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ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Disappeared in Books

May 25, 2019  
The Disappeared
The Disappeared
Amy Lord | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dystopian Britain
Set in the near future, Britain has become a one party, military controlled state, where reading the wrong book could mean that you are ‘disappeared’.

The Authorisation Bureau we’re responsible for the disappearance of Clara’s father, a university English lecturer, and she is determined to pick up where he left off. Along with her History professor boyfriend, they decide to teach a select group of students about the past and the books that they are now forbidden to read. But things do not go as planned. Clara has some protection, as her stepfather is a ‘high up’ interrogator with the Authorisation Bureau, but this can only go so far to protect her.

I thoroughly enjoyed this dark tale of an alternate UK. It was rather violent in places, but it’s message was ultimately that of hope. My only complaint (which isn’t really a complaint) is that we could have done with more from the resistance organisation, Lumiere. I would have loved to have read more about them.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to the author, Amy Lord, for reading along and answering questions.
Plain Bad Heroines
Plain Bad Heroines
Emily M. Danforth | 2021 | Contemporary, Horror, Humor & Comedy, LGBTQ+
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plain Bad Heroines was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. I am a sucker for a lesbian tale. Add in a Gothic New England boarding school for girls? Sold.

The story centers around two time periods. The first, 1902, at the Brookhants School for Girls, run by Libbie Brookhants. A book by a young writer, Mary MacLane has come out--one that's incredibly scandalous for the times. Two Brookhants girls, Flo and Clara, are obsessed with it and establish The Plain Bad Heroine Society. The two are in love, meeting in secret--until they are attacked by yellow jackets at their hiding spot, a copy of the book found with them. A few years later the school closes, but not until after more scandal and death. Now, our second period, over a hundred years later, where Merritt Emmons, a young writer, publishes a book about Flo and Clara's story. It inspires a horror film starring Harper Harper, a famous lesbian actress. Harper will be playing Flo and B-list actress Audrey Wells, Clara. Filming on-site at the abandoned Brookhants site, the three women converge. But soon, weird things start happening, and the curse of Brookhants seems back to haunt the set--and our three modern-day heroines.

This book is absolutely enthralling at times. I flew through these 619 pages, that's for sure. My notes state "very lesbian," which is, of course, a major plus for me. Believe me, we don't get a lot of books starring ourselves. And you know, where we are killed off by swarms of yellow jackets. I honestly found both storylines compelling. It's hard not to fall a bit in love with Harper Harper, the charismatic celebrity (out!) lesbian. And 1902 isn't just about Clara and Flo, but Libbie Brookhants and her life trying to run a cursed school in the early 1900s. Honestly, the pages really flew by most of the time. Though, there are certainly moments where I felt some of the story could have been cut.

And yes, the narrative style is different, though it really adds to the uniqueness of the book. It's basically told by an omnipresent narrator, talking directly to the reader. There are footnotes, often humorous ones, and the end result is something you don't often find. For the most part, I felt like Danforth pulled it off, too. I do think Libbie was a little more fully developed than Merritt, Harper, and Audrey, but that also may have been because that trio could come across as a bit spoiled at times.

Probably my two biggest issues with this book (regretfully): for a Gothic horror novel, it's not really that scary. There are a few creepy and eerie moments, especially in the beginning, but it never really builds up to that terrifying moment that you're expecting. And, somewhat related, the ending. We read and stick with our various tales for the entire time and then... poof! Everything just fizzles out. I was so bummed. The ending was such a disappointment after all I'd read and kept this from being a full-fledged 4 or 4.5-star read. I couldn't believe it after what we'd been through. It was like even the author was tired.

So, overall, this is an original and fascinating read. I'm certainly still advising you to read it (especially if you're queer or enjoy reading queer fiction). Just be prepared that the ending may not have that big scary moment you're expecting. 3.5 stars.
The Lies We Told
The Lies We Told
Camilla Way | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic Plot Twists (1 more)
Interesting Characters
Plot Twists Abound!
I believe I first heard about The Lies We Told by Camilla Way on Goodreads. When I read the book synopsis, I knew it was a book I had to read. I'm so glad I did because I loved this book.

