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Carrie (2013)
Carrie (2013)
2013 | Horror
6.5 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you’ve got a taste for terror…take Carrie to the Prom.”

Chloe Grace Moretz plays Carrie, an extremely shy outcast who is bullied by her peers for being “strange” and “different”. Her mother Margaret White (Julian Moore) is an overprotective and a religious extremist who uses her strange beliefs in the form of abuse on her daughter Carrie. Like all teens, Carrie would very much like to be normal and fit in. Her mothers crazy religious beliefs keeps her from teaching Carrie the basics of becoming a woman in the hopes that she will be kept “pure”.

The schools gym teacher Mrs Desjardin (Judy Greer) takes a liking to Carrie and tries to keep her protected from popular mean girls, Chris Hargenson (Portia Doubleday) who is the “leader of the pack” and Sue Snell (Gabrielle Wilde). Sue soon regrets her actions towards Carrie and though Chris does not, Sue devises a plan to be able to make it up to Carrie. Sue asks her boyfriend Tommy Ross (Ansel Elgort) to do her a favor by taking Carrie to the prom and showing her a magical night. When Carrie is pushed too far by her peers she unleashes telekinetic powers over all who have hurt her.

Most fans of horror know all too well about Carrie. This could be the fact that the film itself has been reimagined twice . The 1976 version won an Oscar Nomination for Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie. It was well deserved then and may be well deserved now for the young Chloe who has been making great strides in her acting career since the Amityvile horror. She does a great job at embodying the archetypal superhero kind of character. Julian Moore is perfect in the role of Carrie’s mom, adding more creepiness to the character. This adaption by director Kimberly Pierce (Stop Loss, Boys Don’t Cry) is kept closer to Mr. King’s novel. Pierce makes the audience fall in love with Carrie and wants to see her succeed in her power and in herself.

Though the movie stays closer to the novel it still doesn’t stray far from it’s two predecessors. Pierce’ is my preferred version as she uses more modern effects and we can now visually see Carrie’s powers come to life instead of just burrowing eyes hinting towards powers that are being used. This film is perfect for any horror fan and those that like a great vengeful story about a girl who wanted to just be normal.
Beauty Begins is written by mother-daughter team Chris Shook and Megan Shook Alpha. They have written a book that illustrates what true beauty is and how we as Christians should look at ourselves.

They teach us how to be satisfied with the looks that have been given to us by God and how to look toward our inner beauty rather than focusing on the outer image.

We do live in a society that puts a huge emphasis on the outer image. We see it on the television, in magazines, in advertising. Everywhere you turn you hear about weight loss programs, how to look younger, to be more fit.

I truly enjoyed this book. This is a must-read for every woman no matter what her age. Young or old it needs to be read. My copy is now high lighted and dog-eared. It will be my go-to reference for women (other than the Bible) to teach them about their true inner beauty.
I highly recommend this book, it's well researched, well written and thought motivating for all women who read this. You will come away with a new perspective on how to truly love yourself.

This is a book that can be read alone, or with a group or even as a study for women's groups or a Bible study.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Epic (2013)
Epic (2013)
2013 | Action, Animation, Family
7.0 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Epic, this is not. A young and lonely teenage girl is transported into the secret forest world and makes friends and family of the leaf people as they band together with the goal to save the world from decay. This latest film from the creators who brought us Ice Age and Rio falls short of being epic and creates nothing more than an average unoriginal children’s film at best.

To go along with an average plot, there was average, unemotional voice acting from a diverse cast of actors with no real standout performances other than the comedic voices of Aziz Ansari and Chris O’Dowd. The two play a slug and snail and deliver some much needed laughs after a long and dry first half hour.

However this movie makes up for limited laughs with action. For a children’s movie there is a lot of action as the forces nature versus decay battle against each other. Parents take note, the 4 year old child who watched the movie with me got a little scared at parts, but made it through to the end when held safe in the lap of his mother for the remainder of the film.

