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Sara Holland | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
The estate of Everless is formidible in Sempera. For Jules it is a symbol of what life was. Both she and her father had been cast out several years before and now live in squalor in the village of Compton, struggling to survive. In Sempera however there is a way to make money, it is terrible and dangerous and has brought her father close to death - blood iron. Time distilled through bloodletting. An hour, day or even a year can be taken but clearly with a toll for those who rely on it to as a means to survive on only the most basic of means. When an opportunity arises to gain work on the Everless estate, Jules sees an opportunity to lift her and her father out of debt, as long as she can remain unnoticed by the Gerling children, her childhood playmates. However, the work being offered is preparing the estate for the upcoming wedding of her childhood beau Roan and the Queen of Sempera's Ward, Ina; will Jules be able to stay away from her past?

As Jules becomes more embroiled in the wedding preparations she finds herself forging an unlikely friendship with Ina and stumbling down a path that reveals more about her past than she ever could have imagined and also a danger which shakes her to the very core.

Everless for me was a really enjoyable read. When I read the first chapter, I had to eye roll massively as we start out with Jules, the young female protagonist out as a huntress in the forest, searching for food for survival, this was thankfully one of only a few tropes and it quickly found it's own feet. Despite the shaky start for me, Jules is an immensely likeable character. She feels horribly wronged by the Gerlings and with good reason, she saved Roan's life, but in one of Everless's best kept secrets she was simply blamed for the burning down of her fathers forge on the estate and they had to flee. Her father, once highly skilled, has now suffered so greatly by the giving of time through blood iron that he hangs on by barely a thread. She shows immense bravery by wanting to attend the blood letters herself to pay the rent debt, but like so many things in the story her best intentions are always taken out of her hands. Only just 17 and having been treated so badly in the past, she is incredibly trusting, despite outwardly projecting otherwise. I was surprised how easily she was able to forge friendships, however there is much to be said for solidarity.

Her inquisitiveness far outweighs her common sense though and despite many warnings she continues to follow a path of investigating her heritage born out by a strange ability to slow the passing of time when she is emotionally heightened. The twists and revelations in relation to this are fantastic, there was so much I didn't see coming and I really enjoyed the excursions out of the Everless Estate (perhaps a lovely map wouldn't go amiss in book 2) which really helped prevent the story becoming stagnant in a single setting.

Everless was a huge page turner for me, I really love this kind of traditional fantasy and although there were a few points that didn't really work for me (like why would she throw away a year blood iron into the lake a breath after saying she would search through the mud if she has lost one) for the majority I found the story to be utterly engaging with a huge amount of originality. I am looking forward to hopefully having some aspects of the story explored further in book 2 as the true story of Jules's heritage for me was captivating
Dollhouse (Dark Carousel #1)
Dollhouse (Dark Carousel #1)
Anya Allyn | 2017 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
I had been in a book funk for awhile, so when someone recommended Dollhouse by Anya Allyn, I thought I'd give it a try. It seemed right up my alley, and luckily, I wasn't disappointed!

I loved the plot of Dollhouse! Cassie, Evan, Aisha, and Lacey are all friends from school. One day they venture out in the forest. Aisha leaves the group and ventures further into the forest. The three others look for Aisha, but it's like she's vanished. With the cops not being able to find Aisha and Evan being accused of her disappearance, Lacy, Evan, and Cassie go back to the forest to look for her. They find a huge mansion and decide to go in it to search for Aisha. However, what they find is a secret passage that leads into a real life dollhouse where the girls are all forced to look like dolls to appease Jessamine, the leader of the dolls and toys. Getting in was easy, but getting out will be the hard part.

The world building was done beautifully. I felt like I was right there beside each character as the plot unfolded as well as the emotions each character would feel. While the book started out slow, it wasn't long before the action quickly picked up, and I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. There were a couple of times where the pacing became a bit too quick during the action unfolding where I felt a bit lost with what was going on, but the pacing quickly corrected itself. There are a few plot twists that I never saw coming, and there are a few that are semi-predictable. However, I enjoyed everything as well as trying to figure out what was going on. I feel that Dollhouse could be read as a standalone, but as it's a series, it's best to read all the books in the Dark Carousel series if you need one hundred percent closure and more back story.

