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The Color Purple
The Color Purple
Alice Walker | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (24 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I admired the fierce honesty in the single-mindedly feminist world-view of this book. It breaks many of the ‘rules’ of fiction. Walker comes close to painting all the men in a simplistic shade of ‘bad,’ although she attempts to give the nameless husband of Celie some redemption in the end. But the reader senses that a greater truth is at stake; that this was a story that needed to be told. I liked how Celie becomes strong with the love of Shug. And how Sofia is amazingly resilient but is punished for sassing the mayor, and later has to go and work for the mayor’s wife. I applauded Celie’s sexual awakening. And, most of all, I liked the idea that God gets angry if we walk past a field with the colour purple and don’t notice it."

Two For Tuesday
Two For Tuesday
Fiona McGier | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An erotic ride....

Two for Tuesday is an erotic, very sensual story. Not only does it draw you into a heady sexual relationship but it highlights the differences between different social backgrounds.....Mel being a more country girl and Marcus being from the city.
    Colour is only really referred to once or so, the cheeky stereotype.....which Mel clears up by saying she's gone back and forth over that line haha.

I like both characters, though Marcus was a tad needy, but it didn't make it any less enjoyable......just more realistic.

Bit of a gives hope that things can happen/get back on track after years apart. Also that sexual chemistry can't always be worn out!!

Definitely an adult only be read alone as it gets pretty hot and very detailed!
The Panda Chronicles Coloring Book
The Panda Chronicles Coloring Book
Anne Belov | 2015 | Humor & Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review with image example can be found here:

Who says pandas are all black and white?

Anne Belov is a satirical cartoonist with an obsession for pandas. She has published several books in <i>The Panda Chronicles</i> and has now produced a colouring book to go with the series. Pandas may seem like a peculiar subject for a colouring book since they are, as Belov puts it, “chromatically challenged,” however the world around them is bursting with different tints and shades.

The pandas featured in <i>The Panda Chronicles</i> are not the typical bears you might see in a zoo, or endangered in the wild. Anne Belov’s pandas get up to all sorts of mischief. In this colouring book you can expect to find pandas in all sorts of locations, wearing a variety of odd outfits, taking part in highly suspicious activities. So despite monochromatic fur, there is so much to add colour to.

<i>The Panda Chronicles Colouring Book</i> contains approximately 60 single sided illustrations. Although the paper feels quite thin, the lack of anything on the reverse means that it is safe to use any medium you wish to fill the drawing with colour.

Belov’s drawing approach is not the typical style of the hundreds of colouring books you see in stores – i.e. thick, precise lines and patterns. Belov sticks to her sketchy manner that she has used in all the chronicles thus far. In fact there is reason to believe (although do not quote this) that many of the illustrations are from the original books. While standing out in such a niche market, these particular pages may be more difficult to colour in. Some contain many scribbles rather than clear objects, however that does not detract from the overall fun guaranteed with this book.

Pandas in unconventional settings are a great cause for hilarity and satire. Not only is it funny that these bears are parodying human life, but the things they are up to are highly amusing. One particularly comical scene contains a mother panda telling her child off for being the cause of the <b>LEANING</b> Tower of Pisa, to which the youngster protests, “I didn’t do it! It was leaning when we got here!” The wittiness continues throughout the remainder of the book.

I bought this book hoping it would be suitable for my “pandamaniac” friend, who on occasion tells farcical stories about her (imaginary) friend <i>Miss Panda</i>. Anne Belov’s colouring book is the absolutely perfect present for her. It is almost as if the scenes are written/drawn about <i>Miss Panda</i> herself, despite the artist and my friend having never met… Unless… oh the horror! Maybe <i>Miss Panda</i> IS real!

Ross (3282 KP) rated Get Out (2017) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018  
Get Out (2017)
Get Out (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
Like "Black Mirror" does "Cocoon"
This film sees Chris visiting his girlfriend's parents for the first time, on what turns out to be their annual get-together with friends and neighbours. Chris is somewhat taken aback by everyone's positive, curious reaction to his African-American heritage and becomes increasingly unnerved by the odd behaviour of the family's black servants.
I have to admit, I saw the twist coming from very early on but this didn't ruin the journey for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the creepy atmosphere building throughout the film and Chris' increasingly awkward interactions with his few fellow people of colour at the party.
This is not a normal horror film, except for the final half hour, instead it is an intense psychological thriller with the added social awkwardness around people's inherent racism and need to talk/not talk about it.
An excellent film with a brilliant cast.