Visually, the film is pleasing and its 3D is solid, especially during any scene where the characters are flying on top of birds. In the end I left the theater without a second thought for the film. Enjoyable, but it does not have the charm as recent family films like The Croods. Kids may not mind the average story, but it is one that is easy to forget.
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
2018 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
Need to iron out this Wrinkle
The target audience for Ava DuVernay's adaptation of the 1962 classic novel A WRINKLE IN TIME are youth ages 10-14.

I am not a youth ages 10-14.

A WRINKLE IN TIME follows the story of Meg, a young girl who's father has gone missing. With the help of mysterious figures Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who, Meg goes in searching for her father - through space and time - and ends up helping to save the universe in the process.

As Directed by DuVernay (SELMA), this WRINKLE is fantastical in all ways, starting with the visuals I don't know how much was spent on this film, but all of it is on the screen as the images - and imagery - are fascinating to look at, the costumes are unique (to say the least) and the story is simple enough for even a young person to follow.

And that might be enough to hold the attention of a 10-14 youth - it wasn't enough for me.

If you start to really follow the plot (what there was of it) and the intentions in the scenes, items start to not add up at all. While I understood Meg's motivations - to find her Dad - well enough, NONE of the other character's motivations - and intentions - were clear, or made sense. At one point, a character turns from good to bad (or was it vica-versa) and it just didn't make any sense.

I think a lot of this issue was the 3 big stars that were cast as the benevolent overseers for Meg's journey. Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kahling and, yes, Oprah Winfrey as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which (respectively). Their role in this adventure (I guess) is to guide and help Meg on her adventure, so they were supposed to be loving, caring and gentle with just a hint of secretness (so, I guess that Meg can figure things out for herself - kind of like Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz). But, instead, they come off as smug, annoying know-it-alls who are purposely keeping key information from this young girl - if I was around, I would have called the police on them. Also...they all seemed to be acting in their own movies, so their styles just didn't mesh, as well as the acting styles of other "stars" like Michael Pena and (especially) Zach Galifinakas - I don't know what they heck he was doing, but Director DuVernay did a poor job of reigning him in or helping him to create any kind of semblance of character.

A fantastical feature with eye-popping visuals and, I'm afraid, poorly written, acted and directed. This might be enough for an enjoyable afternoon in the theater for the target audience.

It wasn't for me - and, I think, my front runner for WORST FILM OF 2018.

Letter Grade C (for the visuals and the always appealing performance of Chris Pine, who - I have to admit - I have a man crush on).

4 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (OfMarquis)
Resident Evil (2021)
Resident Evil (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Mystery
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story (1 more)
Casting (1 more)
Character Traits
A fun film, but not without obvious flaws.
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City is a great film. It attempts to combine key elements from the first 3 Resident Evil games into one movie, which kind of works, and kind of doesn't at the same time. Expect a lot of familiar moments and memorable key moments from the story of Raccoon City, but also don't get too excited because a lot of key moments and characters are missing entirely.

The film should have been two films really, the first covering the Mansion Incident, and the second covering the outbreak in Raccoon City.

The characters, while being most of the best known characters from the original game, are present yet at the same time not quite right. The casting, while not terrible, did make some mistakes, mostly in Tom Hopper's portrayal of Wesker, he just seems far too young for the role. But that isn't the only issue. The character's personalities are not as you remember them.

Chris comes across as very arrogant and annoying, Jill comes across as quite sassy, and poor Leon, the rookie cop seems to be a bumbling fool there for comic relief.

The best written and acted character by a long way is Claire, who comes across as the little rebel we know and love.

All in all, definitely worth a watch, and I will definitely watch it again. But if you are a huge Resident Evil nerd such as myself, it will certainly have it's moments for you, but don't go in expecting to see the entire story of Raccoon City unfold before your eyes.

