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Where the Crawdads Sing
Where the Crawdads Sing
Delia Owens | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.9 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
A haunting story of survival
Kya Clark is very young when her mother leaves, abandoning her to their marshland home and her violent father. His presence is in her life is scattered, at best, and Kya mostly raises herself, learning about the land, the wildlife, and the swamp on her own. She forms attachment to few, but meets two very different young men from town whom she feels drawn to. In 1969, one of those men is found dead and Kya--always a source of gossip among the locals--is the prime suspect.

I'm not sure there's much I can add to the many reviews of this popular book. I read it as part of my new reading project--choosing books off my shelves based on their Goodreads rankings. This is my third book of the project, forcing me out of my comfort zone and to try books in genres I don't usually read! I'm glad I finally read it-- it's a very mesmerizing tale, and Kya's improbable life on the marsh quickly drew me in.

This is part a character-driven and coming of age story combined with a mystery and courtroom drama. It covers a lot of Kya's life, but focuses on her growing up in the marsh. There's a lot that seems hard to believe--especially that no one does anything to help this parent-less child, growing up alone in the marsh. The book covers a lot of heady topics, including racism, sexual assault, and more. Its description of nature and the marsh are beautiful. At the heart of the story is Kya, and it's impossible not to root for our heroine. She's tough and smart, and the way she loves her marsh is simply beautiful.

Overall, rating on pure enjoyment, I really liked this book. If I don't delve too deep into pondering about the inner workings of the plot, this was a great read--mesmerizing, haunting, and lovely. 4+ stars.
A Plague of Traitors (Leine Basso #11)
A Plague of Traitors (Leine Basso #11)
D.V. Berkom | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have made no secret that I am a fan of D.V. Berkom's work and particularly of her books starring Leine Basso but you would think that after so many stories it would become stale. Well let me tell you that this is most certainly not the case. D.V. Berkom has a gift of creating plausible and exciting situations that keep me coming back every single time.

Once again, I have run out of words to describe how much I enjoyed this book so will just say that it is yet another action packed thriller full of tension that will have you turning the pages at quick speed (or tapping the screen!).

D.V. Berkom has a knack of creating excellent characters and this book is absolutely littered with them from the good guys to the not-so-good. Leine has to be one of my favourite characters of all time - she is strong, brave, not afraid to kick rear ends but with a soft side that is endearing and feels natural and believable.

This is part of a series but, in my opinion, it holds up extremely well as a stand-alone. There are recurring characters, and I am pleased to see the return of Derek, but the author has the ability to provide just enough information so you don't get lost but not so much that it detracts from the current story.

Yet again, this is another hit for me and I would recommend this and the rest of the series to anyone who loves a thrilling read that although contains violence, it's not over the top.

I, for one, cannot wait for the Leine's next "adventure" but I must thank D.V. Berkom for allowing me to be a member of her Advance Reader Team and for sending me a copy of "A Plague of Traitors" before the official publication date on 31-August-2021 in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review for which I am, once again, extremely grateful.
The Glass Hotel
The Glass Hotel
Emily St. John Mandel | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Glass Hotel is a book that I really didn’t think I was going to like - but I did. It’s about a failed Ponzi scheme - I had to look up what that actually was. I had absolutely no idea. It’s where someone, a real or fake advisor, planner or investor, promises to invest your money with a certain rate of return. Instead of putting your money in whatever investment they promised, they keep it for themselves. If you want your money back, they take it from other investors to give to you. I couldn’t read a whole book where this was constantly referred to and not find out what it was!

However, this book isn’t just about Ponzi schemes. It’s a character driven book, and there are a fair few of them.

Vincent was a fascinating character - she starts her life in a remote village in Canada, only reachable by boat. When it looks like she’s losing her way, she gets a job at a hotel and meets Jonathan Alkaitis - the organiser of the Ponzi scheme. Vincent is completely unconcerned at where the money she spends is coming from, she just spends it, lives in their luxury apartments, living the life she never had as a child. When that money is gone, Vincent moves on - she’s a survivor, and I really like that about her.

I couldn’t believe the length of Alkaitis’ prison sentence - I’m assuming 140 years or more is normal for a fraud of this scale. He doesn’t cope well. He has visions, sees ghosts of the people whose lives he destroyed. This was really eerie: were they real? Was it his imagination?

Leon Prevant shows what happens to a lot of older people when they have no income: he becomes one of the nomadic people, travelling in a camper-van from job to job. No savings, no home. The fear as they get older, of illness or infirmity.

So yes, I really enjoyed this. I liked that it’s completely different to Station 11, and I’m very glad I read it!
Shadow Bound (Shadow #1)
Shadow Bound (Shadow #1)
Erin Kellison | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SHADOW BOUND is the first book in the Shadow series, starting off with the Daughter of Death, Talia. Not only that, but you get a nice prologue that tells you about the love between her father and mother, and just what their situation was. I really liked that.

