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Hunt In The Night (Blood and Bonds #3)
Hunt In The Night (Blood and Bonds #3)
S.J. Coles | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saved the best for last!
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Blood and Bonds series and you really MUST read book 1, Touch in The Night and book 2, Bleed in The Night. It is a continuation of the ongoing story arc, and much is NOT recapped.

Book three has to be my favourite!

This book follows Mason, the police detective tasked with finding out who is killing haemophiles and humans, and more importantly, WHY. He is joined by Cai, a former police dective who wa turned against his will. There is some clashing at first, but Mason finds himself attracted to Cai and he is straight, right?

So, book three. It wraps up everything that has been happening, with a big fat bow. BUT! I did NOT see that coming at me, not at all! I had it all worked out, who was doing all this and why. Then, I'm thrown for a loop as to who turned Cai those ten years ago, and it appears the bad guy was playing the long game.

THEN! There was another thing thrown at me that I did not see coming as well! I mean for the most part, this book kinda threw me, but in the best way!

Again, the book is told only from Mason's point of view but I knew it would be, so I was prepared.

I'm being deliberately vague, I know but I don't want to give you spoilers.

We get, eventually, a wonderful wedding of Jesse and Emory (from book 1) and there is a return of Tyler and Lucien (book 2) for said wedding. So it was nice to catch up with them.

But the best bit?? The epilogues! Told from Emory, Lucien and Cai's points of view. While I would have LOVED to hear from them in their respective books, getting this little glimpse into the minds of the haemophiles was the best thing! We get the fear of these guys, at falling for a human, and the joy they feel at finally admitting they needed someone in their lives. I loved it because it was so unexpected! This is not a spoiler thing, either, cos other reviews have mentioned it already, and I NEEDED to say how much I loved getting into THEIR heads, just for this little bit.

I cannot fault this one, I really can't so...

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Looking for Alaska
Looking for Alaska
John Green | 2013 | Children
8.1 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just finished reading Looking for Alaska, making it the fifth John Green book I've read, after Will Grayson, Will Grayson, Let It Snow, The Fault In Our Stars, and An Abundance of Katherines. I enjoyed Looking for Alaska immensely, just like I did the other three. (My favorite being Let It Snow, which he wrote with two other authors as a set of three related short stories.) I haven't made a habit out of reading young adult fiction, but for John Green I'll definitely make an exception. I should also pick up some of Maureen Johnson's books; her contribution to Let It Snow was excellent.

I have a confession to make before I go any further: I am a Nerdfighter. I was introduced to John and Hank Green about two years ago by one of my best friends, by way of Crash Course. Since then I've (almost!) caught up on their Vlogbrother videos, watched most of the Crash Course videos (sorry Hank, I'm just not into chemistry) and started watching Sci Show. John and Hank are both extremely educated, well spoken, and yet extremely entertaining and fun to watch. Watching the vlogbrothers episodes where John talks about writing the books (as he's writing them!) is what finally made me go pick up his books to read. And he's GOOD.

In Looking for Alaska, Miles Halter goes away to boarding school at Culver Creek, his father's alma mater. He's in search of his "great perhaps," his meaning for life. (The phrase comes from Francois Rabelais' last words "I go to seek a Great Perhaps." Miles doesn't want to wait until he dies to go in search of his.) Culver Creek really marks a turning point in Miles' life - from a friendless outcast in his old school to one of the closest friends of Alaska Young. Alaska is a bit of a bad girl (sneaking cigarettes and alcohol into school constantly and pulling ingenious pranks) but also an enigma. The entire school body loves her, but even to her closest friends she doesn't reveal much about herself.

The book is divided into "before" and "after" and it wasn't until within a few pages till the end of the "before" section that I realized what the event was. "After" deals with the characters of the book coming to terms with their life-altering event.

In The Fault In Our Stars, John Green dealt with the lead up to a life-altering event that the characters knew was coming - a long, drawn-out sort of grief. Looking For Alaska deals with the fallout of an event no one knew was coming, and while the emotions are just as deep, they feel sharper somehow for being so unexpected.

I definitely recommend this book, and all of John Green's books. He's a very talented writer, and isn't afraid to put "adult" themes into his "young adult" books. As if sex and alcohol and death and deep meaning-of-life questions aren't things every teenager deals with? I like that he doesn't pull his emotional punches. His books may be "young adult" but they're not fluffy or "easy to read." Easy in terms of grammar and flow perhaps, but not in content. I teared up reading parts of Looking For Alaska, and outright sobbed for a good portion of The Fault In Our Stars. (Which is now a movie!)

You can find all my reviews at (review originally written 4 years ago.)
Show all 3 comments.

Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) Jan 28, 2018

Same! I recently finished Turtles All The Way Down, his newest book. I'll be getting the review of that up soon. I also am not a young adult, but I really like his writing regardless. I'm looking forward to his brother's book that should be coming out soon - I don't know the title, but his brother is Hank Green, and he just wrote a book aimed at an adult audience. I'm eager to see if he's as good at writing as his brother is!


Kaz4ray (17 KP) Jan 28, 2018

Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for him. Ive got Turtles All the Way Down in my reading pile so I’ll look forward to reading your review.

Clemency (2019)
Clemency (2019)
2019 |
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Clemency was high up on my list to see during the festival so I was slightly annoyed to not get the opportunity to see it initially... but it was day one and I was feeling bold with enthusiasm and joine the queue for last minute tickets. It's a great system if it isn't raining, and after some loitering, chatting, and spotting Wendell Pierce on his way to the cinema for the screening I managed to get a spare ticket.

Bernadine has spent years of her life dedicated to giving prisoners the chance to better themselves and live up to their potential, with the death row inmates she tries to give them respect and comfort in their last days. After an execution goes wrong the whole team is affected and with another coming closer Bernadine starts to feel the pressure.

Her life is turned upside down as she starts to interact with Anthony Woods, she can't sleep, she can't be a wife, her only real escape is drink and her colleagues. Where will everything lead her?

My main pull to this was Aldis Hodge, while I tried to avoid seeing who was in each film when I read the synopsis it was difficult on occasion and so this one zipped to my top picks list. He will always be Hardison to me but I've enjoyed seeing him in films recently.

Anthony Woods is obviously on a rollercoaster of emotions and Hodge brings out the sense of desperation his character is feeling. The swing from hope and emptiness to elation gave him several opportunities to surprise and shock us. One of those moments particularly drew a reaction from a lot of people around me and I'll touch on that in a moment.

Alfre Woodard as Warden Bernadine Williams was very powerful, subtle with her emotions when needed but as the film concludes we see an incredibly difficult moment of pain. That moment is ugly and honest, it really hits you.

The film leaves you with a few uncertain points, you can work things out from context but it never says it outright. It also allows you to slowly unfold what's going on and what's still to come.

As you know, I watch a lot (excessive amounts some might say) of movies and it's very rare from something to surprise me. A lot of things are easy to see coming, a characters's actions can show you something violent coming. There are two moments in Clemency that had the audience react much stronger that I expected, I was also surprised by the reaction of the other press delegates who I thought might be in a similar place a me. Both scenes involved blood and when everyone gasped I actually looked around and wondered how it had earned that reaction. Perhaps I wasn't as engaged with it as they were but I didn't find those moments to be gratuitous or all that shocking given the context and the nature of the scenes. It was this point that I had to ponder the thought that seeing too many films and TV shows might have a detrimental effect on my reactions to some sorts of films.

Clemency deals with some fairly heavy topics but it handles them well and in a captivating way, I've glad I managed to get to see this.

What you should do

It's a moving film and I would recommend trying to catch it.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Another film where I probably don't need anything to take home from it.
The Kill (Maeve Kerrigan, #5)
Jane Casey | 2014
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a copy of this book from the Dead Good Crime Book Group on Goodreads and I want to thank them, once again, for introducing me to another new author that I may never have found.

I haven't read any of the preceding books in this series so started reading with no background or information on any of the characters at all. In hindsight, I think it would have been better to have that knowledge as I did find myself wondering where some of the characters were coming from. Having said that though, I thought it was well written with engaging and complex characters. The storyline was great, delivered with good pace and with interesting twists. I like the relationships between the various characters and despite Derwent being a chauvinistic pig, he was the cause of an internal battle I had with myself - one minute I liked him, the next he was a total [insert appropriate swear word]. Derwent was also the one who made me laugh out loud by his ludicrous statements and the situation he found himself in towards the end of the book.

Overall, a good read but one that would probably have been much better had I read previous books in the series.
13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
all the Memes " welcome to your tape" (0 more)
harsh scenes (6 more)
pretty predictable
some overall stupid things
was pretty slow
overly dramatic
Welcome to your tape
Now normally i do not watch a show if i know there is a book about it. i HAVE to read the book first but i choose to watch the show for the hell of it.

