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    ?Victim (1961) was a landmark in the history both of the cinema and of British society. This modest...

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
1972 | Comedy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"As I was a young film fan growing up in a VCR-less household in rural England, my access to international cinema was limited to whatever was playing on the (then) four channels of network television. Which basically meant that Sergio Leone’s Dollars trilogy and Jacques Tati were some of the only European films I saw until I was in my late teens. During a brief art college stint, my eyes were opened as I was exposed to surrealism. First Luis Buñuel’s Un chien Andalou and L’age d’or, but then later, my favorite film of his, the 1972 masterpiece The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. Dipping into the history of cinema is an exciting yet overwhelming task for some. When appreciating older works, I like to contextualize by tracing back to them from their influences. So if the work of Buñuel ever seems daunting, know this: he directly influenced Monty Python, and John Landis was inspired by this movie for a classic shock sequence in An American Werewolf in London. I know that has now inspired some of you to watch the film immediately. Buñuel has a fiendishly prankish sense of humor to go along with his endless smarts. If you have never watched a film of his, this is a good place to start."

The House (2017)
The House (2017)
2017 | Comedy
It was a beautiful day in June as I strolled through the streaming sunshine... to go and sit in the cinema. I know, I know, I should have been enjoying the mysterious yellow thing in the sky. As it turns out though, I prefer sitting in the dark with a raspberry slushie. I skipped seeing The House on Friday because of the hoards of people at the cinema, so that was today's selection.

Scott and Kate have been looking forward to sending their daughter to college with a local scholarship, but when it is frittered away by an official they are faced with finding the money to replace it. With their down on his luck neighbour, the trio start their own underground casino and are soon seeing another side of their community, and themselves...

While I wouldn't actively seek out a film that has Will Ferrell in it, I have to say that this one was a good laugh. Was it groundbreaking film? No. But it did everything you want from a comedy. The cast were great, and I really enjoyed watching Lennon Parham and Andrea Savage.

One thing I noticed from the movie I didn't realise that axes were that effective.