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JT (287 KP) rated Easy A (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Easy A (2010)
Easy A (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Romance
Flat, dull and lacking in any laughs. Harsh this verdict might be, but I’m afraid it is about the long and the short of it. As Indie films go this does little to highlight those credentials bestowed on other greats such as Clueless or Sixteen Candles. The lovely Emma Stone whose turn in Superbad put her on the road to stardom is short of her best, and at times is cringe worthily bad.

Olive (Stone) is a well liked pupil at high school, but when a little white lie about losing her virginity gets the rumour mill going she is singled out as, well, quite simply a slut.

Drawing on comparisons to The Scarlet Letter, which happens to be one of the books she is studying she takes it upon herself to brandish her attire with the letter A, for adulterer, as well as using her new found status to milk a little money from desperate males keen to move a level or two up the social ladder.

As Indie films go this does little to highlight those credentials bestowed on other greats such as Clueless or Sixteen Candles

Some have compared this to the best teen comedy since Clueless, well forget it, Director Will Gluck does little to inject this film with any laughs whatsoever, and any dramatic interludes seem bland. If anything the characters are somewhat annoying, ranging from Amanda Bynes’s devout Christian who is not really a good advert for all things religious to Olive’s best bud Rhiannon (Aly Michalka) by far and away one of the worst acting performances I have seen for some time.

Even the inclusion of Friends star (yes she’ll always have that tag) Lisa Kudrow as the school councillor or Thomas Haden Church as her teacher husband do little to offer the overall outcome of the plot. Perhaps one of the few shinning lights are Olive’s parents Dill and Rosemary (aptly named), Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson respectively, whose care free guide to parenting should be noted for today’s modern age.

If Gluck thinks he can walk in the same footsteps of a John Hughes master class he is going to have to come up with something better than this. Hughes himself was the Godfather of the teenage comedy for the likes of The Breakfast Club and not forgetting for a second Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

Easy A tries to hard to follow in the footsteps of the above and even Olive herself references them during the film, with an ending that hardly screams of originality, unless they are paying homage to 80s teen comedies.

Openly, its not good, confused and lost for long periods Stone does her utmost to pull anything back but it ain’t working for her or Gluck here.
Killer Sofa (2019)
Killer Sofa (2019)
2019 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Francesca is a dancer that has had problems in the past with the men in her life, most have become stalkers, with her needing to put restraining orders on them, she is left a recliner from one, as the police look into her past to see if she has a connection to the murder of one of them. Maxi is the best friend of Francesca, she supports her on a daily basis and will stand with her in her fight against the sofa. Inspector Gravy is leading the investigation into the crimes which sees him spending time with Francesca learning about her past. Rabbi Jack is Maxi’s grandfather that gets an uneasy vision from the sofa and starts trying to figure out how he could stop the evil behind it.

Performances – The lead in the film is Piimio Mei and she does well in the leading role, as the one being haunted by the soda, seeing her friends taken from around her. The rest of the cast are strong with what they are doing, they do know this does have elements of cheesy horror, which does work for the film.

Story – The story here follows the unusual event surrounding a sofa that starts killing people at the woman that finds herself the main target of the evil needing to stop it before their friends get taken. This is a film that knows exactly what it wants to be, a wildly over the top story that isn’t afraid to go into the full cheesy area, which will get the story over to the level it needs to. For a horror it is a film that follows the traditions when it comes to picking off the victims one at a time, with an element of the story behind the having a supernatural feel.

Horror – The horror side of the film does pick up like most serial killer style slashers, with one victim being alone getting picked off by the killer, in this case, the sofa, which does it look creepy throughout.

Settings – The film uses the apartment settings to show how the sofa can move around without looking completely out of place, using the environment to help with its kills.

Special Effects – The effects are mixed with the fact they make the sofa look terrifying being a huge plus, it is the CGI moments that look like the weakest part of the film.

Scene of the Movie – The sofa look.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The CGI moments.

Final Thoughts – This is a horror comedy that understands completely what it wants to be, it will get laughable kills from a sofa that uses its how frame as a weapon.

Overall: Funny horror comedy.
Renfield (2023)
Renfield (2023)
2023 | Comedy, Horror
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cage feels Caged-In
Sometime you are in the mood for a drama, sometimes an action flick, other times a romantic comedy.

And then there are times you just want to watch Nicholas Cage camping it up on-screen as Dracula.

If that is the mood you are in, boy do I have a movie for you.

Based (very loosely) on the character created by Bram Stoker (and the classic 1931 film starring Bela Lugosi), RENFIELD tells the tale of an over-the-top Dracula in modern times as seen through his “familiar”, Renfield.