Also, don't forget to keep watching the credits...
The Hunger Games (2012)
The Hunger Games (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
So, the pop-culture behometh that was (is?) 'The Hunger Games'.

It's a trilogy of Young Adult (I hate that term! Us older adults can like them, too ...) novels, made into a quartet of movies.

This is the first in both the novels and the movie series.

While, yes, I have read those novels - I'm not sure, but maybe after originally having watched this film back in 2012 or so? - I can't really remember the full ins and outs of the plot - except the obvious! - although I am sure that, as always, liberties will have been taken, as movies and prose are two distinct mediums.

Set in the future dystopia of Panem (post apocalyptic America?), once every year the 12 districts are forced to randomly choose and send two teenagers - one boy and a girl - to The Capitol to participate in a televised fight to the death inside a giant man-made arena. Katniss Everdeen is one of those chosen from District 12, volunteering to take her sister's place when her sisters name is chosen during her first year of mandatory participation. The film (like what I remember from the book) draws a clear distinction between those from The Capitol - who view this all as a grand sport, and who are very definitely the haves of this world against those from the various districts (the have nots), while also taking the opportunity to make a point about how those in power can treat and abuse those without.

Yes, it's violent.

Yes, I'm sure some of the bloodier parts of the book were cut in order to get the PG-13 rating it does.

Yes, Jennifer Lawrence shines in the lead role

Yes, that *is* Chris Hemsworth's (otherwise known as the MCU's Thor) brother Liam.
The Guest Room
The Guest Room
Chris Bohjalian | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Richard and his younger brother, Philip could not be more different. Even so, Richard decides to use his home for his brother's bachelor party. Knowing how Philip and his friends are, he expects that this will be a wild party, but out of respect for his wife and child, he hopes it doesn't get too terribly wild. So when two strippers show up with their two bodyguards(apparently they're supposed to keep the men in check)this does not alarm Richard. What does alarm him though, is how young they look and the things Philip are doing with them even with the bodyguards present. When the girl, named Sonja jabs a knife into the neck of one of the bodyguards, all of the men are in total disbelief. Even more shocking are the two gunshots heard after. Sonja along with the other stripper/dancer/call girl, Alexandra, make their escape in the truck they arrived in. Richard is left with two dead men in the middle of his living room and a lot of explaining to do to his wife, Kristen.

The Guest Room will have you quickly turning pages to determine what is going to happen next. Told from two perspectives, third person narrative giving us the story as it unfolds through each character and first person narrative, told by Alexandra in which she tells her entire life story including the fateful night where her life changed forever.

I have read two of Chris Bohjalian's books previously. I was first introduced to his writing through a book club selection of Midwives. After that I added all of his books to by TBR. So far, this has been my favorite, but I'm just a juvenile in reading his books. This book had me go through a whole host of emotions. At the end, I cried. This is an amazing book that everyone will enjoy. One of the best books I have read this year.
Grown Ups (2010)
Grown Ups (2010)
2010 | Comedy
7.4 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After the death of the coach that inspired them in their youth a rag-tag group of grown up friends take a trip up to a cabin to reconnect with each other and their families. Adam Sandler (Lenny Feder), Chris Rock (Kurt McKenzie), Kevin James (Eric Lamonsoff), David Spade (Marcus Higgins), and Rob Schneider (Rob Hilliard) star together in this almost family friendly comedy. Furthering the densely star studded cast is Selma Hyack Pinault as Lenny’s famous clothing designer wife and Saturday Night Live alum Maya Roudolf as the wife of Kurt.

The film is surely a little vulgar for young audiences blending Adam Sandler’s adult themed comedic styling’s with a touching story about the long term bonds of families and friends. From the very start one wonders who is the intended audience of this film?

Further challenging the success of “Grown Ups” is that the film is not classic Adam Sandler, but an attempt at creating something more mature among the frequent cameos of numerous comedians. The film does, however, manage a few classically Sandler-esque comedic moments. While adults may find the blend of maturity along side slapstick antics odd, children seem to find the sophomoric physical comedy and slightly too mature moments in this film hilarious.

