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Eric Rohmer: A Biography
Antoine de Baecque, Noel Herpe, Steven Rendall and Lisa Neal
The director of twenty-five films, including My Night at Maud's (1969), which was nominated for a...

Drive: Journeys Through Film, Cities, and Landscapes
This book explores the experience of driving cars as a way of encountering landscapes and cities...

The Music and Sound of Experimental Film
Jeremy Barham and Holly Rogers
This book explores music/sound-image relationships in non-mainstream screen repertoire from the...

David Lynch
A key figure in the ongoing legacy of modern cinema, David Lynch designs environments for...

?Victim (1961) was a landmark in the history both of the cinema and of British society. This modest...

The Right Bite
It s easy to follow a healthy diet when you re in control of your shopping list and the contents of...
Arab Occidentalism: Images of America in the Middle East
When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, his foreign policy was at first seen to be the antithesis of...

Edgar Wright recommended The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) in Movies (curated)

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated The House (2017) in Movies
Sep 25, 2019
Scott and Kate have been looking forward to sending their daughter to college with a local scholarship, but when it is frittered away by an official they are faced with finding the money to replace it. With their down on his luck neighbour, the trio start their own underground casino and are soon seeing another side of their community, and themselves...
While I wouldn't actively seek out a film that has Will Ferrell in it, I have to say that this one was a good laugh. Was it groundbreaking film? No. But it did everything you want from a comedy. The cast were great, and I really enjoyed watching Lennon Parham and Andrea Savage.
One thing I noticed from the movie I didn't realise that axes were that effective.