Elvis Memories: The Real Presley - by Those Who Knew Him
This is not just another Elvis Presley biography, although it gets closer to the real Elvis story...

John Cassavetes: Interviews
American filmmaker John Cassavetes (1929-1989) made only nine independent films during a quarter...

Herring Tales: How the Silver Darlings Shaped Human Taste and History
Scots like to smoke or salt them. The Dutch love them raw. Swedes look on with relish as they open...

Civitas by Design: Building Better Communities, from the Garden City to the New Urbanism
Since the end of the nineteenth century, city planners have aspired not only to improve the physical...
Cheating the Spread: Gamblers, Point Shavers, and Game Fixers in College Football and Basketball
Delving into the history of gambling and corruption in intercollegiate sports, Cheating the Spread...
Cool Camping France
David Jones, Jonathan Knight, Andrew Day and Martin Dunford
Brand new for 2017, a fully updated third edition of Cool Camping: France will hit the shelves in...

Time Out Naples City Guide
Lying in the shadow of Europe's second-largest active volcano, overlooking the Bay of Naples, this...

Wheels of Aurelia
App Watch
Embark on an immersive road trip through the gritty western coast of Italy during the roaring...

A Walk by the Sea: A Journey into the New Millennium
"The British coast is where journeys begin and where journeys end, where sun rises and where sun...

Something Nasty in the Woodshed: The Third Charlie Mortdecai Novel
Something Nasty in the Woodshed - the third Charlie Mortdecai novel 'Splendidly enjoyable. The jokes...