Chloe Hackett (4 KP) rated Honor 10 in Tech

Oct 3, 2018  
Honor 10
Honor 10
Phones & Accessories > Phones
AI camera (4 more)
Face recognition
Android OS
Available colours
Battery life
Great value for money
Really impressed with this handset. I was going to get the Huawei P20 Pro but the Honor 10 is half the price! Ok the P20 Pro is still premium out of the two, but I really cannot justify paying double the price. The Honor 10 is excellent value for money. The AI camera is great, especially for photos of pets! The battery life is also pretty good. It is slightly smaller and the screen is thinner than what i'm used to, but all in all it's a great android phone. Would 100% recommend to anybody. Especially to people who are considering the P20 as opposed to the P20 Pro as this is on par with the normal P20. The colour choices are also beautiful. I love my blue purple Twilight edition!

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Amélie (2001) in Movies

Mar 3, 2020 (Updated Mar 3, 2020)  
Amélie (2001)
Amélie (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama, International
The colour palette (2 more)
The humour
The romance
Where to start in one of the most perfect films ever realised? The photography and colours are an artwork enough to make this a classic. Then there is the music of Yann Tiersen, so French, so romantic, so tinged with sadness in just the right way. It is a love story. But a love story about fear and shyness; about moments of melting and regret. A film about people and their history and passion, and failures. A film about the heart beating against all odds. A nostalgic film, but a very modern one too (in 2001); a feminist film, with a powerful message against looking backward too much! We can’t help but feel every melancholy cry of Amélie’s wonderful soul as she looks for love and fears it may never appear. If your eyes are dry at the end, then you are broken.
I Heard It Through The Grape Vine by Marvin Gaye
I Heard It Through The Grape Vine by Marvin Gaye
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Who was it who did it before Marvin Gaye? They did it slower and more piano-driven. But I knew this version first and you could see the difference, how this version took the earlier version and streamlined it, sped it up, made it groovier, those kinds of things. When I first heard it, I had not heard anything quite as funky. The groove is just incredible, which has a lot do with the bass line. It's fantastically cool and sexy. A friend of mine from years ago was a barrister. He was trying to tell me The Beatles were fantastic. And I was trying to tell him the trouble with The Beatles was they don't groove. And he said, ""What is groove?"", like a typical magistrate. I said, ""Listen to 'I Heard It Through The Grapevine. That's groove."" It's like trying to explain, without pointing, what the colour red is."


Ed O'Brien recommended Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk in Music (curated)

Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
Spirit Of Eden by Talk Talk
1988 | Jazz, Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Sorry to pick this. Just saying the title's enough, really, isn't it? I know it's really obvious, but it's such a masterpiece. 

It's been strangely hard picking my albums for this, as lots of things don't resonate with me now like they used to when I was younger. I've been listening a lot more to classical and choral music in the last year, for example, but this fits in with that, because this is sacred music. It's music that transcends genre. Every track is profoundly beautiful – and I say that having liked Talk Talk before this, too. I remember the first album coming out at the same time as Duran Duran's Rio, and people comparing them, then hearing The Colour Of Spring. 'Life's What You Make It' was a big song when I was at sixth form. But this album… this is a bigger thing. I still love it so much.

The First Purge (2018)
The First Purge (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Colour me pleasantly surprised by this one. I'd never really fancied the others, and honestly, still not bothered with them. But I wouldn't mind seeing this one again. I think it's mainly the idea of the origin story that interested me more, and it doesn't disappoint on that for me.

It showed something more than just a horror action flick. There were moments of community and loyalty, and it showed that even a bad guy can see the difference between right and wrong. Probably not in the best way to use as a teachable moment... but still.

Of course there's a lot of violence, but none that made me particularly queasy. I've picked up some more tips for the apocalypse, getting a solid grounding in self-defence from films recently. (Joking! Of course I wouldn't use anything I'd seen... but don't test me just to be one the safe side.)

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Alien Outbreak (2020) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Alien Outbreak (2020)
Alien Outbreak (2020)
2020 | Sci-Fi
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
First of all, I have to mention that Alien Outbreak looks good and I mean that with the colouring of the film, the colour pallet works very well in many scenes and it looks crisp, the use of lighting is also nicely used, particularly at night with the various shadow colours and effects for the torch-lit corridors, look out for a nicely shot scene while they are driving in a car and the burnt orange background stands out perfectly in the scene.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s get on to the film itself, many people really give indie made films a rough ride these days, but this is probably down to them comparing them with big Hollywood blockbusters, these types of movies like Alien Outbreak always have a certain look and feel to them and to me I find that very appealing in the extravagant blockbusters.