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Borderlands 3: Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck
Borderlands 3: Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck
2020 | Shooter
The last of the four announced DLC expansions for Borderlands 3 has arrived with Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck. This time around the Vault Hunter(s) must travel into the mind of the unstable Krieg and work with his good and bad sides to research the psychos of the Borderlands universe.

Players will go through various locales but many of which will seem very familiar to fans of the series. The prior three DLC were set in a Casino, A creepy town, and an Old West Planet; and the locales this time out are not as distinct.

Players will see many familiar enemies and faces as well as this time around the emphasis is not on creating multiple new enemies. Instead it is more of a trip down memory lane as Psychos, Mechs, and familiar enemies come into play. There are naturally some new wrinkles such as Psychos riding rockets who make for a nice new wrinkle and there are some familiar faces in some of the Boss Battles players will encounter.

The game setting is not as engaging as the prior DLC as to me the settings seemed too familiar and lacked the fun of some of the locales of the prior DLC. The prior DLC also had more engaging settings and scenarios and introduced many new characters. This time around it is more like a trip down memory lane; literally and figuratively.

In the end the expansion offers more loot, more adventures, and a few hours of diversion; but for me was the least engaging and interesting of the four DLC offerings for the game.

That being said; I did have fun even if it was not as much as with the prior expansions and I hope that more DLC will be coming soon and Gearbox has teased some new announcements coming soon, perhaps as soon as today at PAX Online.
Night School (2018)
Night School (2018)
2018 | Comedy
I find Hart and Haddish to be two peas in a pod when it comes to their comedy style. The only difference is that I can watch a whole Kevin Hart film without getting bored of it. So having them both in a film together was a little worrying. But I really didn't need to worry. They work really well together.

What I will say is that I wasn't convinced until around the mid-way point when they change up the learning side of things. The first bit was a little short on the really entertaining comedy and I was getting restless, but the rest had everyone laughing out loud. I will say that there's one bit that really made me feel awful... I honestly was seconds away from throwing up... you'll see it coming and you will probably be hollering "nooo" like most of us in the screen did.

The support cast is great and everyone plays a brilliant little piece in the film. Mary Lynn Rajskub made me chuckle a lot, it's a very different character to what most of us would be used to seeing her doing.

There are some movie occurences that you can see happening and you can take comfort in that you know they're coming. This film teases one right under your nose for most of it's run and the rips it away from you. It is both nice and infuriating that they don't take that turn.

It's definitely a fun film, but it's a fairly average one. If it hadn't been for the awkward comedy in the first section of the film then I think this could have been one that went on my go to cheer up film list.

What should you do?

It's worth streaming and seeing at least once. It won't tax your brain and it'll be a good diversion for a couple of hours.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I think I'd really need to have some of that holy chicken.
    Sole Supplier

    Sole Supplier

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Sloane's List
Sloane's List
Viola Estrella | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
high on the cute scale!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Sloane is now an empty nester, after sending her 18 year old daughter off to college. She has a list of ten things she wants to do. She just needs a man to help her. Enter Oscar. He meets her the day before Paige goes off, and is smitten from then on. But Oscar is younger than Sloane, and has a bit of a reputation. What's a girl to do, eh?

Bar one thing, and I will come back to that, I loved this!

It's a really easy read, and I mean that in a very VERY good way.

There were some plot lines I did not see coming, so well played there, but the penny did drop really fast! And some coming at ya like a freaking freight train, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. But I loved that! Sometimes, it really is lovely to see it all laid out for you.

It's not overly explicit, and I loved that here, for these two. I was expecting it to be, for some reason, and I loved being proven wrong about what I needed to read at this point in time.

Fairly low on the angst scale, but high on the cute scale and scorching on the warm and fuzzy scale!

I loved that we got to hear from both Sloane and Oscar, but also from Paige (Sloane's daughter) Alex (Oscar's brother) and the mother hen in the apartment complex, Auntie Ernie.

So, what didn't I like? Simple. First person, present tense AND multi point of view. In fact, I very VERY nearly dumped this, once I saw how it was written. So very VERY glad I didn't!

I haven't read anything by this author before, and I think I'd like to read something with a bit more bite.