I loved each and every character featured in Dollhouse. Each character had enough backstory to be fleshed out very well. I believe every character also acted their appropriate age. Cassie was such a strong lead character, and I admired her tenacity to do whatever it took to find a way out. Her loyalty to her friends was noble, and her resolve to not give up was an inspiration. Evan was another character that had the same traits as Cassie. He wanted to protect the girls and didn't care what would happen to himself. I wouldn't say he was reckless though. Missouri and Philly were my favorite characters even though they weren't the main ones. Missouri wanted to protect everyone, and I loved how much of a mother figure she was to little Philly. Jessamine was an awesome antagonist. I loved reading about her so much, and I also loved trying to figure out her backstory. (The bulk of Jessamine's backstory is featured in the second book of the series, Paper Dolls.) There were times when I actually felt sorry for Jessamine, but she was quite selfish. I would have loved to learn more about how Donovan (the man who lived in the mansion the living dollhouse was in) fits into the whole narrative, but perhaps that will be explained throughout the rest of the series. Another thing I really loved about Dollhouse was that the stuffed animals and the wooden clown came to life and were beyond life sized. I felt that was a pretty awesome (and spooky) touch.

Trigger warnings for Dollhouse include fear, kidnapping, some violence, ghosts, druggings, death, and murder.

Overall, Dollhouse was a fantastic fast-paced read that I didn't want to put down. Once the pacing picks up, it's easy to devour in just one setting with its fantastic cast of characters and great narrative. I would definitely recommend Dollhouse by Anya Allyn to those aged 14 and older who love to get lost in a spooky well written story.
One of us is Lying
One of us is Lying
Karen M. McManus | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (41 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of Us is Lying is a mix between the Breakfast Club and Pretty Little Liars. Five strangers walk into detention but only 4 walk out alive. The four have to work together to find the culprit, but the blame could easily be on one of them.

The book follows all 4 of the students who were in detention. They're stereotyped as the brain, beauty, jock and the criminal. But they are also so much more. The character arcs show how much they change in the weeks after the murder. One of Us is Lying also shows us insights into who they really are and the differences between public and private personas.

The characters were also likable and realistic. Unlike Pretty Little Liars, they dont do stupid things which will put themselves in worse situations. Their problems were also relatable, and their relationships felt real. Some of the issues tackled are social media usage, depression, sexuality, abuse, etc. There's so much packed into one book due to the vastly different characters involved.

The mystery of the book was so interesting and I didn't see it coming. It seems kind of obvious in hindsight, and I know a lot of people did guess. But I very rarely read mystery style books, and I often don't focus too much on the clues. That's my excuse for not figuring it out anyway.

Overall I really loved the book. There was exploration of different societal themes. The writing was good. Characters were likable and interesting. An all round good read. I would definitely recommend.

I received One of Us is Lying* by Karen M. McManus as an e-book from the publisher, Penguin Random House, via Netgalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.

Uptown Oracle Reviews

Anna Steele (111 KP) Jun 1, 2018

It reminds me a lot of 13 Reasons Why.

The Demeter Code
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

**I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.**

Ridley Fox and Dr. Nita Parris are two of the CIAs best operatives. They travel the world eliminating the bad guys. When they are given an assignment that doesn't turn out as planned, their whole world is turned inside out and upside down. Then the mission gets changed and Fox and Parris are sent in different directions. This book has enough twists and turns to give you whiplash.

After reading the description of this book, I was very excited to read it. I love a good thriller and this one did not disappoint. The Demeter Code captured me from page one. The first scene is set in Washington DC and when books are set close to home, I always am intrigued. The book had a really great start and lots of action to keep my attention. A little over half way through it started to slow down a bit for me. It got more technical and I found myself reading the words without actually absorbing what it was I was reading. That happened a couple of times which made me drop my rating from 4 to 3.5 stars. This is the third book in the series, the first two being [b:Pandora's Succession|11435761|Pandora's Succession|Russell Brooks||14368142] and [b:Unsavory Delicacies|10997415|Unsavory Delicacies|Russell Brooks||40898431]. I will be going back to read these books as well as his standalone [b:Chill Run|13152361|Chill Run |Russell Brooks||40898429] and I look forward to whatever he has coming in the future.
Do you want a book that will suck you in, sweep you off your feet, and knock you down, then pick you up and do it all over again through the book? Then look no further than this best selling author's new book, American Omens. It's fantastically phenomenal, and one that you absolutely do not want to miss.

