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Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1 (Swamp Thing, #1)
Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1 (Swamp Thing, #1)
Alan Moore | 1983 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Early last year, I made the conversion to digital, selling off all my physical issues. There were a number of them that I had not read since the day that first came out, selling them in a mylar sleeve with a backing board. Alan Moore's SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING run was one of those series, and it was also one of the ones that I missed dearly. When Comixology announced that Vertigo sale juust before 2017 ended, i was on it, buying all 5 volumes!

I could have "gobbled" this first volume up in a NY minute; however, like a fine wine, I opted to savor each issue, pacing myself, allowing it all to sink in. I recall reading through this issues fast when they came out (this was when you could still buy comics at 7-11), running through them like a chainsaw through butter. Thankfully, I have learned to appreciate the benefits of savoring.

So, was it as good as I remembered? Nope, BETTER! The early 1980s (the first issue of his run, #20, came out in 1984) was probably some of Moore's best writing! There were no preconceived expectations when you saw his name. Sure, you had an inkling that it would likely be good, but nowhere near the level of expectations that the current comic readers have come to expect.

Prior to his assuming the writer's chair for the series, the main character was thought to still be Alec Holland. However (and this is not a spoiler at this point), as we would learn, Dr. Holland did indeed perish when his lab in the swamp was the victim of sabotage. What was left was as far from human as a chair. Swamp Thing, for all intents and purposes, was vegetable, not mammal as previously thought.

That's learned within the first issue. From there, the ride gets wild with suspense and fear, with some decidely creepy art and concepts thrown in. Essentially, a recipe for WIN!

Oh, before I close this review, I would also like to give some love to the artwork inside. Steve Bissette, followed by John Tottleben, turned in some of the most amazing art. Their attention to detail, left the series feeling creepy yet movie-like, almost as if Sam Raimi were in the director's chair! The artwork was further jazzed up by the always-exceptional coloring of Tatjiana Wood, wife of the artist Wally Wood.

Sure, there's probably other horror-related tpbs you could be reading/considering reading, but you won't find another like this one! Even Marvel's Man-Thing (which I still love; call it my "guilty pleasure") wasn't THIS good! So, enough jibber-jabbering, go pick it up already!
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