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Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah | 2017 | Biography
9.2 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a white, middle class American, most of my education about colonialism and the resulting systemic and institutionalized racism and poverty have come from my own efforts to broaden my understanding. The more I learn, the more I am appalled not only by the realities themselves but also by the huge missing gap in my American education.

Trevor Noah's Born a Crime provides incredible insight into apartheid in South Africa as well as it's lasting effect, even after it "ended." I was already a bit of a fan of Noah's humor and political commentary, and his memoir is not a disappointment. He tackles big issues with a sense of humor that does not in any way minimize those issues.


    Ben-Shaul Nitzan

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    Film: The Key Concepts presents a coherent, clear and exciting overview of film theory for beginning...

Island of Lost Souls (1933)
Island of Lost Souls (1933)
1933 | Classics, Horror, Sci-Fi
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"As an anticolonialism fable it’s extremely on the nose, but whatever. Guys, just . . . Colonialism: Don’t Do It. What is totally unforgettable about this film is the photography: constant fogs, blooming white surfaces, and inky jungle shadows. There’s a shot of the hero and the Panther Woman reflected in a pool of rippling water, then her real foot dips into the frame—it makes me gasp. There’s Bela Lugosi’s imperious, rabbinical presence as the Sayer of the Law. And most importantly, there’s Charles Laughton, obviously delighting in the role, giving the British scientist/eugenicist a sadistic perviness that I’m sure wasn’t in the script. In one moment, in the midst of threatening the hero, he just sprawls his whole body across a table, like a happy fat cat."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018 (Updated Feb 14, 2018)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Top-tier Marvel superhero movie is essentially diversity wish-fulfilment, revealing the existence of a secret sci-fi African kingdom with technology from Star Wars and soundtrack from The Lion King, but disguises this supremely well with solid script, first class action, and charismatic performances.

New king (and part-time superhero) must come to the throne, cope with parental issues, deal with old enemy and malevolent would-be usurper. Contains some very interesting and subversive ideas about culture and colonialism; doesn't overdo this, of course. Chadwick Boseman radiates nobility and cool as BP, Andy Serkis has too much fun as ridiculously evil villain Klaw, nice support from Martin Freeman as token white sidekick/comic relief (nice to see a bit of diversity in the casting, guys). Marvel continue to do very little wrong.