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Do the Right Thing (1989)
Do the Right Thing (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Drama

"Spike Lee’s third film. I had just started doing films in high school and Do the Right Thing came out, and there was just this burst of creativity in a drama, of creative energy, and also just the social commentary, and Spike being in it, and the music, and the color, the production design. Then I read the book on the making of it. I read the book that he wrote for She’s Gotta Have It. I really became, like, a Spike Lee connoisseur, you know? But again, just to kind of open my eyes, it took me from kind of like what we were talking about before, like the shiny effects, you know, that kid of shiny object interest of childhood, to movies that can really make you think, and make you talk, make you think about what is going on, and his social commentary really affected me. It really took me from kind of like a Spielberg/Lucas type of filmmaker toward a more socially conscious filmmaker. I actually did a film that was very inspired by Do the Right Thing called Gabriel’s Dream that never got distributed. But it was about these workers in a particularly hot summer in Maryland, and they were trying to get A/C in their factory, and that was basically the story. Like, workers’ rights. It kind of really took me in a direction that I never thought I would go in. And it never came out, it did some festivals, and we never got distribution for it, this was like early 1990s. But it definitely opened my eyes to the power of cinema as a social statement, as a social tool. And I wrote two or three scripts after that that were very much inspired by Do the Right Thing, kind of touching on social issues. I was really that kind of filmmaker when I was in film school. But then we came up with the idea for Blair Witch and all of a sudden, we became “horror filmmakers.” But still, I love the idea of always having a little bit of the deeper meaning in material. And some films are just for fun and made that way, but there are others where you want to dig a little deeper. If you can get one person coming out of the theater thinking about what happened in the movie, I think it’s great. And Do the Right Thing consumed me. It was such an important film in my upbringing, you know?"

Antebellum (2020)
Antebellum (2020)
2020 | Thriller
Janelle Monáe stars as Eden who at the start of the new film “Antebellum” is brought back to a Southern Plantation against her will by Union Soldiers. The consequences of her escape attempt are brutally taken out against two others as the rest of the plantation looks on in submissive silence.

Weeks later more slaves arrive and are given the rules by the brutal Overseer who demands silence and utter obedience at all times.

The slaves are made to work the fields and serve the plantation including the women being assigned to whichever soldier desires them.

Their plight grabs you from the start in its brutality as they have no rights, live in fear daily, and are subject to whatever whims those in charge desire and they are required to obey and suffer in silence.

One night after the General falls asleep after having his way with her; Eden awakens to a different reality. One set in the modern day where she is a wife, mother, and very successful author and activist. The film follows her life in the modern world before springing the twist which makes doing an in-depth review difficult without spoiling things. While I was able to predict the twist coming; it was still effective and chilling in how it was carried out.

The film does get a bit lax in the final act as it relies on too many Hollywood clichés which while highly entertaining for me undermined the messages of the film and the situation.

Gerard Bush and Christopher Rend both wrote and directed the film and there are some powerful and highly gripping moments to the film but it grabs you from the start and is compelling and deeply disturbing.

The cast is very strong and the film is unforgettable. My biggest issue with the film was the final act as I alluded to prior. The film tries to tie things up a bit too neatly yet fails to adequately explain key aspects of the story. The audience is given some information and forced to fill in the gaps for themselves which in many ways makes the film even more disturbing.

In the time of deep division in our country it is very upsetting to see how little has changed for many who do not see equality and justice applied equally and still live day to day with fear and uncertainty.

“Antebellum” is the rare film that entertains, informs, and makes you think and will remain with you after the movie ends.

4 stars out of 5
A Haunting In Cawdor (2016)
A Haunting In Cawdor (2016)
2016 | Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: A Haunting in Cawdor starts as Vivian Miller (Young) who has been serving out her jail sentence where she ends up getting sent to help at the Cawdor Barn Theatre after a string of good behaviour. The plan along with other criminals is to help restore and put on a show for eccentric failed actor Lawrence O’Neill (Elwes). He wants to put on a show of Macbeth with all of the cast getting different roles each night. Vivian starts hearing strange goings on around the camp but it isn’t long before Lawrence learns that she has had a very twisted past and could be dangerous. As the play continues to be prepared the secrets keep coming out and so does the ghosts haunting the theatre, can they be laid to rest?

