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A Celebration of Spring (Mariana Books Rhyming #8)
A Celebration of Spring (Mariana Books Rhyming #8)
Roger Carlson | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a book that explains the seasons? Well, this one describes what Spring is about in a fun and enjoyable way. Children can learn to rhyme with this book. It is a rhyming book. However, I came to the end of the book. I have also seen other potential fun things to do with children, not only what you could do or your children could do outdoors.

The book utilized young children learning to read and older children by asking what fun activities they could develop during Spring. What could the children come up with some outdoor fun with after reading this book?

Parents could use this book to enough their children to want to play outdoors or come up with a family outing and take this book along to read later on their trip. Children will learn rhyming and some excellent outdoor activities and maybe come up with their own by being inspired by A Celebration of Spring or pictures in the book. Parents might find some activities ideas to do with their child or children after reading this book. One activity I thought of was going outdoors, counting the birds that I see in my backyard. Watching the birds fly around my area or walking to get my mail. Though they are just some ideas, another might be a coloring activity or drawing activity.

I have no idea if this is what the author had in mind when he wrote the book. The activities do some to come up and think about after reading this book. This book can bring that out with just reading the book and giving children some ideas to come up with independently. Parents could ask their children what kind of outdoor activities they can do outdoors.

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated Spider-Men in Books

Nov 30, 2020  
Brian Michael Bendis | 2012 | Comics & Graphic Novels
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, here's the thing.. Brian Michael Bendis . When his writing is good, like on ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN or his own creator-owned projects like JINX and POWERS, the man is quite good. When he is regrettable, like he was on his run on ALL-NEW X-MEN and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (Peter Quill + Kitty Pryde? Really?!? Um, no..), his writing stank like yesterday's diapers! Fortunately, that was not the case with this little gem!

Let me frank here: THIS WAS A FUN READ! It was great to see Miles Morales and Earth-616's Peter Parker, <b>our/my</b> Double-P, working together. Still riding on the good++ vibe generated by INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (seriously, if you have not seen it yet, you totally need to see it), this was just what I wanted.

And that art? Wowwowwoweeewow! I sure do love me some Sara Pichelli! I never really tire of seeing her work! And the perfect compliment to her art? The always-perfect coloring by the late Justin Ponsor! Man, I am gonna miss him! Rest in peace, Justin! #cancersucks

If there was anything I could find wrong with the story as a whole was Mysterio. Look, I am a 50-year-old comic fan who got all sorts of happy when I saw the clip of SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME and Mysterio was in it -- with his fishbowl head! But, here in this story, while cool to see him used, I felt he was not really memorable. His performance in the story didn't really feel like Mysterio, you know? Other than that, the book was all aces for me!

If you are looking for a Spider-Fix, and you want to read some of the good Bendis, look no further than this one! Enjoy!
    My Pet Salon Makeover

    My Pet Salon Makeover


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    Come play pet makeover party! Featuring animal make up, spa time and dressup!! Level 1: Cute baby...