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Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
359. Joker. A freaking phenomenal movie! A bleak look at society, health care, and a whole bunch of other stuff rolled into one. Starring Joaquin Phoenix an actor known for diving into his roles and he quite obviously dove into this one. All about Norman Bate-ish guy Arthur Fleck, an unfunny wanna be comedian, works as a human sign holder dressed as a creepy clown, society treats him like crap, and his state appointed head doctor has told him funding has been cut and doctor visits will be no more, and yes he lives with his mommy who is not well. And after being noticed by a famous tv talk show host, Murray Franklin, played by Robert Deniro, after being recorded doing stand up, and calling him out on his un-funniness, it seems a screw that may have been loose has now been lost. A fantastic movie!

Stop reading here if you don't want any more info... lol...

I heard Joker 2 of course is in the works. I wanna say boo to that. Tho the name Wayne is thrown around and all those connections... A lot of Arthur's reality was not reality. Is he really THE Joker? I think it works as a stand alone. A one possible scenario type thing. Maybe it's just me. Filmbufftim on FB

Dane Cook recommended Halloween (1978) in Movies (curated)

Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror

"Let me really rattle my brain here. I want to go back. I’m going to say Halloween. When Mike Myers walks out of the backyard… It’s an establishing shot of the front of the house, and you think it’s just a standard exterior, night, Halloween, porch. [But] then the music goes [imitates Halloween theme]. And then [Myers] walks out of the shadow of the backyard. I, to this day, don’t look into a shadowy night yard situation without seeing him walk out. The same way that when I’m in a very sudsy bathtub — and, yes, I do take baths, don’t judge me — when my f–king toe comes out of the water — my number six pick would be Jaws — I still look at my toe and I still become frightened of Amity Beach and all the things that happened to the poor people in the Steven Spielberg epic. I grew up in a family that loved film, loved music, loved comedy. Thirsty for the how-to’s. Some kids liked to take apart radios. I wanted to know how Johnny Carson set up punch. I wanted to know how Burt Reynolds jumped over the bridge in Cannonball Run. I really have a love of film. And although I wanted to be a comedian primarily, I certainly wanted to, with a smidgen of success, be behind the camera and live that incredible world."


ClareR (5667 KP) rated Sunny in Books

Mar 21, 2022  
Sukh Ojla | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How I wish I could have known Sunny when I was in my thirties - or even now, if I’m honest! I read this book on The Pigeonhole, and I looked forward to opening each stave every day. It was one of those books that I just didn’t want to end. I mean, what happens after the last page?

Sunny feels the weight of expectation on her shoulders. She knows that her parents want her to get married, but she only seems to meet men who are wrong for her. I think a lot of this is because of her distinct lack of self-confidence and her poor body image. She calls herself fat constantly, she doesn’t seem to like herself very much, and puts herself across as the life and soul of every party to her friends, whilst hating the way that they use her. Actually, I don’t think that a lot of her friends are deserving of her friendship at all.

This book is a journey to self-acceptance for Sunny, and I was very happy to be on that journey with her. It’s funny and sad in equal measure. You can definitely tell that a comedian wrote this. Some of the observations were really funny, and the timing was perfect.

It’s a touching, funny novel, and one I’d recommend without hesitation.