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William Finnegan recommended Homage to Catalonia in Books (curated)

Homage to Catalonia
Homage to Catalonia
George Orwell, Julian Symon | 2013 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"""Among all of Orwell’s great unflinching reportage, this book stands out as a personal odyssey and first-person witness to history. He went to Spain in 1936, during the civil war there, to help fight Fascism. He joined a leftist militia and found himself targeted not only by Franco’s forces but by Stalinists intent on crushing anyone not toeing the Moscow line. Orwell’s descriptions of wartime Barcelona and impoverished rural Spain, his clear-eyed analysis of the shifting factions in the war, are triumphs of tender, hard-headed participant-observation. He was wounded at the front, shot through the throat by a sniper. His peerless moral grasp of the dangers of totalitarianism began in Spain."


"During my student days I read Henry David Thoreau’s essay On Civil Disobedience for the first time. Here, in this courageous New Englander’s refusal to pay his taxes and his choice of jail rather than support a war that would spread slavery’s territory into Mexico, I made my first contact with the theory of nonviolent resistance. Fascinated by the idea of refusing to cooperate with an evil system, I was so deeply moved that I reread the work several times."

Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
Mini Avengers, Assemble
Is anyone else getting bored of superhero films? Nope? Just me then. We’re not even halfway through 2016 and there have been three of them. In February, there was Deadpool, a film that despite all the odds, turned out to be smashing – despite its generic finale.

Then, DC tried to compete with Marvel in March with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It was fine, if far too long and lacking in any real drama. Now, Marvel is back with Captain America: Civil War. But can it break the superhero tedium that has started to settle in?

Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is back and he is not happy. The titular hero, and the rest of our beloved Avengers clan, are asked to sign up to a UN treaty, designed to reign in their unsupervised power after a dramatic and deadly battle against terrorists in Nigeria. It turns out the Avengers lost the PR war and countries across the globe want blood – well them to back off a little at least.

Most of the fan favourites return in Civil War, with Robert Downey Jr proving once again why he was cast as Tony Stark/Iron Man all those years ago. He is a commanding presence and brings to the table some of the best one-liners outside a fully-fledged Iron Man film.

Elsewhere, Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch) and Paul Bettany (Vision) all return and despite the increasing number of characters all make their presence felt throughout the course of the film – something Avengers: Age of Ultron failed to do.

However, the film belongs to the characters that join the film and the Marvel Universe. Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man makes a truly exceptional appearance and features in Civil War’s most memorable scene – a brilliantly choreographed battle between two sides in a deserted airport.

And, the long-awaited “homecoming” of Spider-Man to the MCU is thankfully worth the wait. He’s been teased in the trailers and I’m pleased to say his screen-time is far greater than anyone could have imagined. Young Tom Holland’s portrayal of Peter Parker may need some time to settle in, we have a Spider-Man reboot to look forward to in 2018, but he makes a cracking first impression.

So, with all those characters it’s fair to say that Civil War should be renamed “Mini Avengers Assemble” as there’s far more at stake here than a simple Captain America movie. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo have created the film that Age of Ultron should have been and it’s a slight disservice to their incredible work that the film isn’t labelled as a full Avengers feature, despite the lack of Thor and Hulk.

The action is beautifully filmed and the locations are fabulous. From Africa to America and from Germany to London, nearly every inch of the world is touched upon in some way – yet it doesn’t feel disjointed.

But what makes Civil War stand out from all the rest is its human side. This isn’t a superhero movie that ends in a climactic battle against a faceless army, it explores the human impact of our characters’ actions and the emotion radiates from its heart.

Yes, it’s 20 minutes too long but apart from that, I can’t think of a bad word to say. It has reinvigorated a genre that was starting to turn a little stale. Bringing together a set of characters that against all the odds gel together so well makes it feel as fresh as Iron Man did way back in 2008.

If this is the magic the Russo brothers can work at Marvel, Avengers: Infinity War should be something truly special indeed. X-Men: Apocalypse, you have your work cut out.