After the prologue, you move forward twenty-six years to find Talia packing for a new job after successfully defending her dissertation. All that changes when two Wraiths force their way into her home and kill her flatmate. Talia goes on the run, successfully hiding for a few months until her luck seems to run out. While this has been going on, Adam has been searching for her. She is the only one so far he has found that mentions 'Shadowman' and he is desperate to find her. He does, in the nick of time, and that's when the fun really starts.

Talia doesn't simply turn into a kick-ass bad-ass b!tch. Nope, she claws her way through her instincts to run and hide, only really coming into her own during the last part of the book. Adam is a bitter, arrogant jerk (with reason) who wants to use Talia at the beginning and, by the end, will do anything to protect her.

This is a fast-paced story that will keep you turning the pages. The world-building was great and really helped to set the scene, not only for this book but also for the others in the series. Talia and Adam are ably supported by a fascinating group of characters that I hope will be in later books. I found it to be a great start to the series and look forward to Custo's story, which is next.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 20, 2023
Mad World (Mystic Beach #5)
Mad World (Mystic Beach #5)
Aislinn Archer | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MAD WORLD is the fifth book in the Mystic Beach series and I get to reunite with aMUSEd. It's time for the drummer, Rhys, to find his perfect match, but his path is anything but smooth.

Oh, boy! What a story!!! My heart was split in two for the whole of this book - loving Rhys and his quirks, but also understanding where Lyric was coming from. I loved the comments from Adam and Herself that helped to lighten the mood when needed.

I found this to be such an emotional read. My eyes were leaking on more than one occasion! So much so, I didn't think they'd stop. But they did as the story progressed in ways that made me so happy for them. The connection between them was so deep, it was almost tangible through my Kindle. And, yes, it's sexy too, in a way that was sheer perfection.

The whole cast of characters is simply outstanding, but the supporting ones in Mad World were simply the best. And let's not forget KITT! Yep, I'm that age, and it made me smile! I really hope I see more of Iris, Sheryl, Tommy, and Aria in future books.

And speaking of future books, it seems as though it may be Kieran's turn next. As with every Aislinn Archer book, I adore the one I've just read, but she tempts me with the next one. Oh, dear. Damn shame. It seems as though I'll have to read that one too!

The best in the series so far in my humble opinion and HIGHLY recommended by me. But if you want the best out of this series, start at the beginning! You're welcome. 😁

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 4, 2023
The Red Dragon of Oxford (Wings over Albion #1)
The Red Dragon of Oxford (Wings over Albion #1)
Joy Lynn Fielding | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cute and Sweet and fairly low on the angst scale.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Mark is in Oxford to get his doctorate. He never expected to find an injured DRAGON on his walk. But the dragon was real, he spoke to Mark. Then, it was gone and Mark couldn't find it. The library provides him with the solitude to do his research. It helps, though, that the librarian, Rufus, is so hawt. But Rufus has a secret, one that might destroy everything.

I have read a couple of Fielding's books, and I think this was my favourite. She writes very easy to read books, and sometimes, that's just what you need.

I enjoyed this, greatly. Lots of descriptions of Oxford, and the university. Having never been, I did like them.

I liked how the relationship between Mark and Rufus developed and once they went in, they went ALL in! Steamy in places and emotional in others. Mark is dealing with his feelings about not being intelligent enough to be in Oxford and Rufus about his being a red dragon. Cos in this world, red dragons are not good.

But then WHITE dragons appear and Rufus' red dragon has a skill he didn't see coming.

I didn't fully get the point of the white dragons appearing, and the problems they were causing til that was all explained. There is also the issue of the cyber attacks on the Mortimer finances that Nate, Rufus' brother, is off dealing with.

It's cute and sweet and fairly low on the angst scale. But steamy and smexy in places!

An easy read that landed in my queue right when I needed it. I'd like to read more of this series as they come out, cos Nate needs a story, given his current job chasing the cyber attacks.

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I first read about The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston, I knew I had to read this book. I was thrilled when I won an ARC copy from a blog giveaway. I was even happier that the book was even better then I thought it was going to be.

Thankfully, the book synopsis does an excellent job in describing what the book is going to be about. I'm super thankful because a lot of book blurbs these days tend to just give you the bare minimum of what the book will be about or something completely different. Anyway, since you've read above what the book is about, I won't try to tell you again since most people find it boring.

I absolutely love the title! It screams out at you to check this book out (okay, it did to me). The title is also what the chapter names are called. With each chapter, you also get a rule for disappearing, so this title is perfect!

Whilst I loved the title, I wasn't thrilled with the cover. I just felt that with what this books about and everything contained within the pages, the cover would've been better. Yes, I get that it's about up and leaving, but just showing a pair of legs running is a bit too bland. In fact, I wasn't going to bother with this book when I saw the cover, but I thought I'd give the book blurb a read which is what changed my mind. So please don't let the cover fool you into thinking this is a dull book because it's not.

