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Edgar Wright recommended Blow Out (1981) in Movies (curated)

Blow Out (1981)
Blow Out (1981)
1981 | Mystery

"I have heard people call themselves Brian De Palma apologists. I am proud to say that I am a huge fan without any caveats. There’s a reason that, back in the seventies, fellow movie brats Spielberg, Lucas, and Scorsese would defer to De Palma as “the filmmaker.” When on form, his work is something to behold. Even the lesser works of De Palma contain flashes of genius, while the best of his movies rank as pure cinema. Blow Out is certainly one of De Palma’s finest. There’s not a wasted shot, not even a wasted corner of frame. In the telling of this audiovisual thriller, De Palma uses Steadicam work, split screens, split diopter shots, and complex optical effects to utterly exciting but never overly flashy effect. Some directors are great storytellers without their presence being felt, but De Palma, much like his cinematic hero Alfred Hitchcock, is a master manipulator of both his medium and his audience. He plays us like an instrument, maneuvers us like puppets, and frequently makes us look where we’d rather not. Blow Out begins with De Palma turning the camera on himself and criticisms against him, then ends with one of the crueller, blacker chapters in cinema. The interview on the disc with De Palma and Noah Baumbach is a must-see too; great to hear him talk about Hitchcock, Antonioni, and Coppola and their influence on this film. Filmmakers and film students will be also fascinated to know that Brian thinks coverage is a dirty word. This is a tremendous piece of work that I am very glad Criterion has given the royal treatment."

Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
1960 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Psycho is a true all-timer, in every sense of the phrase. It still holds up now, as well as it ever did and is simply a masterclass in suspense cinema.

Anthony Perkins is fantastic as Norman Bates. He makes the character both approachable and sinister, subtly suggesting just how unhinged he is as the narrative steams forward.
The pacing in Psycho is perfect, even before Marion Crane pulls into the Bates Motel. It successfully reels you in from the films opening (and incredible music score) and just doesn't let you until the end.
Marion Crane is of course played by Janet Leigh. She has a hypnotizing presence thought the runtime, with every line of dialogue feeling important. Her performance alongside Perkins is a huge part of what makes Psycho such a classic.

Hitchcock achieved some truly magnificent shots here as well. The infamous shower scene has rightly earned it's place in cinema history, but it's easy to forget just how chilling it is when you see a shadowy figure through the shower curtain, silently enter the room. True nightmare fuel. Another favourite moment is the overhead shot when Bates flys out of his mother's room to attack Arbogast. Makes me jump every damn time.
Bernard Herrmanns score compliments all of this wonderfully as well. It's a timeless score that is constantly frantic whilst simultaneously beautiful. Much like Jaws, it's almost impossible to think of the film without hearing parts of the iconic music theme.

Psycho is a solid masterpiece that remains effective to this day. It's the perfect thriller, and in some ways, the perfect horror.
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Trick 'r Treat (2007)
2007 | Horror
Great anthology stories that overlap (3 more)
Great characters
Good make-up effects
Good cast
A new Halloween classic
A great collection of Halloween tales that overlap each other on one Halloween night in a small town. It has some great moments in the 4 main stories, mixing up an urban ghost story, scary creatures, slasher and just the plain weird. It has a good cast including Brian Cox looking a little John Carpenter like and Anna Paquin of True Blood. The film also reminds the viewers of the reasons behind some of the traditions. A bit short at 80mins but very enjoyable, one of the best horror anthologies around! This could become a cult film taking into account it didn't get a cinema release....who knows why!? Plenty of extras on the DVD as well.