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Awix (3310 KP) rated The White Crow (2018) in Movies

Mar 28, 2019 (Updated Mar 28, 2019)  
The White Crow (2018)
The White Crow (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Left-field remake focuses less on vengeful undead Goths and more on cold war politics and ballet dancing. Talented, driven, arrogant dancer Rudolf Nureyev chafes against the Soviet system seeking to exploit and control him; a visit to Paris offers him the hope of freedom. (You know, the more I think about it, the more I suspect this doesn't actually have anything to do with that Brandon Lee movie...)

Solid, typically measured stuff from Ralph 'Little Sunbeam' Fiennes; strong performances and good photography, together with a thoughtful script, make this engaging even if you're not that into people bounding around doing plies and what-have-you. Sags a bit in the middle, but the scenes depicting Nureyev's defection are gripping. Oleg Ivenko isn't quite the full Rudolf, but he gets near enough (thanks everyone, I'm here all week).
Dr. No (1962)
Dr. No (1962)
1962 | Action, Classics, Mystery
Bond. James Bond.
The first James Bond movie, based on the 6th Bond book, and starring who is for many, arguably, the best Bond of all in Sean Connery.

Now over 60 years old (at the time I’m writing this), it’s noticeable how ‘fully formed’ the tropes of the series are here right out of the gate: the flirting between Bond and Moneypenny, the mutual respect between Bond and M, the exotic locales, the girls (for better or worse), the secret bases, the villains with a penchant for explaining their dastardly plans before letting Bond escape …

There is, however, also a reason that a later incarnation of M (Judi Dench) would call Bond something along the lines of “a dinosaur. A misogynistic relic from the Cold War …” which is also on full display here!

I suppose it was the 60s, though …
The Great Alone
The Great Alone
Kristin Hannah | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my second Kristin Hannah book, and it is set in very different circumstances to the last one (the last one was The Nightingale, set during World War 2). This is set during the 1970s in Alaska, in the back of beyond.
This is a story of survival: Leni and her mother survive the violence of Leni's Vietnam War vet father (who is suffering from PTSD after being held as a prisoner by the enemy). Cora, Leni's mother, will not leave him, saying that she loves him and needs him, and repeatedly pays the price. Leni loves Alaska and her boyfriend Matthew, but tragic circumstances take her away from both for a number of years. Many years later, under different circumstances, she is able to return.
I think I really like Kristin Hannah books. The way she describes the surroundings in Alaska: the wildness, the beauty, the unpredictability. I've read a couple of books recently set in the cold, snowy arctic circle, and this only made me want to actually see it myself even more!
 I know I'm only two books in to my Kristin Hannah experience, but I can't say as there is anything about either of them that I didn't like. I'll be hunting down more!

David McK (3219 KP) rated Northlight in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
Adam Hall | 1986
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I read one of these Adam Hall (Elleston Trevor's pen name) Quiller books years ago and wasn't really that impressed, but things (and tastes) change. When this one was recommended to me as being 'better than Ian Fleming' I thought I would give it a second chance. Unfortunately, I now remember why - generally speaking - I don't really read spy novels.

Written and set during the mid 80s, this is the time of the Cold War, when the Iron Curtain was still up and when the Iron lady (Margaret Thatcher) was still in power. In this, Quiller has to go undercover into Soviet Russia to investigate the sinking of a US submarine. Told in first person as Quiller remembering the mission, I found this hard to get into, slow moving and - unfortunately - not really that exciting.

Doubt I'll read any more anytime soon.
Cold War (2018)
Cold War (2018)
2018 | Drama, Music, Romance
A meditation on love
There are some movies that I can bang the review out the moment I leave the theater (for example, ANY movie starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson). There are other films that I need to sit with for a few days and sort out my feelings and thoughts about them. Such is the case with the Polish film COLD WAR.

I am an "Oscar completist" and, thus, needed to see this film, not because I am a big fan of foreign films or because I am culturally literate, but because the Director of this film, Pawel Pawlikowski, was nominated for an Oscar for Best Director.

And I'm glad I saw this film, for COLD WAR is a rich, thoughtful, meditation on love and sacrifice that is full of mood and emotion. This film was conceived, written and directed by Pawlikowski and it shows on the screen. There is much heart on display here. It is said that Pawlikowski patterned the two lead characters after the tumultuous relationship of his parents (he even gave them his parents name), so I gotta think there is some knowledge and depth to these characters and their situations that resonate.

I walked into this film not knowing much about the plot or characters and this actually worked in the favor of the film, so I won't say much about it now except to say that this film follows the characters Zula (Joanna Kulig) and Wiktor (Tomasz Kot) as they experience life and love in Poland in the years just following WWII, the "Cold War" years.