A Haunting in Cawdor gives us a horror thriller that shows us having to follow the traditional ghost haunting to try and help uncover what really happened to them. We get to put this situation with young offenders just about to be released where out lead has her own problems. While everything is built up nicely even if slightly slow we get to see what really happened before learning the complete truth. For me there isn’t enough focus on the tragic story and we are left with a good ending even if it just sort of happens.


Actor Review


Cary Elwes: Lawrence O’Neill is the theatre director who is giving these young offenders a chance to give back for their crimes. He is putting together a new performance of Macbeth only he has a past with the play that puts everyone at risk. Cary is good in this role but you would expect that from him.lary

Shelby Young: Vivian Miller is one of the offenders who is given a chance in this theatre production and clean-up work. She starts to become paranoid which is a side effect she has been having for years leading us to wonder just what is real. She gets the lead in the play making her the victim of the ghost haunting the play. Shelby is good in this leading horror role.vivian

Michael Welch: Roddy is a young man that keeps turning up in Vivian’s life, he tries to make her more relaxed about where she finds herself having claimed to have spent time there too. Michael is menacing but we never see enough of him.roddy

Alexandria DeBerry: Jeanette is the former member of the theatre who appeared in one of the recording that Vivian watched but she is also haunting the new residents of the theatre. Alexandria much like Michal just isn’t involved as much as we would like.

Support Cast: A Haunting in Cawdor has a supporting cast that all are part of the camp, we have the typical characters you would expect to see there without any really standing out.

Director Review: Phil Wurtzel – Phil gives us a nice horror that slow builds to an ending we kind of see coming.


Horror: A Haunting in Cawdor has a couple of good if not easy jump scares.

Thriller: A Haunting in Cawdor does keep us wondering to where it will end up going.

Settings: A Haunting in Cawdor uses the setting well putting our characters in an isolated location with a past tragic event.
Special Effects: A Haunting in Cawdor has good effects when needed without using them too much.

Suggestion: A Haunting in Cawdor is one for the horror fans to try. (Horror Fans Try)


Best Part: Hauntings all come off nicely.

Worst Part: Too much on the camp atmosphere.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: Yes

Post Credits Scene: No

Similar Too: The Gallows


Oscar Chances: No

Budget: $1.2 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 40 Minutes

Tagline: Recent parolee tortured by the curse of Macbeth


Overall: Tidy horror that has good scares around the rehabilitation idea behind the film.
Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe #2)
Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe #2)
Neal Shusterman | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (4 more)
That ending
A great sequel
I picked up Scythe in a challenge to myself to read something I wasn't interested in, and I chose two books popular on my feeds. One with a cover I hated (Throne of Glass) and one with a cover I liked (Scythe). I really didn't expect to love Scythe as much as I did (check out its review through my profile!) but I did! So I immediately picked up the even prettier Thunderhead. This cover is just beautiful, and as an illustrator, seeing her thank her cover artist on one of the first pages was wonderful. This review may contain minor spoilers for Scythe, so don't read it unless you've read Scythe!
   We pick up where Scythe left off, after Citra gives Rowan immunity, sparing him from being gleaned even though she is chosen and takes the name, Scythe Anastasia. He goes on the run instead of being imprisoned by the Scythdom until his immunity runs out. After leaving his self imposed exile with Scythe Faraday, Rowan dons a cloak of his own, becoming a vigilante and killing (and burning) Scythes who abuse their power. The world dubs him Scythe Lucifer and everyone is trying to find him. Scythe Anastasia is learning her place in the Scythedom, a beacon of hope for the old guard, they hope she will inspire the new Scythes to turn away from the new order. Following Rowan's disposal of Scythe Goddard, the new order has made a martyr of him. The Schism amongst the Scythedom continues to grow, and all is not well. Scythe Curie and Scythe Anastasia are targetted by unknowns, attempting to kill them (permanently). Meanwhile, the Thunderhead reflects on its choice to be separate from the Scythes, Fearing what is becoming of the Scythedom, but unable to do anything, it inlists a boy, Greyson, who was essentially raised by it, to act as a liaison, never telling him to do anything in particular, but implying enough that Greyson sacrifices everything to try and help Scythe Curie and Anastasia and fulfill the Thunderhead's goals. This sacrifice doesn't go unnoticed, as a reader it felt palpable, I felt for him. On top of all this, something is stirring, ghosts are coming back to haunt the Scythedom and a shift of power puts Anastasia and Marie in the crosshairs of danger, forcing them to not only stand up for MidMerica but the entire Scythedom, even if that means facing the Grandslayers.
   Shusterman does a wonderful job of continuing the story. Sticking to the world that he previously laid out and delving deeper with new perspectives like Greyson, and rather than the Scythe Journal interludes we have Thunderhead interludes which are exceptionally interesting. We learn more about this "perfect world" they now live in, and we see actual character development as both Rowan and Citra come to terms with their new lives. On top of this, the plot just continues to thicken and brew, building upon itself until it finally explodes in the finale. Holy Moley the finale. I let out an audible noise at that cliffhanger, so audible my partner checked to makes sure I was okay. I also IMMEDIATELY bought the next book. That was the cliffhangers of cliffhangers.