But still, a very VERY good, 4 star read.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Royally Arranged (The Royal Series #2)
Royally Arranged (The Royal Series #2)
Amber Malloy | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
sometimes, you need to see whats coming at ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Royal Series. I have not read book one, Royally Screwed and a quick read of that blurb tells me you don't need to read that one before this. Those characters do not appear in this book. It's also the first book I've read of Mallory's. I'll come back to that.

Rafe needs a wife, a temporary arrangement, while his twin brother, his ELDER twin, gets a clean bill of health. A business arrangement which Astoria enters, with a shelf life to the arrangement. At least it started as such.

I liked this. It follows a proven track: an arranged marriage; they have sex (which wasn't part of the arrangement) there is a major fall out, and then a make up, and all is happy in the world. And sometimes you need to see what's coming at ya, like a freight train, and ain't nothin' you can do to stop it. And I LIKED that in this book!

It's steamy in places, but I didn't find it overly heavy on the smexy times. I didn't find it particularly emotional, either. Rafe lost his wife and son, but you don't FEEL that pain from him.

I think that is what I missed the most in the book: emotional connection. Yes, they have smex and do all the things they are supposed to, but I didn't find an EMOTIONAL connection between them. They do say those three little words, but again, I didn't FEEL the love between them.

As I said, my first book by Mallory. I'd like to delve into the backlist of this author to see if I can find that connection. Might just be how the author writes, is all.

So, because I felt that was missing, I gave this book

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
When We Fall
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I wanted to love When We Fall by Peter Giglio because it sounded so ominous and scary. However, it was only an alright read that wasn't very scary at all. In fact, I didn't think there was enough ghostliness. All in all, this is a book that's not very memorable at all.

I don't feel like the title conveys what the book is about in the slightest. Personally, I like books to at least give a subtle hint in their title.

I do like the cover however. Ben loves making Super 8 films, and it's on the roll of film that he notices a ghostly image.

The world building was fairly believable. The problem that I had with this book is that a popular 17 year old girl would want to hang out with a unpopular 13 year old boy. Yes, I understand that she's his babysitter, but she spends time with him just because as well. Not only that, but she ends up kissing him at one point!

The pacing was alright. When We Fall is a novella so it can be easily read in one sitting. The pacing did hold my attention until the very end which I was happy about.

I felt that the plot was a bit weak. It was as if this book didn't know if it wanted to be a coming of age story or a paranormal story. The coming of age side of the story works rather well, but it was the paranormal side that was a bit weak. For example, we're led to believe that Ben is seeing and hearing his dead best friend in his room. Yet that's the only encounter we ever read about. So was that all in Ben's mind or was Johnny, his best friend, actually a ghost? There's only one more incident where there's possibly a ghost. I really wish this focused more on the horror/paranormal aspect.

Ben felt like a well developed character. It was easy enough to believe what he was feeling especially when it came to his crush on Aubrey. Ben seemed like a "normal" 13 year old boy. I didn't like Audrey. She didn't feel like an average 17 year old girl. As I said before, she's a popular girl hanging out with a 13 year old boy when she could be hanging out with friends her own age. Plus, I felt as if she took advantage of Ben sometimes.

The dialogue seemed to flow rather well. I also loved reading about how Ben was feeling. There were a few swear words throughout the book.

Overall, while When We Fall is an alright book, it lacks a certain something. Perhaps it needed more of a horror element to it especially as the blurb leads us to believe this is going to be a scary horror book. Unfortunately, When We Fall by Peter Giglio is a forgettable book.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who are looking for a read that will help them pass some time or for those who like books with a light paranormal theme.

</b>I'd give When We Fall by Peter Giglio a 2.5 out of 5.</b>

(I received this ebook for free from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review).
This is the third in the series, and it definitely shows. I did not know that it was part of a series until I started reading it, but I wish I had. While it is not necessary to read the first two to understand or enjoy Highlander Redeemed, I found myself wondering more often than not about what I had missed out on.

I wish I could find at least one negative comment to make about this novel to balance out all the good I can say, but I honestly cannot. It is your typical Scottish historical romance where the couple are facing the threat of the English. It had so much character, however, that it did not just fade into the background once I finished it with all the previous ones I have read. I also appreciate that the author actually has some background in Scottish heritage instead of just researching it. It made it much more authentic.

