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    Health & Fitness and Lifestyle

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    HealthView app integrates with the Apple Health app and allows you to see your health data in a...

I love Christmas, and I love a good cozy mystery and this book has both! Ms. Griep has talented hands and created a story that not only captured me instantly, but kept me hooked on this book the entire time. Her twists and turns, her characters, her messages woven through out the book, truly made for a wonderful, one sitting read!

Clara and Ben are chiseled wonderfully for their roles. Clara, stood up at the altar, and Ben, the one who caused the pain. I wanted to throttle Ben a time or two but if he wasn't the way he was, I wouldn't have loved the story half as much! These two come to life among the walls of Bleakly Manor and the story unfolds in a most fascinating way!

I definitely recommend this book to all who want a wonderful, clean romantic story, that is pieced together among a Christmas mystery. It's 4 star worthy and one of my favorite Christmas stories of 2017! I am looking forward to adding the print version to my keeper shelf and to reading more amazing books like this in the future from the talented Michelle Griep! Bravo!

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
    Step On Gregg

    Step On Gregg

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

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    "A clean and clever puzzler" - "Step On Gregg is cute, fun, upbeat, and...

The Next Right Thing: A Novel
Dan Barden | 2012
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won a copy of this book from First Reads on Goodreads.

First of all I have to say that it wasn't bad or good...more of an okay read. There was action & drama. There was a whole host of characters, but the downside to that in my opinion is that none of them were all that well developed with the exception of Randy the main character. His girlfriend MP, seemed important at the beginning of the book, but then she pretty much disappeared. I cound Troy & Emma to be the most fascinating characters, but they weren't developed to the extent that they could've been.
The book tells the story of ex-cop Randy Chalmers, who is now a highly in demand home builder & recovering alcoholic. One day his mentor Terry turns up long dead in a hotel room of an apparent heroin overdose in a seedy motel room. The catch is, Terry had been clean upwards of 15 years. So the former detective in Randy takes over when he begins to doubt that a simple O.D. is how he best friend died. In the course of his not so under the radar investigation, he stumbles across something much bigger & finds that his friend is smack in the middle of it.
The story was a promising idea that wasn't brought to it's fullest potential. It was a fast, okay read, but not one that I find myself dying to share with someone.
Colorado Flames With A Texas Twist (Colorado Heart #3)
Colorado Flames With A Texas Twist (Colorado Heart #3)
Sara York | 2015 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We're back with the boys of the Wild Bluff ranch and this time it's James who takes the spotlight. He is following - or stalking in his words - Brody, supposedly to make sure that Brody doesn't talk about the ranch but in reality, it is because James is fascinated with him. Brody comes across as a 'clean-cut boy' but has his own secrets to hide.

The one thing that stuck out for me in this book is the introduction to new characters, a new scene and a whole backstory that I know absolutely nothing about. Whilst I can see them having more importance as the story goes on, I have no idea who they are or what they're about right now. The other thing is that 'Mike' is mentioned more than once but from what I could understand, there is more than one 'Mike' character so I have no idea which one was which and who was being spoken about. I guess if you've read the other series, you will know more but I haven't.

On the whole, this was very enjoyable and I liked spending time with Zander, Marshall, Tucker and Billy, as well as James and Brody. Definitely enjoying these reads.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 9, 2015
The Bees
The Bees
Laline Paull | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was cautiously optimistic about this book, because I'd heard good things about it, but really? Bees? An entire book from the viewpoint of a worker bee? Even fictionalized, how much material is there really to work with?


My fears were completely ungrounded because this book is AMAZING. Flora 717 is a sanitation bee, tasked with taking dead bodies out of the hive, cleaning up wax cells after new bees have hatched, and other duties to keep the hive clean. Somewhat extraordinarily, it is discovered that she can produce the liquid needed to feed bee larva, and is taken to serve in the nursery for a bit, where she starts to develop a mind of her own.

As Flora develops new abilities and works her way through the ranks of the hive, we start to learn that something in the governing of the hive is not quite what it should be. Something is wrong. But the strictly enforced castes and other outside factors, like weather and predators, delay Flora's quest to ferret it out.

Between lying wasps, conniving spiders, and a conspiracy within the ranks of her own hive, Flora bounces from danger to danger trying to protect what she loves in an engrossing story of bravery and sacrifice.

I absolutely loved this book. I especially liked that anywhere possible, actual bee behavior was described and used to further the plot. This is definitely one of my favorite reads this year!

You can find all my reviews at