   One of the things I applaud in these books is the romance between Citra and Rowan, it's so understated (at times, too understated) not lusting after each other, or thinking about how hot each other are. This is just an honest two people coming together who have been through crap together. It's a deep connection, and while I found it eh and slightly too understated in the first book, I grew to appreciate it's the subtlety in the second.

  At times this book had larger than life moments, but even these Shusterman was able to write so well I didn't mind them, they didn't make me roll my eyes. He made his world believable, even if it sounds ridiculous when I try and explain the plot to others. This book made me cry, it made me gasp and it made me feel a full gamut of emotions. Things I didn't know a YA book could make me feel. Also, did I mention that freakin CLIFF HANGER?

 Good job Shusterman, Good Job.
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
1987 | Horror
The introduction of funny Freddy (2 more)
Welcome to primetime, bitch!
Death Scene's
Welcome to primetime, bitch!
Contains spoilers, click to show
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors- is a excellent movie, coming off the disappointed Freedy's Revenge, Dream Warriors goes back to the oringal formula, Scary, twisted, dramatic and excellent deaths. Dream Warriors adds more like taking place psychiatric ward, a excellent line that was on the spot, "Welcome to primetime, bitch!". Also Heather Langenkamp and John Saxton return. Also you new charcters that will return in later sequels like Kristen, Kincaid and Joey. A great cast of charcters, a great story and also introduces Freddy's mom and her back story and adds more to Freddy's back story.

Lets talk more: production and deaths.


Craven's very first concept for the film was to have Freddy Krueger invade the real world: Krueger would haunt the actors filming a new Nightmare on Elm Street sequel. New Line Cinema rejected the metacinematic idea, but years later, Craven's concept was brought to the screen in Wes Craven's New Nightmare.

Before it was decided what script would be used for the film's story, both John Saxon and Robert Englund wrote their own scripts for a third Nightmare film; in Saxon's script called How the Nightmare on Elm Street All Began, which would have been a prequel story, Freddy would ultimately turn out to have been innocent, or at least set up for the murders by Charles Manson, who along with his followers would have been the main culprit of the murders; Freddy would be forced by the mob of angry parents to make a confession of the crimes, which would enrage them further. After they lynch Freddy, he comes back to avenge his wrongful death by targeting the parent's children.

In Englund's treatment called Freddy's Funhouse, the protagonist would have been Tina Gray's older sister, who would have been in college by the time Tina was murdered, and ends up coming back to Springwood to investigate how she died. In the script, Freddy had claimed the 1428 Elm Street house for his own in the dreamworld, setting up booby traps like Nancy did against him.

The death scenes: I love the death scene's in this film. Their are both memorable and excellent and probley my favorite out of all the franchise. You have Phillip's death: Veins pulled out/manipulated into falling off high ledge by Krueger, Jennifer's death: Head smashed into TV screen, Taryn death: Leg slashed with bladed glove, massive amounts of heroin injected into veins and Freddy saying "let's get high", William's death: Lifted, chest impaled with bladed glove and Freddy saying " Sorry kid, but I don't believe in fairy tales", Donald's death: Thrown/impaled through back on car's tail fin by a skeleton verison of krueger and Nancy's death: Stomach impaled twice/gutted with bladed glove/bled out, in dream world cause she sees her dad but its krueger. Also you have the Freddy worm that attacks Kristen.