Mainly, however, I loved watching the couple grow both as a couple and as individuals. At first, Scotia irritated me with her behavior and thoughts, but I believe that was the point. To watch her grow and mature was both satisfying and relieving. She was believable as person instead of a made up character.

Overall, Highlander Redeemed is one of the best Scottish historical romances I have read as well as a coming of age story. I fell in love with the characters and became invested in their growth and story. Not only that, but the ending left me with warm satisfied feeling. Now, I am definitely planning on picking up copies of the first two.
Buying Samir (India's Street Kids #2)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Buying Samir by Kimberly Rae is about a young girl, Jasmina, who has been rescued from the streets of India. Jasmina had been exploited by child traffickers, and now is on the road to learning how to trust again. Jasmina is given a safe place to live with loving adults, yet she desires to find her family that she betrays those who would look after her. She sets out to rescue Samir, her brother, but she tries to do it on her own.

This book describes the dangerous side of the streets throughout the story. Through Jasmina's story, we learn more ways that people are lured in and human trafficked in India. Parts of the story were exciting, but Jasmina was more passive than usual while she figured out what was going on with the "modelling" business. I'd expected this to be more about Samir's story, but it's not. It's Jasmina coming to terms with how human trafficking has destroyed her family.

By the end of the story we are left with the beautiful outcome of Jasmina accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior. We see how His love can turn her tragedies into a story of healing and triumph. Samir, on the other hand, has sadly chosen to embrace his hatred and anger. It has turned him into becoming the very people he hated. Life is like that. We face trials, and who we turn to...God or Satan/the lost world...will decide whether our story is triumphant or tragic.

I give this book 4/5 stars.

I received this book from BJU Press via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.
Learn To Love Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is an exciting mystery/crime thriller/suspense/sort-of-romance all wrapped together with a tight little bow. Emily is a journalist trying to break into the exciting world of news instead of just writing a column. She gets her wish, but only after a girl she interviewed for her column goes missing. While trying to cope with the tragedy, her marriage is starting to falter, she's not so sure her husband is still the man she fell in love with, and to beat it all, she's getting harassing phone calls at work and home. When the detective assigned to her case turns out to be an old flame, things get really interesting, and Emily's whole life seems to spiral out of control.

This story has everything: journalists, cops, quarreling spouses, old boyfriends, haunted pasts, kidnapping, etc. etc. Once I started reading, I only put it down because my husband yelled at me to go to bed. I kept trying to guess who the bad guy was throughout the story, and I just couldn't settle on one person for too long. The author definitely keeps you guessing until the reveal at the end, and then the explanation is just as crazy as those we hear on the news. I can say, I totally didn't see the Epilogue coming, but it's just fantastic!!

I would definitely recommend this to fans of mysteries, suspense thrillers, crime thrillers, and anybody who just wants to read an awesome story that'll keep you guessing. =)

5 stars (wish I could give more)
Mr July (Calendar Men #7)
Mr July (Calendar Men #7)
Bailey Bradford | 2018 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loving these still!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 7 in the series, but it can be read as a stand alone.

Felix is commissioned to do a mural for Erza, who is close to the original photographer of the shoot. Meeting Tse makes Felix realise there is more to life than work. But Felix finds out a shocking truth about his parents death, and it makes him see things in a much clearer light. If only Tse didn't live in another state!

Oh I love these books, I really do. Ms Bradford keeps coming up with more and more obscure shifters and I love that! Here, Felix is a mountain sheep from Cyprus. It takes back stage, and is mentioned more in passing than anything else, but still, love it!

Felix and Tse have Chemistry, with a capital C! Right from the start, they are hot off the page! I loved how they both have hook up rules, but both of them, seperately, wanted to break those rules. They don't, but I loved that they thought about it. They both knew this was going to be more than a hook up, very early on, and usually, I don't much care for early declarations of love, but I thought it right and proper for these two.

When Felix finds out the truth about his parents deaths, it's Tse he runs to, but gets waylaid by Tse's entire family! When Felix tells Tse, he's all...And why would that make a difference?

Thoroughly enjoying this series!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**