Oh, and wait right up until the end credits for something very special indeed.
Marvel's The Defenders  - Season 1
Marvel's The Defenders - Season 1
2017 | Action
Jessica jones and electra (0 more)
Seemed forced same old characters nothing new (0 more)
Netflix team up of there 4 marvel shows on one
I was like most haveing watched every episode of daredevil jessica jones powerman....luke cage err and iron fist.thrown together short and not lived up to the hype.the same old villians .i hate when marvel does this as in thor and avengers had loki as the villian .also captain america winter soldier and civil war witch basicly is one long movie.maybe now that disney holds all the marvel characters more will appear.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Definitely worth seeing!
I was absolutely thrilled to discover that I didn't have to sit through another beginnings story, seeing how many times that's already been covered in the past. Considering that this movie takes place after what happened in Captain America: Civil War, I was surprised to see Peter Parker acting so new and somewhat inexperienced in the role of Spider-Man. I would have loved a little less talk and definitely some more action but, overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and can't wait for the next!

David McK (3204 KP) rated Captain America: Civil War (2016) in Movies

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 2, 2020)  
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
Third of Marvel's Captain America movies, this is - IMO - better than The First Avenger, but not as good as The Winter Soldier.

Taking its cue from the graphic novel arc of the same name (although there may be some truth to the charge that this is more a Civil Facas than a Civil War as there's not so many super heroes running about here), this sees the Avengers splitting into two camps over an ideological difference in whether they should be regulated or not: in one cam, we have Iron Man leading those all in favour, while on the other we have Captain America leading those opposed to it.

Also introducing Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther and the nation of Wakanda, this film ends with a final bruising fight between Cap and Iron Man, with neither of the characters reuniting until 2019s Avengers: Endgame at least 3(?) movies later.
A Sound Among the Trees
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The young bride that moves into her husband's first wife home is first scared that there a ghost in the house. She not understand what it was doing to the people inside the home or what the people inside the house was doing to the family.

A mystery unfolds itself though Marielle. Caroline come home to help explain what was going on and what was happening Carson and her mother. Her mother does not know what going but think the house is stuck. Things start to clear up about Susannah Page in letters when Caroline less her in on what the truth is and what is happening.

I do not want to give away how it ends or any of the secret the books has to offer. Though I will tell you it tell you about the part of the Civil War and the Battle of Fredericksburg. It tell about romance and in love. But I will let you decide If you want to pick it up and want to read. Just because I like to read about Civil War a bit does not mean you would not to so you may decide that you want so I will let you decide for yourself. Now if I were asked I recommend this book for sure.
Gale Force (Weather Warden, #7)
Gale Force (Weather Warden, #7)
Rachel Caine | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poor old Joanne Baldwin

So far in this series she's been marked (literally) for Death, died and been re-born again as a Djinn, lost her Djinn-hood, survived the war Warden/Djinn war and the subsequent Djinn Civil War, and suffered from a severe case of amnesia.

While it felt like most of those various plot strands had been tied-up in the last Weather Warden novel (<i>Thin Air</i>), this proves NOT to be the case, as the backlash from those events continue on in this. In addition, Joanne has to deal with sorting out the details to her wedding to the Djinn leader David (a wedding that some in the Wardens and other Djinn are none to pleased about), as well coping with inquisitive reporters who are now investigating the Wardens.

To my mind, this novel comes across as the 'entry point' to a whole new Weather Warden story, with <i>Thin Air</i>] wrapping up the 'old' story. You would probably still need to read those books first, though!
Toro! Toro!
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a set text for a University module and I have to say, if it hadn't been for that I probably wouldn't have finished it. I found it to be much below the usual standard of Morpurgo, severely lacking in any kind of gripping factor to make people want to read on. This could just be me, but the plot was flimsy, needed much more 'background' on the Spanish Civil War and generally, something a lot more plausible than a boy who is essentially in love with the bull. Not something I would recommend or read again myself.
Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America
Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America
Garry Wills | 1993 | History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A small but epic book. Wills masterfully analyzes the Gettysburg Address in terms of its oratory and historical context. Debunking the notion that the 272-word speech was spontaneous or at least quickly written, he reminds us of how fastidious it was. For Lincoln, a man who frequently quoted Shakespeare and was well read in many areas, this was an opportunity to say a great deal at a crucial time of the Civil War. His brevity — the actual Oration by Edward Everett was at least two hours long — was stunning at the time but clearly no accident. Required reading."