The plot: During a hallucinatory incident, young Kristen Parker (Patricia Arquette) has her wrists slashed by dream-stalking monster Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund). Her mother, mistaking the wounds for a suicide attempt, sends Kristen to a psychiatric ward, where she joins a group of similarly troubled teens. One of the doctors there is Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp), who had battled Freddy some years before. Nancy senses a potential in Kristen to rid the world of Freddy once and for all.

Dream Warriors: is a return to the oringal formula, and adds more. Adds memorable lines, better deaths, intoduction of comedy side of Freddy and above all a excellent movie.

The ending is sad cause Nancy and John doe die by freedy but it ends their story for now and starts a new story with Kristen, Kincaid and Joey. Its a percent, but sad ending. Ending the oringal maim charcters arc/story, while senting up a new trio of charcters.

Also you can't forget about that excellent theme song, "Dream Warrors" by Dokken.

Becs (244 KP) rated Stars Like Fate in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Stars Like Fate
Stars Like Fate
Brie Farmer | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highlights: I loved the cover design, it helped give an idea of what Nyole looked like. I wish there were pictures of the other characters, like as a gallery at the back of the book. It was nice of the author to put a character list and their pronunciation at the beginning of the book. It helped tremendously!!

Style: Casual to light

Point of View: Third person

Difficulty reading: First couple of chapters were difficult to get into but after the fifth chapter, I couldn’t put the book down! It has it’s fast-paced moments that has you flipping through pages and it has its slower moments that take a bit more effort to get into. A very fun read!

Promise: The book promised a fantasy, adventure packed book and it delivered it on a silver platter. The characters are mythical, the countries are mythical, and magic is involved – leading to the fantasy aspect of things. Nyole and Saphryis both go on a long and heartbreaking journey to gain Saphryis her memories and power back – leading to the adventure aspect of things.

Quality: An all-around great book. If you like World of Warcraft, you’ll like this book. It touches on the mythical creatures in a way that resembles characters in World of Warcraft.

Insights: I loved the fact that it was a fantasy young adult book. These types of books are one of my favorite genres. When I first got the book, I read the synopsis and instantly thought of World of Warcraft. Reading, I had a difficult time with the first five chapters. It wasn’t that they were bad, it was more along the lines of they lacked in the background and the flow seemed like it was all over the place. Once I hit chapter six though, I couldn’t put the book down. The background and plot leveled out so it was a much easier read. As I was coming down to the last couple of chapters, I realized I didn’t want it to end. I wanted it to continue on into an everlasting void of Stars Like Fate because fate is simply ineffable.

Ah-Ha Moment: When Nyole finally realized that he was related to King Aryon. I would also become furious if I was related to someone as cruel as King Aryon the murderer.

Favorite Quote: “Fate is unexplainable, Fate is unfair, but Fate will always happen.” – Nyole realizes that if he never would have met Saphryis, then he would have never known what was coming in the future. But with meeting her, he realizes what is coming and has a faint idea what Saphryis will mean to him.

“ ‘I need you to live, Saphryis. I need you around,’ Nyole murmured before adding a selfish wish. ‘I want you beside me.’ ” – I feel this is the moment that Nyole falls just a bit in love with Saphryis. Which is good, because I ship them 110%.

What will you gain: A love for a new and upcoming author with an imaginative world that you can just step right into. Plus an awesome book worth a re-read!

Aesthetics: Cover design was really nice, character list was great, nice size book – not too heavy and not to thin, font and size was good – didn’t strain the eyes, there were a few grammatical errors – but are barely noticeable, third-person point of view, a riveting action fantasy book that will keep you on your toes.

“Fate is simply ineffable.”
Love, Simon (2018)
Love, Simon (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Time to Exhale.
I saw this as a Cineworld “Secret Unlimited Screening” event (for non-UK readers, Cineworld is one of the main movie-theater chains), so went in – like the majority of the audience I suspect – predicting early sight of Lara Croft in skin tight shorts! This was a bit different! A secret screening is an interesting concept, and really tests the metal of a film in engaging its audience early. This one failed to some degree, with seven people (I was counting) walking out in the first 10 minutes. (To be fair on those seven, the film’s first 20 minutes are rather laborious; and to be fair on the film, this was a pretty full auditorium so as a percentage drop out it was low).