The pacing in The Lies We Told was brilliant. It is such a fast paced psychological suspense novel! I found myself having a hard time putting this book down. Never once did it slow down to the point of being boring, and it never went too too quickly where I had no clue what was going on.

I really did enjoy the plot and the world building. For the most part, The Lies We Told is written fabulously. The plot is interesting., and I loved how it changed from us reading about Clara to hearing from Beth's point of view throughout the story. Clara's boyfriend Luke goes missing. She knows he had a stalker, but he never took it seriously. Clara becomes even more worried when she finds some worrying emails sent to Luke. As she starts to learn more and more about Luke's past, she puts herself in danger, and she's worried that Luke may be in even more danger. There were so many plot twists and turns in The Lies We Told. I loved it! This book had me guessing, and I was never right! There's even a plot twist towards the very end. All but one of my questions were answered. I won't go too much into it because it would spoil almost all of the book, but I will just say that I was left wondering why the police didn't do one thing once the truth had been revealed. I would have thought it would have been protocol if someone suggests it. Sorry for leaving you hanging, but I can't go into much detail.

The characters in The Lies We Told were so well written and fleshed out. I could relate to Clara a lot. I loved how far she was willing to go to find out about Luke. Hannah was another great character to read about. I found her to be the most interesting character of the story if I'm honest. I also enjoyed reading about Mac. He seemed like a great friend. Luke's parents also seemed very sweet, and I would sympathize with Beth when she would talk about Hannah. However, keep in mind that with this book, some of the characters aren't who and what they seem which was great!

Trigger warnings for The Lies We Told include profanity, cheating, blackmail, lying, kidnapping, mentions of sex, alcohol and some drug use, mental illness, death, murder, and violence.

Overall, The Lies We Told is such a brilliant book. It's got a fascinating plot, very interesting characters, and fantastic plot twists that will leave you scratching your head! I would definitely recommend The Lies We Told by Camilla Way to everyone aged 17+. I really enjoyed it.
Not That I Could Tell
Not That I Could Tell
Jessica Strawser | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where the $#%#% is Kristen!?!?!

This book will take you up and down, and back around again just trying to answer that question. I really enjoyed the suspense that builds up throughout this - and it's a fun, easy read as well. A bit "Big Little Lies" -esque, this story follows a group of neighbors (mostly moms), who let their hair down one night with some wine, and stories, and some neighborly bonding while their children and families sleep unaware of the mystery they will wake up to Monday morning - Kristen, has disappeared.

You wonder throughout the WHOLE BOOK where she went. You think it's one thing, then you think it's another (I wish there was more of this though - I didn't question many characters, and wished there were more angles to point fingers) but ultimately the end is satisfying, yet a little predictable, and then WHAM! Total surprise! I loooooved the end of this book!

I have read a few books in the past that each chapter is dedicated to a character. I find this a bit hard to keep track when its three or more characters. This book primarily follows two, Clara and Izzy, who are very likeable although troubled. I loved this technique of just following two people and watching all the drama in this entire neighborhood unfold.

The writing is smart, and clever and progresses very smoothly. This story of how well you really know the people around you, flows really well, and is definitley a page-turner, and I'm glad I read this.
Not That I Could Tell
Not That I Could Tell
Jessica Strawser | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good women's fiction tale but nothing new or surprising here
In the quiet town of Yellow Springs, Ohio, the disappearance of one of its residents, Kristin, is a big deal. She vanishes after an evening with several of her neighbors, filled with wine and conversation around the fire pit. She also takes her young twins, Aaron and Abigail. Left behind is her soon-to-be-ex-husband, Paul, a well-known ob-gyn. A window in Kristin's house is broken and some of her belongings missing. But otherwise, there is no trace or idea about where she and the twins have gone. Paul accuses her of disappearing with money owed to him. Kristin's neighbors, especially her next-door neighbor, Clara, for whom Kristin's disappearance hits a bit close to home, and Izzy, a single woman who recently moved to the neighborhood to get away from her own issues, are baffled. They realize how little they knew about their friend--and that they have no idea where she's gone.

This was an interesting one. From the beginning, this book felt familiar to me--the "something happened" after a barbecue reminiscent of Truly Madly Guilty and others I'd read lately. I was sick while reading, so I had trouble keeping the women and their backstories separate for a while. Too much cold medicine and fatigue, probably.

