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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Secrets of a Scottish Isle in Books

Mar 28, 2024 (Updated Mar 28, 2024)  
Secrets of a Scottish Isle
Secrets of a Scottish Isle
Erica Ruth Neubauer | 2024 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Undercover in the Occult
Jane Wunderly is on the Isle of Iona off the coast of Scottland. She’s joined the Golden Dawn, going under cover in an attempt to learn if their leader would be a good asset for the organization she and her fiancé, Redvers, works for. But Jane has just barely joined the group when she finds the body of another female member on the moors. Jane is driven to get justice for the victim. But what exactly happened to her? And what about Jane’s official investigation?

As a fan of the series, I was delighted to spend time with Jane and Redvers again. They are a great pair. We get plenty of new characters, and they are well developed, too. Sadly, the plot was uneven, with Jane spending lots of time contemplating what was happening in between the twists. This led to an abrupt but logical climax. The writing brought Iona in March to life, and it made me shiver as I read. It’s fun to see a poet from 1927 show up in the book, and be sure to read the author’s notes at the end to see where she got the inspiration for the tale. Fans of the series will enjoy Jane’s latest adventure.
A Baker Street Wedding
A Baker Street Wedding
Michael Robertson | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Laura and Reggie Honeymoon with Danger
Barrister Reggie Heath and actress Laura Rankin have finally tied the knot. When the paparazzi crash their wedding, they make a hasty exit and change their honeymoon destination. Laura find them the one rental in a quiet village on a remote part of the British coast. Only after they land does Reggie find out about Laura’s past in the village, but he doesn’t realize she has another reason for visiting now. Something is going on in what appears to be a quiet village. Will they figure things out before it is too late?

Those familiar with this series know about the fun premise, the letters that people send to Sherlock Holmes get Reggie involved in mysteries. That’s true here again, although how that comes together I will leave for you to discover. I did feel the beginning was a little slow. Yes, it was set up, but it still could have moved faster. I was certainly enjoying it, but about half way through it kicked into high gear and then I was really hooked. Only a few characters return from earlier books in the series, one of whom I wasn’t excited to see again, but the new characters definitely help pick up the slack and made me care about the outcome. Fans of the series will be happy with this latest entry.
The Ice Twins
S.K. Tremayne | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Angus and Sarah Moorcraft are struggling to keep their marriage in tact after the tragic death of one of their twin daughters. To escape from the memories of the incident and to hopefully push past other issues including alcoholism and infidelity, they move to an isolated lighthouse on an island just off the coast of Scotland, which Angus inherited from his grandmother. It starts promisingly enough for the family, until it becomes apparent that their surviving twin, Kirstie, is very likely Lydia, whom they thought had died. Things begin to spiral further out of control as their daughter appears to be being haunted by her dead sister (whichever one that may be) and both parents begin to go a bit crazy, Sarah especially. Secrets get revealed that threaten to shatter the already fragile balance they're maintaining until finally the truth about the accident comes out. The concept is pretty creepy and the setting is perfect for it. The characters aren't exactly likable, but no one is really as contemptuous as some recent "protagonists" in other novels, which makes it easier to root for them. Once things really get rolling, the twists come out pretty fast and furious and the suspense builds to a somewhat shocking conclusion. Unlikely to be the thriller of the year, but a very entertaining read that is perfect for the Halloween season.
Claws for Alarm
Claws for Alarm
Karen MacInerney | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don’t Be Alarmed. You’ll Enjoy This Mystery
Natalie’s current guests at her bed and breakfast are on a yoga retreat, but any thoughts she’d had of peace and quiet have vanished. They are demanding different food and squabbling amongst themselves. However, the real drama is happening elsewhere on this island off the coast of Maine where newcomer Francine is making everyone’s life miserable in her efforts to remake the island into what she thinks is should be. After a particularly memorable fight with Claudette, Francine winds up dead. Natalie knows her friend couldn’t have done it. But who did?

I do need to get one issue out of the way first. There is a timing issue in the plot that keeps me from giving the version I read five stars. Once it is edited (and the author is working on the revisions), that won’t be an issue at all. And that’s great because this book is wonderful. I love the setting of the series, and always feel like I’ve gotten to relax when I am reading about it. Natalie and the usual cast are old friends, and I was glad to get updates on them. The new characters are just as strong and memorable. I thought I had the killer pegged early, but it turned out I was wrong, yet all the twists made sense at the end.

Andy Bell recommended Definitely Maybe by Oasis in Music (curated)

Definitely Maybe by Oasis
Definitely Maybe by Oasis
1994 | Pop, Rock
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Oasis definitely did change my life when I first heard them! [Bell later played bass and rhythm guitar in Oasis, 1999-2009.] They were like a breath of fresh air. To put it into context, Ride were working on the third album, Carnival Of Light, and we were taking a bit of a break. We were starting to get a bit frayed at the edges and we were starting to pull in different directions musically, too. “We were really shooting for a kind of West Coast Byrdsy California sound mixed with a little bit of Led Zeppelin and a little bit of classic rock. I think we were also subconsciously trying to make a cleaner record, because we’d stopped getting played on the radio… but then along comes Oasis sounding like the Jesus And Mary Chain meets the Sex Pistols and just completely blew everything out of the water! “As we’re talking about guitars, I should just say that I think Noel’s really underrated as a lead guitar player. His playing is like a John Squire-y thing, but there’s a lot more muscle behind it. He kind of trademarked his own style, which has become something that everyone uses now – that massively overdriven sound with quite a lot of delay on it. [His playing] just sounded epic."