Nicholas Hoult (Beast in the latest series of X-Men films) plays Renfield as a put-upon assistant to Dracula - kind of a comedy/horror version of the relationship of Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep in THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA - and it works (for the most part). Hoult is a winning (enough) and sympathetic presence on screen and you find yourself rooting for him in the end.

The surprising thing to me in this film is the sub-plot of Renfield finding love with a Police Office portrayed by (of all people) Awkwafina. This comedienne/actress has really grown on the BankofMarquis as a solid and dependable presence on screen and she doesn’t disappoint here. And that’s a good thing for the Renfield/Rebecca the Cop relationship ends up taking center stage during the 2nd act of this film (moving Nic Cage’s Dracula off-screen for a long stretch of time) and it works for Hoult and Awkwafina play off each other very well.

As for Cage, his Dracula is off-center, wacky, frenetic and out-of-this world. A true fish-out-of-water. But…if I’m being honest…his performance feels reigned in and it didn’t go far enough out-of-the-box and didn’t get nearly crazy enough for my tastes.

When something like that happens, one needs to look no further than the Director and Chris McKay (THE LEGO MOVIE, THE TOMORROW WAR) has a track record (at least for the BankofMarquis) of pulling his punches - and he pulls many, many punches in this film. But, he also DOESN’T pull punches at times (like in the scene where one guy gets his arms ripped off and then these arms are used as nunchucks on a bevy of bad guys). He doesn’t really know how far or how outlandish he should go. So he filters in a comedic amount of blood and gore - and then reigns Cage in. It’s an odd choice.

If you decide to watch Renfield, you already know what to expect - and for the most part you get it - except in the one spot that you really need it.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The World's End (2013)
The World's End (2013)
2013 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.4 (27 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Predictably smart and funny comedy-SF movie from the makers of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz; five old friends come back together on an ill-conceived pub crawl and find that revisiting past mistakes is less important than dealing with the alien forces apparently at work in their old home town.

The director claims this is SF in the British tradition of John Wyndham; to me it looks much more like an update (not quite a spoof) of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, set somewhere in the Home Counties. Terrific cast, some very good jokes; also some rather impressive action sequences. Not quite in the same vein as Shaun of the Dead, as this movie has some quite dark emotional threads running through it, with themes of regret and guilt and coming to terms with getting older.

I have to say that while I loved this film, I am of the same generation as the main characters and can fully sympathise with their various situations; younger people of my acquaintance couldn't quite see the point of the film. Almost certainly an age thing - whether your response to the track listing of the soundtrack is 'Wow, non-stop classics!' or 'Eww, dad rock' (or even 'Never heard of any of this') will probably be a good indicator as to whether you'll like the actual movie or not.
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, while this could technically be called an urban fantasy, it doesn't really have the atmosphere of one and I'd be more likely to call it a magical mystery. <u>Disappearing Nightly</u> is a charming, wonderfully intriguing tale featuring the logical off-Broadway actress Esther Diamond, who through no fault of her own stumbles into the world of magic, and the path of Dr. Maximillian Zadok.

The author crafted a well-done, swiftly plotted yarn that left me pleased as punch. The characters went beyond caricatures, which could have so easily happened with the amount of personalities featured, and each of their respective professions, in the more colorful world of NYC. Through a comedy of errors, rapid fire dialogue, which the author has a gift for, and hilarious interactions, this motley crew of an investigative team gets to the bottom of the mysterious disappearances that are happening in the community. I had no trouble visualizing events as they unfolded, with amusing results, and could easily see this as a television series. The romance was nicely weaved into the story without becoming overpowering, and surprise of all surprises, there was no bed-hopping! What a nice change of pace. Altogether, this was fine little read that I flew right through and am glad I have the sequel handy! So far, this just may be my favorite read of the year.
Sex, Lies and Chocolate Cakes
Sex, Lies and Chocolate Cakes
Steven Morris | 2018 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Online this book is described as 'a delicious laugh out loud comedy' and to be honest with you I do feel as though I have been slightly misled. Although it did make me laugh a few times I do feel as though the writing style was slightly unsophisticated for my taste.

One critisism I feel I have to mention is that the book was very short and was not advertised as so. I enjoy a long book in order to get to know the characters and really feel I can identify with them. However, this was unable to happen due to the length of the book.

Adding to this, I felt as though the book never really 'got going' and due to this it was hard to connect with the characters which I feel is necessary to really enjoy a book. However, there is a sequel which I do intend to read in order to see if the problem is rectified so keep a look out for that!

