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    The Five (2013)

    The Five (2013)

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    Eun-A lost her family at the hands of a serial killer. She is now mentally and physically destroyed....

Warcraft (2016)
Warcraft (2016)
2016 | Action, Fantasy
The orcs (0 more)
Watched today never played Warcraft but knew of the game always wished I could have done it’s okay movie saved by the orcs who are the standout in the movie the humanators aren’t bad either liked it when I first saw I at the cinema the plot really predictable but that’s my only gripe overall good afternoon film
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Bendict cumberbatch (1 more)
Xochitl gomez
Watched tonight I don't normally go the cinema on a Sunday night but this weekend was different not gonna give away any spoilers here but wow is all I can sat better than the first the effects the cameos which I won't give away here just everything about the movie just wowed me from start to finish

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Free Guy (2021) in Movies

Oct 29, 2021 (Updated Nov 2, 2021)  
Free Guy (2021)
Free Guy (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
There are some great cameos in the film as well and not only people, there are object and music cameos that had the cinema audience laughing out loud during the screening, brilliant. It’s so nice to see everyone getting back to the point of enjoying a great night out with others, especially after everything that has been going on.
In the Heights (2021)
In the Heights (2021)
2021 | Drama, Music, Musical
The music (0 more)
Watched today not normally watch a musical but sometimes I do and I missed it at the cinema last year for me the best part of movie for me was the music there were times I was tempted to sing along but I didn’t the game was ok the location of the heights was amazing would I watch again maybe

Anil Kapoor recommended The Godfather (1972) in Movies (curated)

The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
1972 | Crime, Drama

"Everything just fell in place. The right people, the right director, the right script, the right timing, what the world was going through. Everything just fell right. So Godfather, Slumdog Millionaire, Laurel & Hardy, and Chaplin. Well, it’s too early to talk about Slumdog, but I’m sure after 50 or 100 years people are going to say that everything just fell in the right [place] for Slumdog. The Godfather is not [just] an American hit, it’s really a worldwide film. Anywhere [you go]: China, Japan, Mexico. Everywhere students of cinema, ordinary people, everybody just loved the film. It’s got that cinematic magic, The Godfather. And, you know, it’s the lighting, the camerawork, the editing, the performances, the casting, the colors, the costumes. It was cinema at its best, and I’m sure it is something which, as you say, was written. Just everything fell in place. It doesn’t happen with everybody, it’s [when] people are [from] a certain kind of work culture [that] these things happen normally. What I like about The Godfather [is that] it’s very classical. [Coppola] just leaves the camera. You never see the camera moving. It’s very static and it’s the actors [who are moving]. [But] still you create the magic. You don’t have to juggle the camera to attract attention. The music also is very subtle. Everything is subtle. Your mind is throbbing, your [hairs are] rising, you’re on the edge of your seat, but still everything is so calm and relaxed. It’s cinema at its best. Slumdog? That’s also cinema at its best but everything [is] movement. There’s so much movement, there’s so much energy, the script is moving, the screenplay, the camera is moving, the actors are moving, everything is moving. But still, you understand the story. It is in control. Still, it moves you."
