Batman Begins
Batman Begins, directed by the award-winning Christopher Nolan (Memento, Insomnia), unveils the...
Under the Eye of the Clock
This is the story of Joseph Meehan, born cruelly handicapped and known to the world as 'the crippled...
Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard's the Dark Knight: A Film Score Guide
One of the most successful films inspired by comic books, The Dark Knight was the second feature of...
Directors Close Up 2: Interviews with Directors Nominated for Best Film by the Directors Guild of America: 2006-2012
Since 1992, The Directors Guild of America has hosted annual seminars featuring its nominees for...
The Weird and the Eerie
What exactly are the Weird and the Eerie? In this new essay, Mark Fisher argues that some of the...
Inception: The Shooting Script
Christopher Nolan and Jonah Nolan
Inception, writer-director Christopher Nolan's seventh feature film, joins the epic scope of The...
The Astounding Illustrated History of Science Fiction
Dave Golder, Jess Nevins, Russ Thorne and Sarah Dobbs
A truly astonishing, illustrated history of Science fiction, covering fantasy, and horror, with...
Hidden in Plain Sight: An Archaeology of Magic and the Cinema
What does it mean to deWhat does it mean to describe cinematic effects as "movie magic," to compare...