Teen heartthrob Nick Robinson (the older brother from “Jurassic World“) plays the eponymous hero who has a well-buried secret: he’s gay. Growing up in Pleasantville (I almost expected someone to yell “Cat!” and the fire brigade turn up) he feels unable to come out to either his high-school friends or his loving family (“Apple pie cooling on the window-sill anyone?”). But striking up an email relationship with another closeted male from the same high school – nicknamed “Blue” – allows him to explore his feelings about his sexuality and fall in love all at the same time. But neither coming out or love run terribly smoothly for Simon…

Happy families. From left, Nick Robinson, Talitha Bateman, Jennifer Garner and Josh Duhamel.
I am forty years adrift from being able to directly relate to the stresses and strains of modern high-school life (though I AM still 17 on the inside people!) But even to me, this film doesn’t feel like it should be set in the present day. While it needs to be for its tweeting and blogging story-line, surely there are few backwaters in either America or Western Europe where gay people have to stay so silent? An 80’s or early 90’s setting would, I think, have worked so much better. (Ironically, its not his gay-ness or otherwise that his friends get upset by, but something far more fundamental in the human condition).

Definitely set in the present day.
That aside, this is a sweet and ultimately quite engaging film that I’m sure will be a big hit with a teenage audience. While for me it didn’t come close to ticking all of the coming-of-age boxes that the inestimable “Lady Bird” did, it does cover old ground in a new and refreshing way, and I’m sure it WILL be very helpful for many gay people in getting the courage to come out. Times are different today, but I still can imagine few things requiring more bravery than declaring you are gay to your parents and closest friends (even though, deep down, they surely already suspect).

So, it’s sweet, but also for me (although far from its target audience) rather flat. As a comedy drama, the moments of comedy are few and far between, with only one or two of the lines making me chuckle rather than smile. A quiet auditorium is not a good sign for a film with “Comedy” in its imdb description. It does however occasionally break through with something memorable: a full on college “La La Land” scene (“Not that gay” – LoL) is a case in point. And all of the scenes featuring comedy actress Natasha Rothwell as drama teacher Ms Allbright add much needed energy and humour to the film.

Someone should tell him… regardless of gender preference, sex is never going to work like this.
Of the teen actors, Robinson is fine but it is Katherine Langford as Simon’s friend Leah who stood out for me. Talitha Eliana Bateman (“The 5th Wave“; looking a whole lot younger than her 16 years!) is also impressive as Simon’s culinary sister Nora. Simon’s parents are played by Jennifer Garner (“Dallas Buyers Club“) and Josh Duhamel (a new one on me… he’s been in the “Transformers” films apparently).

Simon says walk this way. From left, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., Nich Robinson, Alexandra Shipp and Katherine Langford.
The screenplay is by movie virgins Elizabeth Berger and Isaac Aptaker, and is a slightly patchy affair. There are scenes that worked well (a cringe inducing sports stadium scene for example) but other times where it seems to be trying too hard for T-shirt captions…. a line from Ethan (Clark Moore) about hate crime was a “Ye-what?” moment.

Some of the characters really don’t quite work either: Tony Hale (so memorable as the useless PA in “Veep”) plays almost a school-ified version of Stephen Stucker’s Johnny from “Airplane”. Perhaps that would work as some sort of whacky hall monitor guy… but it transpires that he is the headmaster. No, I don’t think so.

