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Jing wu ying xiong (Fist of Legend) (2008)
Jing wu ying xiong (Fist of Legend) (2008)
2008 | Action, International, Drama
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"Let’s go to Fist of Legend. Yuen Woo-ping directing [choreography for] Jet Li. I was shown that film by the Wachowskis before shooting The Matrix, and that was like, “This is amazing.” The storytelling and the fights are what I really like. It’s just good, hard, Yuen Woo-ping choreography; Jet Li’s awesome; there’s a lot of fighting… yeah, I’m definitely gonna say that one. A good, clean, awesome fight movie."

3.5 stars

Hmm...I expected this to end differently but considering it's a trilogy, I guess there wasn't any other way of writing it. Maybe it means that Tyler can clean up his act and make himself a better person for Eden to be with.

I thnk I'm interested enough in Tyler and Eden's romance to read the rest of the series.

P.S. I think Tiffani and Jake are perfect for each other.


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