Yannis Philippakis recommended West Coast by Studio in Music (curated)

West Coast by Studio
West Coast by Studio
2006 | Hip-hop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"That's a record that Jack [Bevan] from Foals had discovered when we were living in Oxford writing Total Life Forever and there were eight of us in one house: other musicians, no TV, just a record player in the fireplace. The house was falling apart and that record was the soundtrack to that whole period, 2009 to 2011. It was the record I felt envious of not having made. They did something that I felt I was close to being able to make but also superior, and it wasn't what I'd made! I thought: ""Shit, they got there first!"" It's a strange record from a strange group because they seem underappreciated and under-exposed and never really play live. We ended up going to record in Gothenburg and we met Dan Lissvik on this industrial estate in the winter. He talked about how life is a pendulum and he sits above it; he was chain smoking and was a good guy. The record itself though is somebody's idea of West Coast hip-hop filtered through a suburban Swedish kid's imagination. It is at odds with what Gothenburg is like in the winter. The production on it is amazing, with elements of interlocking guitars, but it's freer and maybe it helped us loosen some of the strictness that was in the band at the beginning sonically."


Pete Fowler recommended Da Capo by Love in Music (curated)

Da Capo by Love
Da Capo by Love
1967 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This might be seen as quite an obvious choice but, for me, this album was a gateway drug. When I was a kid, I remember my older brother and his mates getting really into Forever Changes and thinking, "This is just incredible." From that point onwards, I just wanted to hear more and more of that kind of music. We were all skateboarders in Cardiff back then. People always think of skateboarders being into proper hardcore music. My brother and his mates were into Love and The Doors… some were even into proper sunshine psych. We weren't team sports kind of people – we were the last people picked for football or rugby; a weird sort of outsider gang. Da Capo was a big milestone for me growing up as part of that gang. I loved the fact that Arthur Lee was very West Coast – a smart guy and definitely not a hippy; a freak-flag flier. There was something punk about their attitude. I love the story about him moving into a new neighbourhood in LA, somewhere properly rough. His whole thing was like, "Right. I'm going to let people know I'm here and that I'm the fucking toughest guy in the neighbourhood." He was a hardcore dude. They knew how to make proper aggro psych."


Rob Halford recommended Led Zeppelin 2 by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Led Zeppelin 2 by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin 2 by Led Zeppelin
1969 | Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"You can't fail today to be mesmerised by 'Whole Lotta Love'. That was the song that did it for me. A lot of these choices that I've made are either the first or second release from these bands. I always thought that those were great times, because there was never any pressure around artists. You don't have all of the extras that come with being successful. The band is in a very pure place at that point. I always remember playing with them, but it was quite a while after this album came out. We'd just completed a very, very long and gruelling American tour. We were about to fly back to the UK and we had a call from Robert Plant saying, ""I heard you guys are still over in the States, would you like to come and hang out and open for Zeppelin on the Green ['Day On the Green' concert] in Oakland?"" So we got a really cheap, unglamorous motel by the side of the freeway. It was so poor that the walls were basically green, covered with algae. We were there for a week and just waiting and waiting and waiting for the chance to open up for Zeppelin. That was a very important show for Priest, because that was what broke us on the west coast of America."


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 3, 2021 (Updated May 3, 2021)  
On my blog today, I've got a fascinating interview between Commander Brett Colton, the main character of the science fiction novel INFINITY'S GATEWAY, and its author James S. Parker. Check it out, and enter the giveaway to win a signed copy of the book - two winners!

Every year, all across the planet, people simply vanish, completely disappear and are never seen again. Some areas of the world are well known for this phenomenon. Infinity's Gateway opens with a very famous incident that took place just after the end of World War II with the United States Navy. The story then jumps to the present day with an unexplainable event that occurs off the coast of Florida, an event that cannot be ignored by the military.

The Navy ship Eclipse and its crew are sent to investigate, but after several days come up empty. Two days before returning to port, the event reoccurs, and the Eclipse is caught up in something it cannot escape. The Eclipse and its crew suddenly find themselves completely isolated, all communication lost, surrounded by a terribly hostile environment where each day is a struggle to survive. Infinity's Gateway is an intense, action packed story of survival, self-reliance, and discovery.
Death On Demand (Death On Demand, #1)
Death On Demand (Death On Demand, #1)
Carolyn G. Hart | 1987 | Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crime Writer Murdered
Annie Lawrence has inherited the Death on Demand mystery bookstore on Broward’s Rock off the coast of South Carolina. She has allowed the bookstore to continue to be used by a group of mystery writers on Sunday nights. On this particular Sunday night, one of them is murdered, and Annie becomes the chief suspect. Good thing that her not-quite-ex, Max Darling, is on the island to help her clear her name. But can they do it?

While I’ve read other books by the author, I have yet to dive into this series. I’m glad I finally took the plunge. The mystery is complex with a good puzzle and lots of twists before everything is resolved. Annie and Max are strong and fantastic lead characters. The suspect could have been a bit stronger, although they got better as the book went along. The references to other mystery authors and novels was a lot of fun, although occasionally it did feel like it was a bit much. There was more foul language than I am used to in a cozy mystery. The setting, essentially a resort community, was fantastic. This book came out in 1987, so some things were dated, but just keep that in mind when you pick up the book and you’ll be fine. Now that I’ve visited the store, I will definitely be back.