Yusha Evans
He was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina in a very conservative Christian home. In his...
The Teacher: The Dawning Epoch: Volume one
Beinsa Douno, Maria Mitovska and Harry Carr
Peter Deunov (1864-1944), who is also known as Beinsa Douno, was a spiritual teacher in Bulgaria. He...
Just Property: Volume Two: Enlightenment, Revolution, and History
Property remains the bedrock of the societies we all inhabit. It underpins our core institutions -...
Power, Patronage, and Memory in Early Islam
Alain George and Andrew Marsham
When the Umayyads, the first Islamic dynasty, rose to power shortly after the death of the Prophet...
Albert Camus and the Critique of Violence
The temptation to resort to violence runs like a thread through Albert Camus works, and can be...
Archbishop Justin Welby: Risk-taker and Reconciler
When the search for a new Archbishop of Canterbury began, Justin Welby had been a bishop for only...
The Philosophical Life: Biography and the Crafting of Intellectual Identity in Late Antiquity
Ancient biographies were more than accounts of the deeds of past heroes and guides for moral living....
Paradise Lost
John Milton's celebrated epic poem exploring the cosmological, moral and spiritual origins of man's...
Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism
Evangelical Christianity is a paradox. Evangelicals are radically individualist, but devoted to...
Christian Toolbox – the definitive gateway to all
Lifestyle and Catalogs
The Christian Toolbox is an extensive resource that will help Christians grow more spiritually...