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Black and Blue (2019)
Black and Blue (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Drama
Good cast (0 more)
The plot has been done better before (0 more)
Decent crime thriller
One of the films I missed as it didn't get a long release at the cinema in the UK. Naomie Harris plays a rookie cop in a rundown area of New Orleans. With corrupt cops and gangs working together in the supply of drugs. Soon she is hunted by both through the neighborhood after capturing a murder by the corrupt cops on her bodycam.
Overall it was an enjoyable watch, a little slow at the start and middle section. It had quite a low budget feel to it despite some big cast names. Worth a watch but far from the better films with a similar plotline. @21 Bridges (2019) is one example that had more action.

Awix (3310 KP) rated La Mala Educacion (Bad Education) (2004) in Movies

Sep 18, 2019 (Updated Sep 18, 2019)  
La Mala Educacion (Bad Education) (2004)
La Mala Educacion (Bad Education) (2004)
2004 | Drama, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another striking movie from Almodóvar's late 90s-early 2000s imperial phase. The complex plot resists easy summary, but concerns the makers of a film adapted from a story based on a (fictional) case of child molestation by Catholic priests - but not everything is quite as it initially appears to be. Flashbacks and the film-within-the-film echo and repeat each other; the line between them eventually blurs and vanishes.

Brilliant performances again, especially from Gael Garcia Bernal, and a fiendishly convoluted and clever script that never loses track of the seriousness of the issues involved: not for the first time, Almodóvar seems to be channelling Hitchcock in a very warped way. Less humane and optimistic than his other films, with a more ambiguous ending, but still a hugely impressive piece of cinema.
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Smashbomb (4687 KP) created a post in Friends of Smashbomb

Aug 3, 2020  
The Surreal Movies and TV Blog

We are excited to announce our latest Publishing Partner: 'The Surreal Movies and TV Blog' run by Smashbomber @Ronyell

You can visit the blog here:

'The Surreal Movies and TV Blog' If you're a fan of Movie or Television Shows that wonder into the world of surreal then you're going to love this blog so much! There are some super pages on this blog dedicated to all different elements of surrealism - especially horror, so this is super recommended for anyone who loves a weirder side of cinema!

Social links:
Smashbomb: @Ronyell

Ronyell (38 KP) Aug 3, 2020

Thank you so much!!! Glad to be a partner!!

Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)
Eoin Colfer | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hearing recently that, due to the Covid-19 situation that has swept the world and (as of 2020) has caused the majority of affected countries to go into full-on Lockdown mode, the planned cinema release of Kenneth Branagh's film of the same name would instead be released on their streaming platform Disney+, I thought I would go back and re-read the novel for the first time in about a decade or so.

And, I have to say, while it's enjoyable enough, it's also pretty forgettable, which might explain why I never read any of the sequels. I'd be interested, however, in how this translates to a different medium and - if, as planned - there are any other films based on those sequels, I may hunt them out.
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