Now, that said, I'll be honest and tell you that had I come across this book in the bookstore and read the blurb first, I probably wouldn't have picked it up. I'm not be on the furturistic style stories. They just don't appeal to me. But, after reading this one, I would have been missing out on something so incredible. 

This book is powerful. It's about coming into your Faith and understanding what that big little word means. The plot line is one that may get to some. Much like we are starting to see today, this book about people being sought out for their different feelings, or beliefs, will really move you. The characters of the book are chiseled perfectly. I could feel their pain, their suffering, their emotions, as if they were my own. I love that! 

This book is definitely getting 4.5 stars from me. I sat down, started reading it at 6:30 pm and was done by 11:00 pm. I just could not put it down. Each page turn convicted me with something new, each turn of the page brought me closer to an ending I wasn't sure I wanted to reach. But, it was worth it in the end! Grab it now and see what I'm talking about.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook & Multnomah and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Little (2019)
Little (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy
Just a Few Tweaks and I Would Have Loved it
When April’s (Issa Rae) boss gets turned into a child by a curse, April has to hold down the fort at work while trying to figure out a way to reverse the curse. It’s not a great movie that will leave a long impression, but I can definitely say that I liked it a whole lot more than I expected to.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
The movie begins with the audience getting a view into the lives of April and her boss Jordan Sanders (Regina Hall). It’s a little formulaic as you can tell it’s solely for the purpose of introducing the characters, but still manages to be enough to jumpstart the movie. It was enough to get me laughing and looking forward for more.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 6

Conflict: 6

Genre: 5

Memorability: 7

Pace: 8
While not the end of the world, I think the movie suffered from being longer than it needed to be. The pacing was scattered at times and could have been managed by tightening the story. The comedic moments were enough for the most to part to mask the pacing shortcomings.

Plot: 7
Twists? Turns? You won’t find any of that here. The story is as linear as they come. Still, the ride you are taken on just happens to be a fun one so it’s pretty forgivable. Just don’t expect to say, “Didn’t see that coming” at any point.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 76
You could do worse this year than checking out Little. Some won’t like it while others, like myself, will take its entertainment value for what it is. Had the story been a little more inventive, I might be singing a different tune.
Seeing Beyond the Scars (The Manx Cat Guardians #1)
Seeing Beyond the Scars (The Manx Cat Guardians #1)
JP Sayle | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good solid 3 stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I quite enjoyed this, but there was one issue that very nearly ruined it for me.


This book needs a major edit. Almost every other page there were words, while spelt correctly, did not fit in the sentence. Images, when it should have said imagine. Little things, that mount up, and because of this, I very nearly dumped it. It NEEDS mentioning, because it did effect my reading pleasure.


 I did enjoy it, mostly. The tale of a little cat, looking after her charge. A damaged man, and a disillusioned man, coming together. Brad is pretty much a recluse, only going out his house when he HAS to. His new neighbour and his naughty cat have him all a-dither. Martin is hit with that "MINE" moment you usually get with shifters (there are no shifters in this book!) and the attraction is instant and powerful. HOT too! But I found it a little too much, too soon, you know?? Brad is damaged, emotionally and physically, by his history, and I would have expected him to be way more skittish.

I would have liked some more of Princess, more specifically, about HER, and her sort of being and her people (for want of a better word!) We get hints and clues, but I'm left feeling like I missed something, you know?? Something important about her.

A first time author and in places, it shows. BUT!!! One to watch out for, I think. A good start, as a new author, AND as the first in a series. I'd like to follow it, maybe I'll get what I'm missing from Princess.

