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Tim McGuire (301 KP) rated Hell Fest (2018) in Movies
Oct 7, 2019
276. Hell Fest. Low budget horror, on the big screen, I love it! So this one involves a horror theme park, teenagers, and a masked killer, perfection! So, yep it follows a group of teens to this years Hell Fest, and they are targeted by a masked killer, the tough part about it is, going up to the security at a horror theme park, and telling them that a masked man is scaring them. So this killer's M.O. seems to target people who aren't scared of the attractions offered by the park, so he kindly gives them a scare to remember for the rest of their short lives. The main actress who has the pleasure of being stalked, Amy Forsyth, I swear is the doppelganger of, Christina Robinson, Astor of Dexter fame. You be the judge! So yea, a blood bath in an amusement park, during the Halloween season, go see it, its a fun flick. The Candyman, Tony Todd even makes an appearance! And I loved the ending scene so, so much... Filmbufftim on FB