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Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Crazy Rich Asians (2018) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Those of you that have read my reviews, will know of my love of Sci-Fi and horror movies, but every once in a while something comes along that brings a big grin to my face as soon as the movie starts and Crazy Rich Asians is one of those film, very much like La La Land did when I saw it in the cinema.

The movie has some brilliant characters that bring the film alive, such as the very memorable and funny Peik Lin Goh (Awkwafina) who as some brilliant lines that some of the laughs to the film.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)
2022 | Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Daniel craig (0 more)
Watched yesterday probably the first time I've seen at the cinema that was meant Netflix but for one week only its Been at cinemas cross the country anyway the film going into the sequel could top the orignal knives out yes it does from the many red herrings thruout the film to Daniel Craig's dodgy accent as beniot blanc the only returning cast member from the first movie. There's a twist in the middle of the movie that I didn't see coming which I won't give away and a surprise cameo which I wasn't expecting either overall good movie
In the Earth (2021)
In the Earth (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Different (0 more)
Low budget (2 more)
Just odd
Different vibe to the trailer
Nothing to see here
I saw a trailer for this last year and thought it looked a bit different to mainstream Horror. It didn't get much of a cinema run but as an Eco, environmental Horror wouldn't really appeal to the masses.
Unfortunately from the trailer it looked like it was going to be a rather creepy, errie Horror based on Folk law, old legends. Instead it was pretty basic crazy people in the woods gone a bit trippy. Nicely shot but the story was rather silly in the end.
Poltergeist (1982)
Poltergeist (1982)
1982 | Horror
Poltergeist is a stone cold classic in so many ways. It has that Spielberg blockbuster shine whilst simultaneously being a scary Tobe Hooper film. It has some absolutely incredible special effects that make way for some of the most memorable moments in horror history. It has a cast of extremely likable characters who you want to see come out on top. It has a wonderful Jerry Goldsmith score.
It's one of those movies that has stuck with me since childhood and still blows me away now. A timeless slice of cinema that will always rank amongst the best of the genre.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) created a post

Jan 2, 2022  
Okay time for my top ten movies of 2021 can't believe a year ago when at the start of the third lockdown there would be cinema again in 2021 but it did and here's my list.
1 No time to die
2 Spider - man no way home
3 Dune
4 Last night in soho
5 Palm springs
6 Freaky
7 Black widow
8 the Suicide squad
9 Malignant
10 Wonder woman 84
And there we are wasn't easy choosing my top ten but managed it and who knows 2022 which movie will take the top spot this year
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Good use of humour throughout (0 more)
Emotionally upsetting (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
After winning this in @Smashbomb giveaway recently I sat and watched the movie again. I must admit when i watched it at cinema I nearly walked out after the first five minutes of the movie having watched Loki die, my favourite character. And after having watched it four or five times it's not any easier to watch.
I like this movie as it feel a bit more grown up in terms of the story line than the other avengers movies. You know that this is the build up to the big showdown, and something serious is going to happen.
Having said that they do still manage to keep the humour going all the way through the movie which lightens it up a bit.
I think my favourite thing about it is all the separate characters coming together I.e Dr strange and the guardian's being introduced. The only downfall being Hawkeye and Antman are absent.
Also as much as your supposed to hate him. I kind of love Thanos in the movie, Josh Brolin played him brilliantly, and I would have maybe liked to have known a little more of his back story.
Also the end of this film was so edge of seat suspense, I've never felt like that before watching a film. You so want them to win but know that they won't. I was practically screaming in the cinema at the screen. It has been a ten year journey with the marvel franchise and I've got to say I feel like these movies are a part of me. I think the cliffhanger this movie left on, left everyone in my cinema screen in utter shock and speechless.
The only reason I've marked it down is because there more and I would hope that all this is leading up to a ten out of ten for the final one, as heart breaking and soul destroying that one may be.
Thankyou @Smashbomb for my dvd

Eleanor (1463 KP) Jul 18, 2019

Had the same Loki moment... 😭🙄


Emma (519 KP) Jul 18, 2019

Even Heimdall made me emotional, worst five minutes of a film ever 😥


Martin Scorsese recommended Contempt (1963) in Movies (curated)

Contempt (1963)
Contempt (1963)
1963 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I used to think of Godard and Antonioni as the great modern visual artists of cinema—great colorists who composed frames the way painters composed their canvases. I still think so, but I also connect with them on the emotional level. And for me, Contempt is one of the most moving films of its era. At the time, people talked a lot about the unlikely combination of artists involved: a multilingual Carlo Ponti production of an Alberto Moravia novel, starring Brigitte Bardot, costarring Michel Piccoli and Jack Palance, set at Cinecittà and in the Casa Malaparte in Capri, directed by Jean-Luc Godard, with Fritz Lang as himself. The film itself got a little lost in the fixation on the details. It’s interesting when circumstances that seem so relevant and important at the time of a film’s release just dissolve as the years go by. I didn’t care so much about all of that background information at the time, I just responded to what I saw on the screen, but over the years Contempt has grown increasingly, almost unbearably, moving to me. It’s a shattering portrait of a marriage going wrong, and it cuts very deep, especially during the lengthy and justifiably famous scene between Piccoli and Bardot in their apartment: even if you don’t know that Godard’s own marriage to Anna Karina was coming apart at the time, you can feel it in the action, the movement of the scenes, the interactions that stretch out so painfully but majestically, like a piece of tragic music. Contempt is also a lament for a kind of cinema that was disappearing at the time, embodied by Fritz Lang and the impossible adaptation of The Odyssey that he’s directing. And it is a profound cinematic encounter with eternity, in which both the lost marriage and the cinema seem to dissolve. It’s one of the most frightening great films ever made."