3 solid GOOD stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Hazel (2934 KP) rated It Was Her in Books

Aug 11, 2018  
It Was Her
It Was Her
Mark Hill | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highly recommended
Having read the first in this series "His First Lie" (previously named "The Two O'Clock Boy") and thoroughly enjoyed it, I was excited to get my hands on this second outing for the team of DI Ray Drake and DS Flick Crowley and I certainly wasn't disappointed.

I know that sometimes you can dip into a series out of order but not this one. I strongly suggest you read "His First Lie" before "It Was Her" otherwise you could become a little lost as this book builds on the events of that one. In addition, you might feel differently about the characters, especially Ray, without the back story that is so important in understanding his thought processes and actions.

What we have in "It Was Her" is not just your run-of-the-mill crime thriller, it is so much more than that and I can't even begin to describe how much I became totally immersed in the story. I won't go into detailing the plot as it's clearly set out in the blurb but I will say that it is complex, dark, gritty and edgy with suspense and tension but amongst all that, is quite a sad story and the ending ... well, I didn't see that coming until it was on top of me and it left me having to take a few deep breaths and a few minutes to take it all in.

So, would I recommend this book? Absolutely. Would I recommend this author? Without a doubt. Do I want to read the next instalment? Hell yes!!

My thanks go to the publisher, Little, Brown Book Group UK, and NetGalley for my e-copy in return for an honest review.
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Fun and Exhilarating
War is coming between Earth and the underwater world of Atlantis. Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa), half-human half Atlantean, seeks to end the war before it spirals out of control. Despite its shortcomings, I’ll get this out of the way now: Aquaman absolutely rocks.

Acting: 7

Beginning: 10

Characters: 8
Arthur’s character grew on me as the movie progressed. He’s a tough guy, no doubt, but I also appreciated his honesty in expressing fear at the same time. He wasn’t reckless, rather he was someone that fully understood the stakes. Despite this clearly being an action blockbuster, I appreciate the efforts in trying to make the characters fun and exhilarating.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 8
This movie won’t make you think. In fact, there are a number of times where it feels designed to do just the opposite. It’s memorability comes in the fact that I can honestly say I’ve never really seen anything like it. The scenes, sequences, and setpieces try really hard and it’s very endearing. The visuals are beautiful particularly during the underwater battle sequences. Just damn beautiful to watch. It’s Finding Nemo on steroids.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10
Didn’t linger, ended at exactly the right time with something feasible and simple. A great finish for an overall great experience.

Overall: 92
If you’re a fan of sports, you might relate to this analogy: Ever watch a playoff series and the underdog wins the first game? You say to yourself, “Meh, it’s one game. They’ll lose the next four.” Then they win the next game and another game. Your eyes start to get big as you realize, “They might actually do this!” DC, I’m looking at you. I’m rooting so hard that you guys keep the train rolling. Aquaman is a hit.
I'll be honest. Out of all the paranormal creatures out there, shape shifters are not high on my list of favourites. I find them hard to connect to but I obviously like something about some of them as I have two werewolf series in paperback--Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs and Shifters by Rachel Vincent.

This one took a little getting into. It had a very slow start, taking 50+ pages for Bryn to meet Chase, the boy who got bit by the rabid, and then another 50 or so for them to meet again under supervision this time and not without going through a lot of training to make sure she can outwit/fight Chase if things go south. Strangely, though, Bryn and Chase have a connection - a bond - something that keeps them coming together and they somehow mark each other, causing chaos in the Pack. There's also the little issue that the rabid that bit Chase is also the one that killed Bryn's parents when she was four. And that is what the rest of the book is about. Finding and killing the rabid werewolf.

It didn't really hold my attention. It was quite a lot of book for hardly anything happening. The final showdown with the rabid shifter took all of about 25 pages and seemed over far too easily.

I liked some of the secondary characters, for instance Devon. He's great; witty, protective and good in any situation. Lake was fun, if a little crazy with her guns. Chase, I haven't decided about yet. And then there's Callum. I liked him, he always had a plan.

That being said, I don't think I'll be continuing the series.