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Amber (7 KP) created a poll

Oct 8, 2018  
Who do you prefer demi lovato or christina aguilera?

Christina aguilera

6 votes

Demi lovato

7 votes


Jessalyn Joy (118 KP) created a poll

Jul 16, 2017 (Updated Jul 16, 2017)  
Favorite Diva

Mariah Carey
Ariana Grande

0 votes

Kelly Clarkson

0 votes


0 votes

Christina Aguilera
Celine Dion

0 votes

Whitney Houston

0 votes


Madison (6 KP) rated Burlesque (2010) in Movies

Jun 27, 2017  
Burlesque (2010)
Burlesque (2010)
2010 | Drama, Musical, Romance
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Christina Aguilera (2 more)
I can't tell you how many times I've seen this movie, it is just so good!
Burlesque (2010)
Burlesque (2010)
2010 | Drama, Musical, Romance
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A story that has been done too many times before, and better than this...
The problem with Burlesque is that this is a story that has been done way too many times. Young girl moving to LA to follow her dreams, it’s a tired and overused plot and is just so predictable and dull. There are so many films that have done this so much better. And it is SO long. I can’t believe how long it drones on for. The soundtrack is fairly good but that’s probably one of the only few things going for this, and it isn’t helped by very badly timed lip syncing from everyone other than Cher - Christina Aguilera is the biggest culprit for this, surprisingly really considering her background, but I get very distracted watching a musical where the actions aren’t in time with the music.

Cast-wise, the majority are entirely forgettable with the exception of the usually fabulous Stanley Tucci. Cher is better than expected too, obviously a few years before she overdid it on the plastic surgery. Christina Aguilera isn’t great, she isn’t helped by a terrible script but I don’t really rate her as an actress. Whoever did her makeup should be sacked too, as apart from a few odd scenes where she looks natural, she looks horrendous.

Altogether this is just a boring and entirely lacklustre film, which is pretty bad when it’s a musical!

TJ (15 KP) Feb 10, 2019

Totally agree.


Kimmic (814 KP) Feb 11, 2019

I loved this film. I guess it's a lot to do with their strong singing voices though. Only modern style film like this so I guess it's limited choice x

Panic Attack - Single by Harriet Manice
Panic Attack - Single by Harriet Manice
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Harriet Manice is a singer-songwriter and photographer based in New York City. Not too long ago, she released a charming pop tune, entitled, “Panic Attack”.

“‘Panic Attack’ is a blend of Nashville storytelling and popular music. With a mix of acoustic and electronic instruments. The song provides the feelings one can go through dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. While the song raises an emotional and intense topic, the music generally stays upbeat, to give the hope that everything will be ok in the end. Just keep breathing in and breathing out.” – Harriet Manice

‘Panic Attack’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with a commercial pop aroma.

“What is happening? I can barely breathe. Feel the room is spinning quicking ’round me. Is this just a dream. Am I still asleep? Tell me how to stop this insanity.” – lyrics

This past year, Harriet Manice had the opportunity to perform at venues such as The Bitter End, Rockwood Music Hall, Sidewalk Cafe, Prohibition in New York City, and Jane Pickens Theatre and The Breakers in Newport, RI.

She grew up listening to James Taylor, Eric Clapton, Simon & Garfunkel, Jim Croce, The Dixie Chicks, Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, and Celine Dion.

Bill Nighy recommended Performance (1970) in Movies (curated)

Performance (1970)
Performance (1970)
1970 | Classics, Drama, Musical
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"“It’s predictable, but Performance, the Donald Cammell movie, contains one of the great cinema performances from James Fox. Mick Jagger is in there too giving a very good performance, and I know that by heart too. The soundtrack is epic, it’s beautiful, including a great Mick Jagger song called “Turner’s Song: Memo from T” which is a great, great song with some beautiful lyrics. It’s just a film that I have a soft spot for. I always remember watching Mean Streets, which was the first time I ever heard a Stones song in a movie. It was on the jukebox in the club, Jumpin’ Jack Flash was the song, and it was shocking that the Rolling Stones would allow one of their songs to be in a movie. But Scorsese has always had them in there; he’s a man of taste. They have a long relationship, because the Stones don’t use to let just anybody use their songs, you’d never get a Rolling Stones song in your movie. I also enjoyed Shine a Light, I thought it was wonderful. I loved the guests, Christina Aguilera, my god! What is that? She’s got so much talent, she’s so brilliant, and she looks so beautiful. You can see Mick’s face; he looked like he was so happy. Not only is she sensationally beautiful, glamorous and sexy, but also she can really, really, really do it, and the two of them pumping out that song was just beautiful. I’ve never seen a man look more happy or more grateful than Jack White, standing there singing Loving Cup. If you ever want to see a portrait of a young man looking as happy as it’s possible for a young man to look, check out Jack White in Shine a Light. At one point they’ve both got a microphone, Mick’s got one, he’s got the other, but he can’t bear it, he rushes over and shares a mic with Mick, because you know he wants to be able to say, “I shared a mic with Mick.” Then at the end he shakes everybody’s hand, Charlie, Keith and everybody, and if he was a dog he’d wag himself to death. If he’d had nine tails, it wouldn’t have been enough."

Burlesque (2010)
Burlesque (2010)
2010 | Drama, Musical, Romance
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Could Have Been Better
When Ali (Christina Aguilera) moves to LA to make it big, she decides to settle for working in a burlesque house instead. Oh my God, here we go…

Acting: 7

Beginning: 8

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 2
I guess this is as good a place to start as any. While there were some decent shots within the burlesque club itself, the film pretty much centers around this one location so there’s not a whole lot of room for expansion. Your eyes are supposed to be set on stage which would work if this were a play. I also thought they failed in capturing the sensuality of the burlesque genre. It felt extremely flat to say the least and I almost wish they had changed the title of the film to something else more relevant like, I don’t know, Pretty People Lip-Syncing? Huge fail here.

Conflict: 1
Much ado about nothing here as get a feel for exactly where the story is heading the entire time. The obstacles Ali experienced seemed staged, never natural, as if they were putting something in her way for the sake of it continuing the awful story. In the end, the film could never decide on where it wanted to create the conflict. Whether it was the club closing, someone wanting to take over the club, an awkward relationship triangle, or trouble on the big stage, Burlesque was all over the damn place.

Genre: 6

Memorability: 6

Pace: 4

Plot: 6
If I’m being honest, Ali’s drive was the only thing that kept me motivated to watch the movie the rest of the way. Her story is touching and, despite the Hallmark feel of it all, you want her to succeed. Other than that, I really couldn’t make heads or tails of much else. This movie is like a tree with crazy branches sprouting off into a bunch of different directions…but never really going anywhere important.

Resolution: 6

Overall: 56
Burlesque is the first film attacked in a podcast called “How Did This Get Made?”, a show that takes awful movies and rips them apart in deserved fashion. I started the movie thinking to myself, “Well, this isn’t so bad…” which became “Ok, what’s going on here?” which finally became, “Dear God, this needs to end!” Steer clear. You have been warned.