Dean (6927 KP) rated Black and Blue (2019) in Movies
Jan 25, 2021
Overall it was an enjoyable watch, a little slow at the start and middle section. It had quite a low budget feel to it despite some big cast names. Worth a watch but far from the better films with a similar plotline. @21 Bridges (2019) is one example that had more action.

Awix (3310 KP) rated La Mala Educacion (Bad Education) (2004) in Movies
Sep 18, 2019 (Updated Sep 18, 2019)
Brilliant performances again, especially from Gael Garcia Bernal, and a fiendishly convoluted and clever script that never loses track of the seriousness of the issues involved: not for the first time, Almodóvar seems to be channelling Hitchcock in a very warped way. Less humane and optimistic than his other films, with a more ambiguous ending, but still a hugely impressive piece of cinema.

TickeTing Events
Entertainment, Events and Lifestyle
TickeTing is a mobile App that will change the way you buy and transfer tickets for parties,...

David McK (3505 KP) rated Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1) in Books
Jun 9, 2020
And, I have to say, while it's enjoyable enough, it's also pretty forgettable, which might explain why I never read any of the sequels. I'd be interested, however, in how this translates to a different medium and - if, as planned - there are any other films based on those sequels, I may hunt them out.

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