The book is told from various viewpoints--mainly Clara and Izzy. I was always expecting there to be more: some unexpected surprise or twist, but there never really was. The ending threw in a bit of one, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting. Still, there is a tenseness to the novel, and it can certainly be creepy at times. The novel also does a good job of capturing kids and parenthood--the weariness of the day-to-day of parenting small children, for instance. I also liked how it captured how preschools can be a microcosm of life and small towns and such a cesspool of stress and gossip.

This one moved slowly for me. I liked the characters, but wasn't drawn to them. I had some sympathy for Izzy, but also questioned her motives a lot. I should have been more drawn to Clara, but wasn't. Perhaps because, while I have small children, I don't have the same sort of neighborhood tribe as these women? I'm not sure. Not even the token lesbian neighbors could do it, though I appreciated the effort.

Overall, the story was good, but never offered the big surprise I was waiting for. Characters are interesting but I was never fully pulled into their stories.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review; more at
The Girl Before
Rena Olsen | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my first ever author Q&A, with Rena Olsen!

Also read my review here:

<b><i>I am nothing if not obedient.</b></i>

I was anticipating this novel for a goddamn long time and so when it finally showed up at work (I’d preordered it months in advance) I was so excited to finally get my hands on it and start reading it and from page 1 it did not disappoint! This novel got more and more gripping with each page, I didn’t want to put it down!

I have voiced my opinion on books that flit about between the past and the present and in case you missed my last rant, I <i>usually</i> hate it because it confuses me a lot of the time (simple mind, I know). But it worked excellently in this novel because, for one, it made it <b>very</b> clear when we were in the past and when we were back to the present, and secondly the two flowed really well together. I loved how Olsen made the stories of the past connect so perfectly with the present - this whole book was written beautifully.

Clara’s refusal to cooperate got a little irritating after a while, but you can’t really expect anything different from such a brainwashed woman, and just hold out a little longer and things might just start going your way! The plot for this wasn’t exactly unique, <a href="">The Butterfly Garden</a> <i>kind of</i> has the same storyline, to name something recent, but there were no faults in this book. Olsen worked out exactly how to progress with this book, it was flawless. Granted, there were a couple of predictable parts, <spoiler>the fact she was pregnant, the real use of the morning sickness tea</spoiler>, but they didn’t make the story less exciting in anyway.

I was so close to giving this 4 stars for the reason of me not liking Glen but then I realised, no. We weren’t suppose to like Glen. He was a manipulative, evil, disgusting human being and I <i>hated</i> him. The fact that Olsen could make me hate him so much just shows how amazing her writing was. She brought out a really strong emotion in me that often times made me feel anxious and sick. Hating a character as much as I did isn’t at all a bad thing when the character is there to be hated.

This is a really emotional read. I'm sure if it wasn't for the fact I mainly only read this on the train, I definitely would have bawled over this, hence the reason I'm classing this as a book that made me cry. I can’t even imagine the feelings Clara goes through as this book progresses and she begins to find out things she’s believed her entire life are not all that they seem. It’s so horrible to think this kind of thing isn’t just a figment of someone’s creative mind, my heart goes out to all those men and women that have been subject to this kind of twisted abuse - this is one of many reasons I give so much to human right charities every month.

I cannot believe this is a debut novel. I am stunned at the quality of Olsen’s writing and story-telling, I can’t wait to read more from her. This tackles many difficult subjects but if you’re a lover of all things suspense and thriller, then you definitely <b>need</b> to pick this up in the future. <b>It’s 2016 must read!</b>

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Never Again in Books

Jun 8, 2023  
Never Again
Never Again
Heather Starsong | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is simply amazing and it should be read by everybody. I can't put it any plainer than that!

We start of with Clara, an old lady in her garden, feeling all the aches and pains of being over 80-years-old. Then she starts to tell a story, which will quickly enfold you and have you completely entranced, hanging onto every word. She has a tale to tell and she won't finish until she has.

This book raises some important issues, gives you questions, also gives you answers that I personally would love to be true, and makes you ponder. All of this is a good thing as far as I am concerned. I loved how she wasn't comfortable with her 'old-fashioned' values, inside the body of a younger woman. I thought Zachary was a jerk, and refused to admit that I was the same generation as him! I adored Lenny and his eyebrows.

