Hazel (1853 KP) rated Bunker Boy in Books
Jun 18, 2019
What initially seemed to be salvation turns into a backward, middle ages scenario where women are oppressed by the government run by a dictatorial headmaster. Zara soon learns that no one can challenge the way of life without putting their own lives at risk. She also discovers that things are not at all what they seem.
Jordan Elizabeth's writing is fast-paced but still manages to gradually build up the storyline. Being told from Zara's point of view, the reader experiences things as they happen rather than being aware of things the characters do not know. As a result, readers share the same emotions as the protagonist, imagining themselves in the same position.
Another great attribute of Jordan Elizabeth's writing is that she does not need to include romance to make the story interesting. Although there are relationships of a sort, there is no love, lust or conflicting emotions to distract from the storyline. The author knows how to naturally engage the reader and keep them interested.
Bunker Boy is just one of many of Jordan Elizabeth's greatest books. The only downside is it is short and, therefore, over way too quickly. The author has the potential to write a full-length novel in the future.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated The Lemon Grove in Books
Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)
I did then read the blurb and the story intrigue me as I ain't read this sort of book before but I'm trying to widen my variety of genre I read as I always read romance.
The story is about Jenn and her husband Greg. They have returned to their beloved rented villa in Deia in West Coast of Mallorca.
They usually go here by theirselves each year but this year her husband's daughter Emma wants to come along with her new boyfriend Nathan. So while her step daughter Emma is settling into the villa in the spare room her boyfriend decides to go in the swimming pool in the back garden. Jenn is drawn to this guy by hes body and she starts to see that he loves the attention from her and he likes her. She starts getting obsessed with him being around and they start a sordid affair. She loved the fact that his younger and brings her sexy side to her out. This is all happening right under the nose of her husband and step daughter and you grabbed by the story as you wondering what is going to happen are they gonna get caught.
You need to read it to find out for yourself. It's just the ending I wanted more but you tell me what you think when you read it.
I do book reviews on my blog xxlittlerayofsunshinexx.blogspot.co.uk, Please could you check it out.

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