Overall, I feel as though this is a good book if you don't take it too seriously and simply want a funny addition to add to your collection. Although the writing style did lack some imagination it was an easy read and welcome after a busy night at work.
Yoga Hosers (2016)
Yoga Hosers (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy
Not too much to laugh aboot
When I sit down to watch a comedy/horror film, i usually laugh a little at some of the jokes. But being Canadian... I found this movie offensive as hell......
Not really. I found it subpar and slightly stupid.
Kevin Smith is and always will be one of my favorite writer/directors. His earlier films, Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy are right up there with some of my favorite flicks. Amd his attempt at horror, Red State, was a really good try at entering a genre that he doesn't have much business being in.
Don't even get me started on Tusk... What the fuck?!?!
This is kind of a sequel to the aforementioned walrus horror flick. A few characters from Tusk are in it. Including the Colleens, the pair of Zed Convenience store employees, who are now thrust into the main character roles.
The only light in this dark tunnel is Justin Long who plays Yoga Guru, Yogi Bayer... His portrayalof him is pretty awesome... right down to arguing on the phone with a lawyer from Warner Brothers about violating copyright infringement for his name... it's pretty sweet.
Johnny Depp returns to the sequel as Guy Lapointe French Canadian manhunter... and he is horrid...
Didn't think it was possible for that to happen.
So watch at your own risk.
Ibiza Undead (2016)
Ibiza Undead (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Horror
3.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watchable to pass the time...
It is like a less funny version of the Inbetweeners mixed with the Walking Dead on a party Isle...
If you are a gamer think of Dead Island with nightclubs...

I didn't expect much from the story and if I'm honest I was right, the humour worked in places and there were some good bits, but not enough to save it. The intentionally irritating friend was very irritating, in a way that I'm sure wasn't the writers hadn't intended. One character disappears midway through the film for a large chunk and it makes you wonder why the character was there in the first place only for him to reappear near the end.

Not enough was done to make you care about the characters - It didn't really make a difference if they would make it off the Island or end up as Zombie fodder, you didn't really find yourself willing them on - I know it's a 'comedy,' but whatever you are watching you should feel something for the characters.

That being said, it passed the time with something I didn't have to think about, after watching a couple of series that required subtitles recently I just wanted to Zombie out in the chair to wind down.

I've seen definitely seen better but I have also seen far worse...
Black Mirror - Season 5
Black Mirror - Season 5
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Black Mirror has been going downhill since Netflix acquired it from Channel 4.

The first season was fantastic, and the second season wasn’t too bad. It’s like the Black Mirror writers are in a competition to make each season worst than the last.

It used to be speculative fiction, but even that is no more in season 5. I wish there were more than just 3 measly episodes especially with how long it took them to release season 5.

Striking Vipers was the worst episode in my opinion. To me, it focused too much on sex instead of the actual story which had the potential to be good.

Smithereens was the best episode in season 5 although it was just alright. At least there was a heartfelt story behind it all. Plus, the acting was fantastic for the most part. Yes, there were a few shoddy acting bits, but most of it was good.

Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too started off being a good episode, but it just turned ridiculous towards the end. It did start with a good message, but the ridiculousness of it turned this episode into more of a comedy. I guess they were just too focused on Miley Cyrus bringing in the viewers instead of the actual story.

I’m really losing hope for Black Mirror. They need to just stop making episodes or hire better writers.

Eleanor (1463 KP) Jun 21, 2019

Kinda stopped watching last season n not feeling like bothering to catch up. Such a shame, strong concept n great first few series....


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) Jun 21, 2019

I agree. I keep watching in hopes it will get better, but it just gets worse. =(

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man&#039;s Chest (2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
2006 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
7.2 (50 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Drunk Johnny Part 2
Yo-Ho, what do you get when you based you movie off of a disney ride, a great movie. Yes you read the correctly, this movie is based off of the ride at disney. So how does a 20-30 minute ride turn into a 2h and 40min movie, well you ride the ride a bunch of times, than evently you get to the 2h and 40min mark. Im kidding, dont do that, instead watch this movie. Plus you get more drunking Johnny Depp or Johnny Depp playing pirate Keith Richards, so thats always good.

This movie is great and is better from the first one, coming off the first one, this one has more action, comedy, adventure and overall a better plot and a excellent villian.

The Plot: When ghostly pirate Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) comes to collect a blood debt, Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) must find a way to avoid his fate lest his soul be damned for all time. Nevertheless, the wily ghost manages to interrupt the wedding plans of Jack's friends Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley).

Bill Nighy is excellent as Davy Jones, i love the charcter and his haterd against Jack Sparrow.

This film was shot back-to-back with the third film of the series, At World's End.

Its a excellent movie and highly reccordmend it.