As far as the acting goes, both Kulig and Kot are strong and they share a rich chemistry with each other. The film crackled when these two personalities were on the screen together and didn't crackle when they weren't together, so that must say something for their performances. Anyone else on the screen is "fine" (read: forgettable) in service of the plot and the two leads.

But, make no mistake, this film is a Director's film and Pawlikowski deserves the Academy Award nomination he received. The scenes are lush, and very "European" (lots of shots of still objects with a single viola playing in the background). The film was shot in black and white and this really helps the "behind the Iron Curtain" feel of things.

This film was also nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, and I think it has a good shot for that award (Pawlikowski is, I feel, a long shot for his award). Which makes this film worth seeing, just know you are getting a Polish language film, centered on two characters, with lots of long, lingering "beauty" shots setting up environment and feel. Don't expect fast pacing and action.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Jun 23, 2018 (Updated Jun 23, 2018)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Where was the action?
Being late to the party as usual, I just finished watching this film for the first time tonight.

I can't believe how well this movie did at the box office compared to the actual quality of the film. You'll never say a MCU doesn't look beautiful, have gorgeous sets, costumes and good casting, but that is just not enough these days.

Being completely unfamiliar with the Black Panther comics I was going in cold, but it seemed like some of the characters just weren't that interesting or had any place to go. There were extended periods within the film where not much happens and I felt bored. Some of the CGI was also sketchy at best.

I have been on record being not the biggest MCU fan in general and if this is the highest grossing of all of them, that just isn't right.

I guess I should watch Infinity War now.
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Commonly cited as one of the best Batman graphic novels, this is the one that turned Batman from the Camp Crusader of the Adam West years into the growling anti-hero of the Tim Burton and (later) Christopher Nolan films (leaving aside the Schumacher mis-steps in the middle).

Written in the 80s but set in the near-future, this sees Bruce Wayne return to his role as the vigilante 10 years after unspecified events that saw him hang up his cape. His return, however, also sees the return of some old foes, alongside that of some new.

While - as it was written in the 80s - some of the subject matter is now out of date (most noticeably, the Cold War between America and the USSR), this still holds up surprisingly well. I also have to say that, with some crowded art panels, language and the violence throughout, this is also not one for the kiddies!
The Midwich Cuckoos
The Midwich Cuckoos
John Wyndham | 1957 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Midwich Cuckoos does what a lot of Wyndham's fiction does, taking a normal situation of a sleepy rural village then turning it upside down, showing how fragile our comfortable lives could be.

While one of his best known works, I wouldn't personally rank this as highly as say The Day Of The Triffids or The Kraken Wakes. Whereas I would recommend those to anyone, and as stories that mostly still stand up today, The Midwich Cuckoos plays a lot on themes such as Cold War paranoia to achieve much of its effect, and that has obviously diluted over the years.

It's still a good read and full of the usual Wyndham sense of humanity that grounds even the most far fetched of his stories. Perhaps not quite recommended, but worth picking up one day. It just hasn't stuck in my mind like other works, probably not a good sign for something designed to be thought provoking.

Ben Foster recommended Dr. Strangelove (1964) in Movies (curated)

Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
1964 | Comedy
8.2 (25 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I would be embarrassed to begin to talk about Dr. Strangelove, because there has been so much written about it. It’s so bleak. And Peter Sellers is perfect. He’s just perfect. Terry Southern and Stanley Kubrick built this doomsday political satire, in the fists of the Cold War, and made the end of the world hysterical. We’re bumbling idiots, all of us. We’re all walking through dark rooms of our life, bumping into furniture, and it’s shocking. I think we all enjoy watching people who are in authority positions act like bumbling idiots; it satisfies part of our ego, I’m sure, on some level. Sellers’ commitment to those characters… the scene that stands out is when he’s trying to get change to make the phone call to stop the bomb, and that security guard won’t let him break government property to get the change. The frustration of that is as painful as it is hysterical."

The Hunt for Red October (1990)
The Hunt for Red October (1990)
1990 | Action, Mystery
This was one of those movies (which is now over 30 years old!) that I knew about, but had just never gotten around to watching before.

I have now and, honestly? It's not that great.

Based on a Tom Clancy novel of the same name (one of his Jack Ryan novels) and starring both Alec Baldwin (as Ryan) and Sean Connery (as the Soviet submarine commander Marko Ramius), this purports to be a thriller about, well, The Hunt for Red October (it's in the title, folks!), a new state of the art Soviet sub that is virtually undetectable and in which Ramius is in charge, with his motivations somewhat murky: is he defecting (it's set during the Cold War)? Is he preparing to launch a strike on the US mainland? Why is a Scot pretending to be Russian??

I have to say, I did find it somewhat slow and ponderous, lacking any real threat or even any means of engaging the viewers interest!