So this show is seriously overly dramatic with the hole highschool stuff. Yea they got some right but man some of it i literally had to skip through because i was just so annoyed at it.
One part i liked was the
" welcome to your tape" -- that will never get old for me
yea people may not like that i find that funny but hey everyone has there own opinion.
when the really bad stuff happened.. i couldn't watch it, it broke my heart. Coming from someone who has experienced stuff similar it brought up bad mojo.
I understand this is to warn people about suicide but how the hell is making tapes and having the people who did not help you get out of it learn from this?
stop looking for people to save you and save yourself
Resident Evil 7 biohazard
Resident Evil 7 biohazard
2017 | Action/Adventure
One of the best horror games I've played in years (3 more)
Terrifying and challenging throughout
Gross and beautiful all at the same time
Feels like Resident evil again!
Main character is a bit bland (0 more)
Back to the good old days
Everyone had an opinion on Resident Evil after RE6 was released, even if most people had gave up on the series after being let down by RE5. The series had something to prove if it was going to stick around and it did so by going the route of the soft reboot. There are no major corporation facilities or armies of undead coming after you in Biohazard. You spend the entirety of the game in and around an old, creepy house in the middle of a bayou in the Deep South, with only a few relentless enemies to battle in the form of the psychotic, cannibalistic Baker family. With not much of a clue what’s going on, you wander into hell on earth, unarmed and terrified, then things only go from bad to worse. The game has a gross kind of beauty to it and an unrelenting intensity throughout. If you are a fan of old school horror and love scaring the living daylights out of yourself, then do yourself a favor and pick this up.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland nails awkward teenage Peter Parker (4 more)
Excellent continuity with the MCU
The Vulture is a compelling villain
Marisa Tomei, obviously
Sarcastic, Funny Tony Stark Returns!
Where's the Spider Senses? (0 more)
Peter Parker Done Right for Once!
Spider-Man: Homecoming is the perfect movie to kick off the character's triumphant addition to the MCU. I don't know exactly what kind of magic Disney worked out with Sony, but damn does it feel good. The Marvel execs know exactly how to handle the character, unlike Sony, and Sony still gets to rake in the cash from Marvel's hottest property. Spider-Man in the MCU is a huge win-win for everyone involved, but most importantly for the fans. Tom Holland plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man just as he should be, an awkward teenager still coming to grips with and refining his powers. He quips while fighting, running his mouth as a teenager with power would. Outside his costume, though, he is much more reserved. He is so uncomfortable just being himself, Peter Parker, and that fact is so integral to the character. Spider-Man has finally been perfected in live-action film, and Homecoming left me smiling and eager for Spidey to join the larger MCU conflicts once again.
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Soundtrack (6 more)
Whole cast is great
Action packed
Re watchable
Anyone can enjoy it
Flawless movie
Baby Driver is everything I want in a movie. A movie set to music is literally what I dream of because we only ever see it in trailers but never in movies, for example the Suicide Squad trailer used Bohemian Rapsody very well but the actual film was awful. This movie however lived up to the hype of the trailers and delivered more than anyone could have asked for.
It's not very often that a film hooks you right from the offset and doesn't let up the entire time but this film does. In my opinion it features some of the best directing, best editing and best use of soundtrack ever in film history. I'd be very surprised if it doesn't get some awards buzz because it truly deserves it. There is very little wrong with this movie because it's just amazing. Really really amazing and if you don't want to go see it again immediately after coming out of the screening, there's something wrong with you.
Go see it for a guaranteed good time and you'll have the soundtrack stuck in your head for a long time !
Santa Clarita Diet  - Season 1
Santa Clarita Diet - Season 1
2017 | Comedy
Timothy Olyphant (0 more)
A comedy with bite
My wife watched this when it first came out and I didn't bother. Kinda looked like a lame rom com. That was until I caught the end of a season 3 episode she was watching and laughed my arse off. So I went and watched season 1 in 2 days - its soooooo good. IRS the story of a nice suburban family Drew Barrymore & Timothy Olyphant with their teenage daughter. They are real estate agents and have a good if simple life. This all changes when Barrymore, after feeling a bit unwell, vomits (A Lot) during a house viewing. So much so she dies however then comes back to life - except shes now undead and can only eat human flesh. The star of the show is Olyphant. He has never really been a comedic actor but he is hilarious as Joel coming to terms with his wife's new condition and (trying) to help her find food is brilliant. Also there is a lot of really good gore. Like REALLY good and is often unexpected which adds to the comedy. At 30 mins an episode this is perfect for binge watching and will leave you hungry for more!!

Fred (860 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Apr 16, 2019  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
It's an origin story
Can we just talk about James McAvoy for a minute here. We've already seen his performance in "Split", so we already knew what we were getting here. Or were we? He is off the hook here! Just plain amazing. Every second of him on the screen is pure magic. His ability to switch between personalities is amazing & shows he's one of the greatest actors out there.

For those who didn't know, "Glass" is a sequel to both "Unbreakable" & "Split", two films by M. Night Shyamalan . Famous for his twist endings (both good & bad), this film has another, which you won't see coming, but it's not a huge twist. I've heard people say they didn't like the ending, but I found it really good & satisfying.

The story is kind of slow moving, but it keeps you interested. Returning characters from both movies, not including the 3 main stars, are a welcome surprise. I don't want to give too much away, but let's say most of the movie takes place inside an Asylum where a doctor is trying to convince the 3 they don't have superpowers. Yeah, doesn't sound too interesting, but it is. I enjoyed it very much