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Monopoly: The Walking Dead
Monopoly: The Walking Dead
2013 | Economic, Entertainment, Territory Building
I'll be honest, I'm a sucker for a themed version of Monopoly so a Walking Dead version really appealed. Although it's a good version, personally its not my favourite.

For starters, this is based on the original comics/graphic novels so there is quite a bit in this that won't be familiar to fans of the show (like me). It's not as easy to get into a themed game like this when you don't know everything about the subject. I also think that the themed items (money, properties and chance/community chest cards) are a little weak compared to other themed versions out there. Although this could just be because I'm not as big a fan of The Walking Dead as I thought! What I did love was the tokens, it's a little dark and disturbing to get to play as Lucille or a bucket of body parts.

The rest of the gameplay is standard Monopoly fare as expected, but maybe this is one made for die hard Walking Dead fans.
Arrow  -  Season 1
Arrow - Season 1
2012 | Drama
What DC really needed at the time
Arrow season one was definitely one of the best seasons and really helped DC since they were kinda struggling along at the time this came out compared to Marvel who was put ping out media left and right.

I absolutely loved the cast and characters they all had such great chemistry and really helped to suck you into to the show. While they had plenty of hidden and not so hidden things for long time comic fans you didn't feel like you had to know anything about the characters or the plot before watching but at the same time as a long time standing fan of the comics it was fresh and fun enough where you didn't feel bored.

The only thing that would get to me and that carries on into later seasons which ultimately led to me stop watching the series is it would get very soap opera-y to the point of rolling your eyes at the screen.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Apr 5, 2018

I enjoyed season 1 for what it was, it went south after season one for us though.

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Many heroes working on many levels to take down Thanos (0 more)
Too spread out and not fighting together (0 more)
A great big cast of heroes take on the big bad Mad Titan
Infinity War was promised to be the big hero movie of the year. Reading from the comics it was looking like a bloodbath, I was curious to see how it would translate to the movies. It didn't slack on fight scenes, just about every represented Avenger was involved in at least 1 fight. Seeing Cap in his Nomad suit and facial hair was enough to get this girl's heart pumping. I preferred IW to Endgame with this being more action filled overall. While IW is darker than a normal avengers movie, it is with a purpose. This isn't a movie where the normal quips and jokes would fit in. While I didn't like the fact that the heroes were spread out over the world, I understand in the bigger scheme of things that it was needed. A great lead in movie to Endgame's payoff.
Aliens: Nightmare Asylum
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second entry in the ALiens series of books/comics released in the aftermath of Aliens (the movie) but before Alien3, that continues the story of Newt and Hicks (sorry: Billie and Wilks) from [b:Aliens: Earth Hive|343281|Aliens Earth Hive|Steve Perry||333628]: a novel in which (spoiler!) scientists thought it would be a good idea to bring an Alien Queen to planet Earth while a military expedition is en-route to their home-planet, with the Alien on Earth then escaping and over-running the planet.

On reading this, this seems to have a more claustrophibic setting than the expanse, starting with Billie, Wilks and Bueller trapped on a cargo-spaceship heading towards an unknown destination: a ship that also contains three of the Aliens. When they get to their destination, things don't get any better, as they encounter a crazy general with an insane plan to control 'his' Aliens to take back planet Earth - a plan which, of ocurse, does not go by the book.

In short: pure sci-fi junk food.

Otway93 (567 KP) rated Star Wars: Queen's Shadow in Books

Dec 31, 2019 (Updated Dec 31, 2019)  
Star Wars: Queen's Shadow
Star Wars: Queen's Shadow
E.K. Johnston | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Idea (1 more)
Captain Panaka
Characters (1 more)
The most tedious entry to the Star Wars canon.
When I heard about this book I was fascinated to know she went from Queen Amidala to Senator Amidala, and what happened following The Phantom Menace. Turns out, not much.

All of this can be read on the blurb: basically her royal predecessor asked her to. That was basically it.

The book answers these questions rather pointlessly, and describes her relationship with her handmaidens. The book can therefore be summarised in a single sentence: She was very close with her royal handmaidens, and the next Queen asks her to be senator.

The book is incredibly slow, to the point you can no longer be bothered and just want to skip to the next part of the Star Wars canon, a few Age of Republic comics, which are shorter, but far more fun.

It's single redeeming feature is the inclusion of Captain Panaka, the character portrayed by Hugh Quarshie in the prequel trilogy, a rather underrated and underused character.
Star Wars: Screaming Citadel
Star Wars: Screaming Citadel
Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larroca | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a essentially a cross-over graphic novel, collecting issues 7-8 of Doctor Aphra, issues 31-32 of the 'main' Star Wars stories, and issue #1 (of 1) of The Screaming Citadel.

As such, the artwork doesn't always mesh, with the story feeling (to me) rather disjointed: here we have Luke teaming up with Dr Aphra (first introduced in the earlier run of these comics) to investigate the Screaming Citadel, where the queen of said Citadel only opens up her doors once a year to receive supplicants from all over the galaxy.

Why the team up? Because Dr Aphra has a Jedi Holocron, and Luke - at this point (pre Empire Strikes Back, remember!) is in lack of a teacher. And what does Dr Aphra get out of it? Knowledge.

What this then devolves into - for my money - is a pretty standard double and triple-cross tale, with Luke eventually learning that there are no short cuts to learning the ways of the Force, and with a set-up for a yet-to-be-followed-up-on sequel to the story.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Jul 3, 2019 (Updated Jul 3, 2019)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Seventh Spider-Man movie gets off to a slightly wobbly start, almost seeming to have been slipped a real hospital pass by Endgame: clearly it feels obliged to address the rather messy state of the MCU, in addition to making a big fuss about being a proper MCU film (much more than the non-Sony MCU films do). However, once Spider-Man and his moderately amazing friends head off to Europe the film perks up considerably, especially with the appearance of Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio (Gyllenhaal is very good value).

The film is genuinely funny and benefits a lot from a clever plot - the problem is that the nature of the plot is extremely guessable, even if you're only passingly familiar with the comics. Still, good jokes, nice performances, and the best Tower Bridge-based VFX sequence since Gorgo in 1961. I think it would be unwise to try and intuit the whole future direction of the Marvel project from this one film, but this is still good (if slightly uneven) fun.
The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
The Miracles of the Namiya General Store
Keigo Higashino | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Really good fantasy story
So, I happened upon this book while on holiday in New York when I was in Midtown Comics, it sounded interesting and so thought why not.....

3 boys hide hide themselves overnight in this abandoned shop after they committed a robbery. While there, a letter drops through the letterbox asking for advice. After a little investigation the trio learn that the old owner of the store used to give advice. The 3 decide to write back and they receive another response. After a time, they learn that they are receiving letters from the past and that time moves differently inside the shop than out..... that's all I will say so as not to spoil the rest of the book. If you are a sci-fi or fantasy lover..... give this a go.

The characters are really endearing and while the story does jump from present to past to future, it is easy to keep up with to know what timeline you are currently in.


    John Man

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