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RachelReads (74 KP) rated Riverdale in TV

Jul 5, 2017  
2017 | Drama, Mystery
Characters (2 more)
Plot is so intricate and intriguing
Cole Sprouse!!!
I can't get enough of this show. The acting is (mostly) on point, the plot is so well thought out, it just makes you want to keep on watching! Usually it takes me more than 1 season to get fully hooked on a show, but Riverdale got me hooked on the first episode.
I read the Archie comics when I was younger and I love the new spin they've put on this adaptation. I cannot wait for the next season and what it has in store for the show.

Mothergamer (1514 KP) rated Riverdale in TV

Mar 2, 2019  
2017 | Drama, Mystery
Good, But Not Great
I feel the show had a really great first season and the second season was equally good. Cole Sprouse is great as Jughead Jones. The rest of the cast is good too. There is a lot of interesting mystery and drama with the show. The show has its issues however such as the character of Archie Andrews. Whoever is writing him has made Archie incredibly thoughtless whereas in the comics Archie was fairly smart. I don't understand why they have written him as incredibly foolish for the show. It's also quite odd that there are only two good parents on the show and the rest of the parents are horrible. The current season I feel is a mix of good and bad. The current mystery and intrigue is pretty good, but there are issues again with plot holes especially with the character of Hiram Lodge. No one in their right minds would let Hiram get away with as much as he has. I like the show and it's good, but it's not great because of some of the writing issues.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Five Feet Apart (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Five Feet Apart (2019)
Five Feet Apart (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Firstly, I think it's nice to see a film partnering with a charity and bringing awareness to a wider audience. The advert for the charity before the film was a nice touch too.

Secondly, it appears that they shook the Disney tree hard for this one. Cole Sprouse and Moises Arias both had big roles on top Disney shows and Haley Lu Richardson appeared once in a show I've never heard of before.

Five Feet Apart opens really nicely with Stella and her friends. Everything is jolly old teen movie until they leave and Stella's demeanour changes. She isn't happy, her face is instantly one of resolve and sadness. The transformation of the room shows you everything that was hiding behind the camera, homely teen bedroom to sterile hospital room. It's a simple scene but it sets up Stella's character nicely.

This isn't a new tale, the idea is tried and tested over the years. A love story through the battle of illness is a guaranteed tearjerker, and this certainly delivered on that point.

Will's arrival at the hospital intrigues her almost instantly. He's the polar opposite of Stella, she has her reasons to battle through while Will is more for living for the moment, consequences be damned.

It's an enjoyable film, but the thing I think stands in the way for some people is the fact that we've never been in this sort of situation so everything seems farfetched. I can't imagine what it's like, but I can imagine emotions running high and recklessness coming from it. As an adult (ugh) I can't imagine putting my life in danger like the characters do, but I'm certain that teenage me would have done the same things... boy was she an idiot.

During the scene where Stella goes under general anaesthetic she's looking up at a drawing placed on the ceiling above her, as the drugs take hold the picture starts to come to life. It was a little whimsical for the film, but being that they use illustration in different areas it was a nice inclusion.

Stella's optimism and determination in the face of her CF is so strong and Haley Lu Richardson does a great job of dealing with the wide range of emotions that she cycles through. (Am I the only one who was getting Olivia Cooke vibes through this?)

The cheese to Stella's chalk is Will played by Cole Sprouse. Will is the fun-at-any-price sort of rebel so of course those two are perfect for each other. If I'm being brutally honest I always thought Cole Sprouse was the one that couldn't act. His performance in this has convinced me otherwise. As frustrating as I found Will's actions I thought he was an interesting character and that Sprouse brought him to life in a very believable way.

The pair make for a great lead couple, even if we are subjected to a rather condensed romance. I didn't really get much sense of how time flowed in this movie, it could be weeks, months, I couldn't tell. Due to the nature of their condition there's a necessary separation throughout the film and as you watch you wonder how they're going to deal with that when romances are traditionally full of closeness... I didn't think that something so simple could make me cry, but somehow there I was with tears rolling down my face. It was a bizarre idea but it worked really well visually even if it did get a little weird at one point.

At the end we ramp up fairly quickly and we see a swift change in our main characters. Emotions are so high that everything gets a little crazier. While the change in Stella didn't feel quite right to me, Will's change was a nice move and Sprouse's performance really showed the panic and reality behind the situation.

When we come to the conclusion of the film I could not have been more annoyed. If someone did that to me I think I'd punch their lights out, five feet rule or not.

Oh! And that five feet rule, you know, the one in the title of the film? We see it referred to early on and it's actually a six feet rule... that discrepancy annoyed me for longer than it probably should have done.

This might not be groundbreaking in its genre but it was an enjoyable watch. It gives you a different take on this popular medi-romance trend.

What you should do

If you like these devastating romances then this is definitely worth catching at some point.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

There's a lot of artistic talent flying around between the main characters and I'd love to pinch a little bit of that.