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Greenleaf  - Season 1
Greenleaf - Season 1
2016 | Drama
Excellent casting (4 more)
Reveals the truth about families and the secrets they keep
Will grab u your attention from episode one and won't let you go til the end
All churches may not be like this one but we all know there's truth to this plot
Oprah plays a role like you've never seen her play and she doesn't disappoint
A Mega Church filled with sex, deep dark family secrets,and drama, drama, drama!
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was looking for a new show to binge watch when I came across this. When I saw that Oprah was part of the show I knew it would be something worth watching. I stayed up all night and the next day, unable to stop watching because I had to know what happened next. This show does not disappoint! It has everything a series needs to draw you in and keep you watching.. A family with money and a mega church with secrets that have been kept hidden for years...until their estranged daughter arrives intent on exposing the truth behind her sister's suicide. A house and church built on sex, murder, lies and scandal won't stand for long as the truth is revealed episode by episode. A must see series!
Yard of Blonde Girls by Jeff Buckley
Yard of Blonde Girls by Jeff Buckley
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The album I got into most from Jeff Buckley was Grace and I listened to that loads. I've listened to that back to front, but more recently I got into Sketches For My Sweetheart which this song is on. I think that this album is all demos and the fact that it still sounds so complete, the message is still so strong, the energy’s still there. Something about that particular song just really felt like church to me I can’t explain it, maybe it’s the chord progression. It was like grunge church, I'm into that. I'd love to go to a sermon where it’s grunge church, that's me. But more so how he kind of created a world in this song where I don't really get what he’s chatting about but I’m with him, I’m on that journey. I love things like that, that I can’t explain, and I think Dark Matter is very much like that, I don't want people to try and explain it. I want people to try and feel it, have that relationship. And then maybe one day find out why it makes you feel this way. I haven't found the answer for this one yet but that's definitely the vibe."

Synopsis: RENEWED is a devotional providing healing for those in ministry who have been hurt in the church.

Ministry is a privilege, but it can also be a painful experience. Unrealistic expectations, church conflict, forced resignations, and our own struggles with burnout, loneliness, and insecurity can make church feel more like a place of wounding than a place of healing. How can wounded leaders find the courage to reject bitterness and keep loving the church?

RENEWED is a forty-day devotional for women in ministry, ministry wives, and lay leaders who have been wounded by their congregations. You are not alone. God sees your pain. He knows your hurts. And he is waiting to bind up your broken heart. This forty-day journey into the healing love of Jesus will help you find the courage to stop hiding and start loving the church again.

My Review: Working in ministry can be hard, complex and difficult at times. Leigh has done an impressive job of putting in perspective what happens in ministry. Churches are built up of people and personalities; so there will be times of conflicts, difficult people and those who wish to oppose ideas in your ministry.

This book of devotions will help those in ministry learn to turn to God and His word for comfort and understanding. There are topics of lamenting, forgiveness, learning to lean on Him in rough times and just giving it all to Him.
This is a must-have book for anyone in ministry, especially for pastor's wives so they will know what they are going to be facing when they take on the role of Pastor's Wife and knowing that they aren't the only one experiencing those certain situations; it's comforting knowing that you aren't the only one.

This would make a lovely gift for any women in ministry, I have truly enjoyed this book and found it very useful in my life.

 received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
The Heart's Invisible Furies
The Heart's Invisible Furies
John Boyne | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
My favourite book this year!!
Another book that deserves more than 5 stars. I loved this - a book that I thought about constantly, even when I wasn't reading it. The story of Cyril Avery's life, from the moment his mother is ejected from the village church and the village itself, up until near his death. An absolutely wonderful story. I laughed (a lot), I cried.
Highly recommended!!!
The Golden Compass (2007)
The Golden Compass (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Talking animals adult action (0 more)
Hard to really understand (0 more)
So i read the books .they were ok its somewhat hard to understand spirit animals and magical dust.a church that resembles Catholic .and 'spliting the animals from the children. It was suposed to be a trilliogy but only the first was made.but i read the books and they were just as hard to understand '.and diffrent from each other
The Two Popes (2019)
The Two Popes (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Verdict: A Pryce & Hopkins Masterclass

Story: The Two Popes starts with the death of Pope John Paul II, the Vatican must elect a new Pope, bring the Cardinals from around the world together to go through the voting system, one the world is waiting to hear the news. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pryce) and Cardinal Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger (Hopkins) are the favourites to wise to the spot, with Ratzinger becoming Pope Benedict.
Jump forward to 2012, Pope Benedict is involved in a scandal, which sees Jorge return to Rome hoping to be granted his retirement. Pope Benedict refuses his request, as the two clash on their beliefs, with Jorge wanting to see the church move to the future, while Pope Benedict believes the church should never change.