I will not give out anymore to do with the story, except to say that this book blindsided me. I honestly thought I'd just be getting a 'normal, run-of-the-mill' science fiction. What I got was a biographical account, a fascinating story that tore at my heartstrings and emotions. I loved every moment of reading this and certainly didn't want it to end, especially not once it became clear what would happen at the end.

A fascinating concept, executed with perfection, and definitely one to keep. Absolutely recommended. (ps, don't forget the Kleenex)

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 5, 2016
The Goldilocks Principle
The Goldilocks Principle
Hope Irving | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Goldilocks retelling, MM style
THE GOLDILOCKS PRINCIPLE is a standalone story about Elijah Goldwyn (who has blond curly hair) and Tristan (a French soap actor) who both meet in Provincetown and sparks fly.

The story itself was good and I enjoyed it. It is smoothly paced with a stack of supporting characters that help move it along. The town itself is a charming setting and, in my opinion, Iris, Frank, and Isy were the best characters!

I found it to have quite a bit of 'tell' instead of 'show' though - the whole thing with Quentin, Clara, and the parents, which led to a bit of a disconnect with the main characters. I was unable to immerse myself in the story even though I wanted to. There were also a few parts where I disliked how one of the main characters was acting or behaving.

I think a lot of people will thoroughly enjoy this story, and loved how Goldilocks is brought into this MM Romance. It just wasn't the book for me in the ways I'd hoped.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 29, 2023

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Orphan Train in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Orphan Train
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Steve Brigman’s historical novel <i>The Orphan Train</i> takes place in the Missouri Ozarks during the late 19th and early 20th century. Large groups of orphaned children were transported from New York across to the west where other families adopted them. Ten-year-old James was one of these children and this is his story.

Initially the title implied that the story would be about the orphan train itself or at least the life of James as a child however it was his adult life that the book was focused on. The novel opened with the train journey and James meeting his new parents, Clara and Joshua Crawford but this, as well as his remaining childhood on the Crawford ranch was over in a short amount of chapters. By this point both his parents had died in accidents before James had reached the age of twenty. The story goes on to show how James improved and built on the ranch with the help of friend and employee Luke as well as Henry, an older black man who he let live on the ranch with is daughter and grandchildren – something that sparked prejudices in town.

James soon finds himself a wife and the remainder of the book recounts their life together. I admit that I was a little disappointed not to read more about James’ childhood but I began to enjoy reading about the love he had for his wife and his friendships with those living on the ranch.

One issue with this novel is that it lacks much of a climax. I was forever waiting for something bad to happen as it all seemed too good to be true and slightly predictable. That said, it was a good read and it was easy to become attached to the characters.
Seasons of an Amish Garden
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you’ve followed my blog for sometime now, you’ll know that one of my favorite genres, outside of thriller novels, is Amish fiction. And, in that Amish Fiction, I have 5 top favorite authors. One of those is, without a doubt, Amy Clipston. I fell in love with her writing style and books way back when I read a book she did that wasn’t Amish fiction. Every time I pick up a novel by her, she sweeps me off my feet and puts me in the heart of the book, as she did with this new one.

This is a collection of four novellas. These novellas feature the characters from her novella in An Amish Love collection. Each story here brings us a different season, in which the garden that is planted will grow. Each story, each season, brings something new to the book, taking the reader on a whirl wind ride of love, hope, fun, and memories.

The characters that Clipston brings us back to, all feel like coming home to family. They are chiseled perfectly, their emotions radiating right off the pages. My personal favorite from this collection is Home By Summer, which is following Clara Hertzler and Jerry Petersheim. I loved the message woven into this particular story. Understanding, hope, and most of all, renewed faith in the Lord above. I felt so refreshed after reading their story!

Anything less than 4 stars for this captivating read, would be injustice. The pages of this book will pull you in, have you up late into the night, making new friends, and enjoying time with old friends. If you are looking for a book that will refresh your mind, your soul, and take you through the seasons of life, then grab a copy now. You will not be sorry, and if you’re new to Amy Clipston’s work, you’ll be a new fan, instantly! Amy Clipston, hats off to you, once again, for another collection of heartwarming stories that I won’t soon forget!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Booklook Blogger Program and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*