who is trying out some new medical serums on prisoner/volunteers. The problem with Hemsworth - who I think is a pretty good actor - is that once you start seeing the cracks in his character’s façade (and those cracks appear early on), Hemsworth’s performance turns fairly one-dimensional and he becomes a caricature of the “crazed scientist”.

The surprises to me here are the performances of Miles Teller (TOP GUN: MAVERICK) and Jurnee Smollett (LOVECRAFT COUNTRY). These are 2 performers who I’ve always felt were good but not great, but they are intriguing to watch in this. They have strong chemistry with each other and they are 2 protagonists that are easy to root for against crazed antagonist Hemsworth.

In look and feel and tone, this film reminded my of the 2014 Alex Garland marvel EX MACHINA, but where that film easily was lifted by a tremendously strong script and ideas by Garland (check it out if you haven’t seen it - it is well worth your time), SPIDERHEAD, ultimately, sinks into the chasm of a weak script with no real strong ideas/themes behind it.

Letter Grade B+ (for the Direction of Kosinksi and the performances of Teller and Smollett)

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
So initially, the only reason I wanted to see this movie was because of the director, Taika Waititi. The Thor movies haven't been the greatest, but I was hoping, somehow, they could manage to make a good Thor film. I've loved everything Waititi has directed, so it's no surprise that I also loved this movie.. I'm definitely suffering from superhero movie fatigue, and this is what Marvel needed.
There were actual character arcs! Chris Hemsworth did well with the comedy, as did Tom Hiddleston. I might actually start watching Hiddleston's movies again.
The reason this only gets a 9, rather than 10: Hulk. I can't stand the Hulk, and I feel like they only put him in there for the children.
1st post-credit scene was great, 2nd was lame.
ALSO, that MATT DAMON cameo was hilarious.
I can't wait to see it again on Sunday.