Thoughts on The Two Popes

Characters – Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is from Argentina, he has always bought the people together, he sees the church needing to not only let the future in, but embrace the changes they could never have considered because of their beliefs, he is one of the two challengers voted for to become the next Pope before stepping away from the votes. Years later, he wants to retire and isn’t getting answers, he confronts the pope, wanting to get answers, until he learns the true reason for their meeting. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was always meant to replace Pope John Paul II, he wins and becomes Pope Benedict. His reign will see him facing scandal before he decides to make a massive decision, one unheard of in the church. He has always believed in follow everything the church has before, which is why he gets challenged the most. We only meet a younger version of Jorge as we see his journey to rise to Cardinal in Argentina, while anybody else is usually just showing the two around.
Performances – Jonathan Pryce and Anthony Hopkins give two of the greatest performances of the year, the two legends of the industry shine carrying the film with their performances through the film.
Story – The story here follows the close election of a new Pope and how the Cardinal who stepped out of the race he never wanted to be in, is the one person that the new Pope can turn to in his time of need to save the church from a scandal which could destroy it. This is one of the most interesting and engrossing stories you will see, it shows a behind the curtain look at how the church operates, with minds that believe in a God, even if they do follow different beliefs with how they can connect to more people. We do get to learn how Jorge was given his chance in the first place, had experiences that Pope Benedict never went through to get to his position. The idea that this is a conversation between two religious men with differences, it shows how people can disagree without needing to turn into an ugly fight for no reason, they can respect their differences.
Biopic/Comedy – The biopic side of the film shows the private conversation between two religious figureheads that went through to make one of the biggest decisions in the church’s history, which is also done in a comedic way, where we get to see the two have a joke along the way.
Settings – The settings are beautiful from the country house to how the Vatican is recreated to make us believe we are right there with the Popes.

Scene of the Movie – The truth conversation.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not hearing the confession.
Final Thoughts – This is an acting masterclass from two of the greatest actors Hollywood has seen, it highlights the big change the church would take and how to have a conversation where both sides disagree, but accept the difference of opinions.

Overall: Acting Masterclass.
Never Saw You Coming
Never Saw You Coming
Erin Hahn | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Religion, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An insightful look at love and religion
Meg Hennessey grew up finding comfort in her faith. But her conservative parents also kept her sheltered based on their interpretation of the rules of the church. But at age eighteen, Meg learns her entire life was a lie. Instead of going to work at a church camp for a year, she heads to Marquette, Michigan to learn more about the family she never knew she had. There, she meets Micah Allen. Micah's dad is a former pastor who is now in prison. Micah adored and believed in his father, who let the church, his congregation, and his family down famously--the press still hounds Micah years later. With his father's probation hearing coming up, his mother wants him to forgive him, but Micah isn't sure he can. Meg and Micah meet and find themselves drawn to each other. But each struggle with what they've been taught about love, along with the pasts they may need to leave behind to move forward.

"Because the uncomfortable truth is, while the church loves sinners in their pews, they don't want them in front of a crowd. It's the difference between acceptance and tolerance, and it might catch on. God forbid."

This is a really lovely and moving story. While it includes a lot of religious themes and discussion, it never felt like too much--religion and forgiveness informs the story, rather than detracts from it. Meg is a side character in Hahn's excellent book, MORE THAN MAYBE, and we see glimpses of Vada and Luke from that tale (which is really fun). It's wonderful to see Meg fully explored here--Hahn writes her sections in a snappy and smart way, capturing Meg perfectly. She's so sweet, yet smart and tough. Her entire life has been upended, and Meg truly must rethink her whole faith and foundation. I think a weaker person would crumple at such a situation. Watching her grow is really fun; you cannot help but root for her.

And Micah is a great character, too. He too, has had his faith tested, as his father destroyed his church and Micah's belief in the church. Micah and Meg's romance is cute, honest, and real. Hahn's book explores how shamed these two feel by falling in love and how the church has conditioned them to feel that love, happiness, and romance can be wrong and even sinful. It tackles the pain of loving a Jesus/God who then censures you for loving. It's so adept at this and skilled at portraying their struggles. How can the love of these two sweet, earnest kids be wrong? And as they explore why bad things happen--especially as they believe so fully--the book makes you think and examine deeply. It deftly exposes the church's focus on female purity only, while often ignoring the males. Honestly, whether you're religious or not, this is a must-read, especially in these times, when so much of the control of a women's body seems not be our own.

Overall, I loved this book. It offers a charming romance, along with a timely look at religion and how it can affect young people as they make their way in the world. The side characters are excellent (I'm looking at you, Duke, and Cash the dog!). Hahn's writing is as excellent as ever. 4.5 stars. Please note the author's own note for a trigger warning for self-harm and suicide.

I received a copy of this book from St. Martin's Press / Wednesday Books and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
Oranges are Not the Only Fruit
Oranges are Not the Only Fruit
Jeanette Winterson | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Weighing up the church and personal beliefs
Jeanette Winterson's classic semi-autobiographical story about growing up as a lesbian in a devoutly religious family shows the internal battle she had to deal with as a young girl. The exorcism scene is comically tragic as it's horrifying to think about how a girl is not accepted for who she is. An interesting story, but at times seemed a little repetitive.
Maggie Dove: A Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought it started slow and dragged a bit. But once it got going it was a great story. The end was a little to quick and forced, and I didn't relate to the Church stuff - so I could have done without it. I wish the conclusion "whodoneit" part was thought out better- it was a great concept but it all seemed forced into one page of dialogue. #RHMysteryPack #Sponsored

Dan Stevens recommended Leaves of Grass in Books (curated)

Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I’ve had Whitman’s voice in my head since I discovered him as a teenager. I return to him again and again: “Read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem.” Yes, please."
