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Bicycle Thieves (1948)
Bicycle Thieves (1948)
1948 | Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Bicycle Thieves is extraordinary for the technique that the director uses to stage a street-life opera; [it’s] quite extraordinary. The stealing of the protagonist’s bicycle – that whole segment lasts 15 minutes, possibly 20 minutes. The guy has created a street opera including cars, roundabouts, work men, traffic — everything moves with such ease, with such flow. It’s like watching a painting being painted in front of you by Picasso. It’s an extraordinary way to open a film that is also an extraordinary vision of a director being able to conduct almost like a conductor with an orchestra. Just a piece of solid, 20 minute music. Almost like Mozart used to do where it’s just pure music for 10 minutes. This is pure cinema for the first 20 minutes. Pure cinema. Then it gets into the scene where the guy tries to recover his bicycle and is just driving through Milan trying to do this. But that first 20 minutes — that first opening is operatic. It’s incredibly beautiful and that makes it one of my favorite films."

Nosferatu (Eine Symphonie Des Grauens) (1922)
Nosferatu (Eine Symphonie Des Grauens) (1922)
1922 | Horror, International

"I’ve seen the Herzog one a good many times too, but the Murnau film… Murnau is neck to neck with Bergman as my favorite director. He’s responsible for some of the best images in cinema of all time, from Nosferatu to Faust to Sunset. His work was so influential that filmmakers generations later can be referencing Murnau without knowing it. But Nosferatu is an interesting movie. It was produced by Albin Grau, an occultist who started an independent film studio to make occult-themed movies. Nosferatu was his first endeavor. And he hired the screenwriter, and he hired Murnau, and he was the production designer and did a lot of concept art. Very much part of the authorship of this film. And Max Schreck, as much as he is a folk vampire and a reinterpretation of Stoker’s literary gothic vampire, he’s also influenced by Albin Grau’s early 20th-century occultist views on vampirism. But in many ways — there’s horror movies before it, obviously — Nosferatu invents horror movies. The editing of the parallel story together in some ways invents cinema."


Jack Reynor recommended Peeping Tom (1960) in Movies (curated)

Peeping Tom (1960)
Peeping Tom (1960)
1960 | Horror, Thriller
7.8 (16 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When Peeping Tom was released in 1960 it was savaged by critics who’d seen the film at a special press screening. Those British critics must have been outraged with Michael Powell, whom they had trusted as a director who would reinforce their British identity and value system. That trust must have been completely broken by this scathing indictment of voyeurism and extreme violence. There are many similarities between this and Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, released the same year, and Hitchcock shrewdly avoided press screening his film after having seen Powell’s fate just a few months before. Powell’s career was over, with the exception of a few obscure projects, but the culture of slasher films was just beginning. And whether people realized it or not, this was ground zero. Critical reappraisal of Peeping Tom has secured the film where it belongs, in the category of crucially important cinema. Personally, I prefer Powell’s film to Hitchcock’s, but both should be regarded as examples of great horror cinema that demands critical thought and analysis."

Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Good plotline (1 more)
CGI is amazing.
Seemed slightly rushed at points (0 more)
Woman power
While watching this movie, I was smiling and laughing at the humour throughout it. It promoted women as not the weak party among superheroes.
At the time I thought it might have been slightly rushed to finish and give it the ending the audience wanted but I can't complain because I've seen it three times in the cinema on the week it was showing.

I highly recommend this movie.
Robin Hood (2018)
Robin Hood (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Taron Egerton has made quite a name for himself as the plucky Eggsy in the Kingsman franchise, but this revamp of the Robin Hood story is an absolute turd of a film. After last year’s lifeless King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, the writing really was on the wall for this overblown adventure that spectacularly achieves nothing in its running time. Can you get a refund at the cinema?
Rampage (2018)
Rampage (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Excellent action sequences. (1 more)
The humour.
Some moments stretch things a bit too far. (0 more)
Grin Inducing fun.
Loosely based on the 80's arcade game, Rampage is a fantasy action film that whips along at a cracking pace.

There are loads of great action sequences and the humour is superb, throughout.
You'll need to switch your brain off, though, as it's very far fetched.

My son and I watched this together (he's 12) and both left the cinema with massive grins.

Excellent fun.
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Fun comedy with a great cast
I saw this movie today at the cinema, I had seen a trailer for it a few months ago and to be honest even though the trailer was funny I forgot about it. My partner noticed it was out now so we went. I wasn't disappointed, from the beginning of the film I found myself laughing. I thought the cast were really strong and they did bounce off each other well. I would really recommend.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Love the actors and the humour (0 more)
Nothing! (0 more)
After watching the original (I have watched many times!) I was excited but unsure when the remake came out. We watched a s a family at the cinema and from start to finish we were all laughing! The film is done brilliantly taking the original story but twisting and tweaking it to make it modern and funny! We have now watched it numerous times still finding it funny every time! Would highly recommend
Mile 22 (2018)
Mile 22 (2018)
2018 | Action
You'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to find a more obnoxious film than Mile 22 (2018). #Review
“Mile 22” is a movie every bit as toxically moronic, tone-deaf and self-flagellating as a daily schedule which starts the day at 2:30am for literally no good reason. It’s a hateful, ignorant and needlessly, excessively profane geopolitical cartoon scrawled in crayon on the bathroom stall of cinema; a Neanderthal cave painting, rendered in excrement....

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