Jim Jarmusch
The first major English-language study of Jarmusch At a time when gimmicky, action-driven...

Movie London
This revised and updated guide to movie tourism in London contains detailed coverage of over 500...

Roman Polanski
Roman Polanski (born 1933) is a French - Polish film director, producer, writer and actor, who...

Scenes from a Revolution: The Birth of the New Hollywood
With behind-the-scenes gossip creating as much drama as the movies themselves, Hollywood in 1967...
Shakespeare, Bakhtin, and Film: A Dialogic Lens
This book explores how Bakhtin's ideas can illuminate the compelling but uneasy fusion of...

The Ambivalent Legacy of Elia Kazan: The Politics of the Post-HUAC Films
In 1952, Elia Kazan testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigating...

The Movies in the Age of Innocence
Upon its original publication in 1962, Edward Wagenknecht's The Movies in the Age of Innocence...

Screening European Heritage: Creating and Consuming History on Film: 2016
Rob Stone and Paul Cooke
This book provides a unique examination of the way Europe's past is represented on contemporary...
Girlhood and the Plastic Image
You are girlish, our images tell us. You are plastic. Girlhood and the Plastic Image explains how,...

The Producers: Money, Movies and Who Calls the Shots
An insightful, anecdote-filled history of the film industry, and an examination of the role of the...