A bit OTT. Veep’s Tony Hale as the principal with a surfeit of bonhomie.
So, in summary, after a bit of a bumpy start, its a pleasant watch that culminates in a feel-good ending. Feel good, that is, providing you have liberal views: I can’t see it pleasing many Trump supporters. I also can’t see it getting a cinema release in Gambia or Nigeria, though God only knows they could use one. If I could give half stars I would give this one an extra half as I applaud both the theme its trying to promote and for bringing something fresh to the screen…
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
Character Development (5 more)
Art Direction
Soundtrack + Effects
Comedy, Action and Emotions
True to the Source
I've just recently come home from the cinema, and I can gladly say this was an amazing film. I may be looking at it through rose-coloured glasses, with how excited I was when we got the first trailer, but I can say with all sincerity that this film made me laugh, cry and blew away my expectations.
The film crosses over some iconic and some more obscure Spider-Man universes and manages to do it in a unique and palatable way. Each iteration of Spider-Man has a specific animation/art style, along with a specific soundtrack and extremely talented voice actors (or at least actors whose voices were made for the role: this meaning John Mulaney). Seeing all of this creative work come together in one film truly is an experience that I don't want people to miss out on.
A key part I really want to go into more is the use of colour and focus. It visuals of the film are vivid and attune to the tone of what scene is playing out. You can see how saturation and the palettes themselves are used the highlight characters or actions and are especially useful with emotional scenes. These emotions though are presented more with the composition which is consistently used to call back previous scenes in a subtle way that I absolutely adore.

The characters are very much real, most specifically in Miles and his family relationships. We see a real family dynamic that works - if I could point out a scene from a few trailers as an example, when Miles' father takes him to school and asks for him to say 'I love you' back really shows this realistic family that you could picture actually existing in the real world. The lack of a really existing romantic subplot is also something I love - the focus is on coming to terms with the fact that Miles isn't alone, that no one is. Without this romance, the film is just as good as any other, possibly even better with the fact that our potential romantic interest actually doesn't turn out to be.
The next thing that is certainly huge for any die-hard Marvel fans is the fact that it's very much true to the comic books. In the way its told, the way it's presented, and the actual story, the characters are all recognizable both by appearance and by their personalities/behaviours.
The only negative I can find for the film isn't even part of the film itself: Though the cinema gave warning for epilepsy, the film itself does not. While I'm sure theatres are required to give warning, it may be a good idea to give an on-screen warning, especially when the opening logo itself could easily trigger epilepsy.
Overall, I wish I could go back and watch it over and over, so I think most people will enjoy this film, no matter what their knowledge of the MCU is. An engaging story told in a creative way and with an incredibly hilarious after credits scene - worth a watch from everyone.
I Was Here
I Was Here
6.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, here's to my first contemporary audiobook.

Gayle Forman's latest novel didn't exactly give me the feels as much as <i>If I Stay</i> did. <i>I Was Here</i> mainly focuses on Cody, a girl who finds her best friend Meg's suicide a bit fishy and decides to look deeper into her death.

From all of the flashbacks, Cody is obviously a follower – a shadow to Meg. After Meg's death, Cody is a little lost – she's grieving, she wants to find out if Meg actually did commit suicide (or if someone coerced her into it), and all of that leads her to dig deeper into Meg's past year at college. With Cody trying to find her own footsteps after Meg's death, <i>I Was Here</i> felt like a coming of age story.

It's also a story where all of those online safety rules that I learned in elementary school are flipped upside down. I don't know if I should say Cody is just a really stupid character, or a really brave character. Perhaps both. In her digging, Cody is led to an online suicide support group that Meg frequented on, which eventually leads her to a user Meg communicated off the boards as well. In an attempt to weed out the user, Cody decides to pose as a suicidal person as well, which eventually leads her to finding out the person's address (with help) and Cody actually decides to go to that person's home.

I still don't know whether to call Cody an idiot or not. Obviously she has balls to try and find out what really caused Meg's death, and she's obviously not an idiot if she brings someone with her.

Jorjeana Marie seemed quite platonic throughout most of the narration – either for the possible effect of Cody being platonic as she finds her path, or another reason entirely. It was also difficult at times to tell if Marie was making an attempt to have a different voice for male and female characters. If the character was angry or snapping at another character, you can tell there's a bit of rage or snap if you listen closely, but when you're walking to work when there are cars driving by, it's actually hard to tell if Marie did snap.

Marie does, however, do a fantastic job in the very emotional parts of the book, especially when Cody or Ben or any of the other characters are crying. I almost believed the narrator was actually crying, or an actual kid came in and narrated a kid part. I doubt there are books that mainly consists of crying, but if there are, I'm half expecting to see Jorjeana Marie's name on the back. :p

The entire novel is really just about a girl who lived under a shadow of another girl, and when that girl died, the shadow has to try and find her own path without that person. <i>I Was Here</i> isn't exactly emotional unless you can <i>really</i> connect with the story and the main character.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>