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Christopher Lawrence
(0 KP)
I'm a football fanatical, metal core loving, bad movie watching podcaster that you'll find at a...
Last Active: Sep 30, 2017

Alexis Oates
(1 KP)
Mother of one
Full time mom, part time reader, movie watcher, social media addict
Last Active: Jan 19, 2018
Otway93 (580 KP) rated comiXology - Comics & Manga in Apps
Nov 10, 2019 (Updated Nov 14, 2019)
User Friendly (2 more)
Great for CBR/CBZ files
Downloadable comics
A great app for digital comic books!
Comixology is a great app for comic book readers. I know most comic book fans like myself enjoy hard copies, but digital comics are excellent for saving space, and comixology is most likely the most popular digital comic app.
As I said, it's easy to use, can import CBR/CBZ files, and you can download comics straight from them. The digital comics seem a bit costly for digital copies, but I think I'm just old fashioned in that respect!
As I said, it's easy to use, can import CBR/CBZ files, and you can download comics straight from them. The digital comics seem a bit costly for digital copies, but I think I'm just old fashioned in that respect!

Brad Leary (18 KP) rated Joking Hazard in Tabletop Games
Mar 6, 2019
Cards Against Humanity style game where you build a three panel comic strip.

Jonathan Lethem recommended 3 Women (1977) in Movies (curated)