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AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted by Ice Cube
AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted by Ice Cube
1990 | Hip-hop, Rhythm And Blues
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love the fact that a West Coast pioneer took an East Coast approach to doing an album. Again, it's gangster to have a political opinion. He took that political incorrectness and made poetry out of it - to where again, it wasn’t 'Gangsta', it was 'Gangster'. I could appreciate that; I appreciate the business, not just random gunfire. There was a shock value to it. Gangsta rap now is just little kids talking shit; they’re going to get caught for their crime, they’re not being smart about their criminal activity. I like smart crime; white collar crime, but we’ve gone from the bosses making the music to the hit men."

The Country of the Pointed Firs
The Country of the Pointed Firs
Sarah Orne Jewett | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"An 1849 story suite about a village on the coast of Maine. Its setting and characters are so vivid that I think of Dunnet Landing as a place I’ve been, where I’m very fond of the people. And the beauty of it is, I can go back there whenever I want."

This sweet little book, that gives brief details of the transcontinental journey, coast to coast all set in beautiful images that wouldn't look out of place on rail posters. This book is a joy to read. The details are to the point and give information that perhaps only the hardened American train enthusiast would already know. Several pieces sent me to the internet to search out more information and images to see what they looked like now. The imagery is stylised and in keeping with the between war period that saw rail travel such a big thing in the US. A lover of rail or someone who enjoys this artistic style needs to view this book.
God of War (Dang kou feng yun) (2017)
God of War (Dang kou feng yun) (2017)
2017 | Action, History
Lots of Martial Arts action (1 more)
The historical aspects
Historical action doesn't get any better than this
Taking place in 16th century China, the movie follows the story of General Qi Jiguang (Wenzhuo Zhao) in his fight against the Wokou (Japanese Pirates) that were terrorizing the Chinese coast. Based on a true story.

Mark Halpern (153 KP) created a post

Dec 30, 2017  
So I just watched the movie All Eyez on Me. The life of Tupac Shakur. The acting was amazing and the story line was right on key. Considering all the press recently about the murders of Shakur and Biggie this was the best I have seen. I do wish they went a little more into the feuds between east coast and west coast rap sensations the profile of Shug Knight was awesome. It was better than the character of him used in Straight out of Compton. I also love that they go into his time with the Digital Underground which really was his rise to stardom. All and all this movie I say this is a must see for Shakur fans and raps fans alike.

Merissa (11765 KP) created a post

May 19, 2021  
"On a casual walk along the Cornish Coast, Pineapple “Motts” Mottley stumbles upon a body and a perilous new murder case in the second novel in the Motts Cold Case Mystery series."

Tour & #Giveaway: Pierced Peony (Motts Cold Case Mystery #2) by Dahlia Donovan - @Archaeolibrary, @HotTreePromos, @DahliaDonovan, #CozyMystery
The Possession (The Anomaly Files #2)
The Possession (The Anomaly Files #2)
Michael Rutger | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great follow on from the previous book (1 more)
Don't have to have read the previous book
For the fans of Coast to Coast AM etc
When I reviewed Michael Rutger's previous novel; The Anomaly I said that this was a novel for those of us who love the strange paranormal, supernatural woo woo of things like Fortean Times magazine, Coast to Coast AM, Astonishing Legends and Lore and I am going to say the same thing for The Possession. The title lets it down a little. This isn't some girl gets possessed by a daemon and gets exorcised run of the mill story, Rutger is far more interesting than that.
The story centres round the Berkeley Mystery Walls, strange walls in California that are ancient and don't seem to be marking territory and whom no one knows who built them and what their purpose is, and the disappearance of a girl. Nolan Moore and his Anomaly Files crew turn up to investigate and things start getting more and more strange, creepy and out of this world as they go along.
Do you have to have read the previous book to get any of this? Not at all, you can jump straight into this as a separate story although after reading the Anomaly I was really keen to get The Possession and I wasn't disappointed. It is a tense thrilling hell ride from start to finish with no simple answers and solutions, just the great characters from the first book back bumbling through as best they can to try and save the world. Its great fun, full of well researched strange events and massive adventure. Its refreshing to have a voice in horror that throws away the cliches and instead makes a modern story entirely of their own. Lets hope there are many more novels to come.

Tilda Swinton recommended Ring of Bright Water in Books (curated)

Ring of Bright Water
Ring of Bright Water
Gavin Maxwell | 2014 | Biography
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"One of the greatest Scottish writers, probably the most affecting prose witness to the unique spirit of the Highland wilderness there has ever been. This book, chronicling life lived with otters on the remote west coast of Scotland, was made into a classic children’s film by Disney in the ’60s, but the book has depths and breadth untapped by the movie. Our Walden of the Hebrides. Beautiful."

Murder by Page One
Murder by Page One
Olivia Matthews | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of a Debut Author
Marvey Harris has recently relocated to Peach Coast, Georgia, to take a job in the local library. Among her new friends is Jo Gomez. Jo owns the local bookstore, and this Saturday, Marvey is at the store to support Jo, who is hosting a book signing for the local authors group. When one of the authors fails to return from the storeroom, Jo and Marvey find her dead body on the floor. With the police looking at Jo, Marvey steps in to figure out what really happened. Can she find the killer?

This may be the first in the series, but I already feel right at home. Peach Coast sounds like a great town, and I love Marvey, Jo, and Spence, the third member of their trio. We never meet the victim alive, but I liked how well we got to know her as the story progressed. The rest of the cast could be a little better defined, but I’m sure that will come as the series progresses and they get more page time. The story starts quickly, but the pacing does slow a little in the middle. Still, the climax is logical and suspenseful. There’s a recipe for peach cobbler at the end. While not a culinary cozy, you’ll definitely be craving it by the time the book is over. I’m looking forward to returning to Peach Coast soon.
Low End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest
Low End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest
1991 | Hip-hop, Rock
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I had a group of friends who were all into rap, and we’d drive around and listen to jazzy, laid-back East Coast hip hop. If you didn’t go into New York it was boring, so we’d spend endless time driving in my friend’s car listening to Digable Planets, A Tribe Called Quest or De La Soul. I wrote an article for my high school newspaper about the hidden links between punk and rap."