Yet what is most impressive about “Grown Ups” is that the characters, while overly dramatized, are believable, making this less than excellent film at least honest. This honesty combined with the strongly pushed moral theme of family togetherness results in a film that displays growth from the film star veteran and co-author, Sandler.

Further making the film bearable is the somewhat sappy yet honest plotline that keeps the audience’s attention in the frequent lulls between decent jokes. So in the end “Grown Ups” is a film about friendship and the challenges faced by those trying to connect with their families in the modern world and while it isn’t a great, it is mildly interesting.
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Horror
Joss Whedon (of Buffy/Firefly/Avengers fame) has written one of the most interestingly confusing scripts in recent history (with the help of co-writer Drew Goddard, who also directed the film). Starring Chris Hemsworth (Thor) as “the jock,” and a cast of other young folk, The Cabin in the Woods tackles what’s best described as an entirely new genre of filmmaking. This became obvious to me immediately after experiencing the last 30 seconds of the film.

The movie starts off with two disjointed storylines. In one plot thread, you have five college kids heading out for a weekend at a cabin on a lake. In the other, you have two professionally dressed desk jockeys going to work in what seems to be a mission control center. It becomes evident very early on that the organization for which these two men work is tracking the five vacationers.

The college group is comprised of the usual roles: the Jock, the Stoner, the Attractive Nerd, the Other Attractive Nerd, and the Slut. The five find themselves in a stereotypical horror film cabin. As the plot thickens, confusion sets in, and it becomes evident that their actions and fates are being controlled to some degree.

The most important observation I can share with you is that this movie was nothing like what I expected. It kept getting stranger and more unique the longer it went. Aside from the cheesy use of word graphics when the title was displayed, the cinematography is great. The acting is only decent, but the writing is entertaining. The film didn’t follow the normal conventions of a horror movie, but instead seemed to be an amalgamation of fantasy, horror and comedy; it was strongly reminiscent of the Evil Dead series.

I recommend watching The Cabin in the Woods purely for its unique and interesting take on a familiar story. You will be entertained.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Star Trek (2009) in Movies

Aug 23, 2020 (Updated Jan 22, 2023)  
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
JJ Abrams prepares for Star Wars
"Space. The Final Frontier. These are the voyages ..."

2009 big screen reimagining of the iconic 60s TV series, and I use that as the touchpoint deliberately: we're back to a (recast) Kirk and co instead of the Next Generation crew, or even those from Voyager/Enterprise/Discovery.

In retrospect, it also somewhat comes across as director JJ Abrams pitch for making a Star Wars movie: this is also lens flare and slow motion, with the action ramped up considerably from the TV series or even most of the previous movies. it's also the first of the three Kelvin-verse Star Trek movies: I'm unsure whether we'll get any more in that timeline, what with the tragic death of some of the (young) key actors - I'm looking at you, Anton Yelchin (Chekov) - and with others of the cast moving on to other bigger (?) sci-fi things - yep, that's you Zoe Saldana (Uhura).

The plot, as alluded to above, involves time travel, with the events thus kicking off an entire new timeline, that here sees Chris Pine taking on the role of James T Kirk - initially introduced as a kid, driving his step fathers classic car off a cliff (talk about setting out your stall early!) - and Zachary Quinto (then more famous as the villain Sylar from TVs 'Heroes') talking on the role of a younger Spock.

Most of the cast, I felt, was pretty much spot on - the only one that really rubbed me up the wrong way was Simon Pegg as Scotty, although even he grew on me a bit (I'm also not entirely sold on the aesthetics of the USS Enterprise here - more like USS Chibiprise!). We also have the 'passing of the torch' (as it were) from one character to another, with the inclusion of a certain key half-human actor who will forever be associated with that role ...