I thought the world building was fantastic. I enjoyed reading about how it'd be living in the Witness Protection Program, and I must say, I'm glad that I never had to do something like that even if it would be cool to pick your own name. Elston gives us an up close and personal look into the life of someone who has to deal with this. I felt, at times, that it was me in the place of Meg. That's how real the world building felt. One thing that bothered me though was how trusting one of the adults was in this book. I won't go into details because I don't want to go into spoilers, but I just couldn't imagine any adult would let someone take off with hardly any questions asked.

The pacing was absolutely perfect! This whole book was one big page-turner. I kept telling myself I'd only read one more chapter and then get back to real life. Before I knew it, I'd finished the book. I had to know what was going to happen next. Not once does the pacing become dull.

The plot was fantastic! I'd never read a book that had to do with the Witness Protection Program. I loved the way the plot was written and the predicament of Meg getting close to Ethan. It was very interesting to read about everything and to see how things would play out. I did, however, predict who the baddie really was, and I was right. I had pretty much seen it coming since that character was mentioned, but the story was still interesting to read. I just wish the ending would've explained a bit more, but I've just read that there will be a sequel out next year so hopefully things will be explained more then.

I absolutely loved the characters! Meg was a very strong character throughout the whole book. The way she handled things was very interesting to read about. I liked how she was torn and how she'd rationalize things especially when it came to getting close to Ethan. I enjoyed how much Ethan was willing to put on the line to get close to Meg. He was a true gentleman, but not over the top like you get in cheesy romance novels. I loved his dedication to Meg. Teeny seemed to act like that of an 8 year child instead of an 11 year old girl. The book says she acts younger because of what she's been through with having to move house and change lives every so many weeks. I just didn't buy it. She acted too young almost all the time! While I did enjoy the character of Teeny, I just wish she would've acted her age a little more throughout the book. Pearl was definitely my favorite character, and while she isn't mentioned a lot, I still loved whenever she'd show up in the book. I loved her sweet nature and how she was willingly to help anyone out.

The interactions between the characters was very believable and never felt forced. Even the swearing never felt forced. The dialogue is very enjoyable, and I enjoyed it the most when Meg was forced with a problem. I loved reading about how she was going to solve it. Like I said, there is some bad language, but I'd say it's only moderate.

Overall, The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston is an interesting, refreshing read as well as a book that keeps you hooked until the very end.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14+ who just want a good book to read.

I'd give The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston a 4.5 out of 5.
Attack the Block (2011)
Attack the Block (2011)
2011 | Action, International
Remember, remember the fifth of November…because that’s when the film Attack the Block (from the producers of “Shaun of the Dead”) begins – on Guy Fawkes Night. If you want to know what that is, use a search engine like I did (there’s even a catchy poem for this British holiday, too).

Anyway, back to the film. It’s Guy Fawkes Night in London, with fireworks exploding throughout the city, a small gang of teens are looking to have a little fun. The gang has 5 people; the leader Moses (John Boyega), Jerome (Leeon Jones), Dennis (Franz Drameh), Biggz (Simon Howard) and Pest (Alex Esmail). During this “fun time” they mug Sam (Jodie Whitaker) a nurse returning home from work. During the course of the mugging an object falls from the sky striking a nearby car. While the gang is distracted, Sam runs off and calls the police. As Moses investigates what hit the car and what he can steal, something scratches his arm and escapes into the night. Moses is so furious, he and the rest of the gang give chase, eventually cornering and killing the creature.

They aren’t sure what the creature is but they know they can probably make money off of it, so they take it to Ron (Nick Frost), the friendly neighborhood drug dealer who lives in their apartment complex, for safe keeping. As the gang enjoys a “relaxing” smoke (don’t worry anti-tobacco people, they aren’t smoking cigarettes), Moses is approached by Hi-Hatz (Jumayn Hunter) the local drug kingpin that Ron works for. Hi-Hatz likes the tough, street-smart Moses and wants him to be one of his dealers, a job Moses considers an honor to be offered.

As Moses’ gang gaze out the apartment’s window at the fireworks exploding over South London they see more aliens landing. They soon discover that these aliens are bigger, stronger, tougher and way more violent than the first one they encountered and, even worse than that, these aliens are coming after them. The gang decides that they have to fight back and protect their block. During one encounter with the aliens, Pest becomes seriously injured and they end up tracking down Sam (the nurse they mugged at the beginning of the movie) for help. Once Sam is convinced that they are telling the truth about the invasion she joins them and eventually a sort of mutual respect forms between her and the members of the gang. Unfortunately while they are fighting off the invasion, Moses’s gang has a falling out with Hi-Hatz. So just to be clear, at a point in the film, Moses and his gang have the police, Hi-Hatz with his crew and aliens chasing after them. Will Moses and his merry men be victorious or will they fall prey to ‘those clamorous harbingers of blood and death’? Sorry, felt the need to quote Shakespeare.

The movie is highly enjoyable with its unique twist on the sci-fi genre blended with a healthy dose of humor, believable action and great anti-heroes. While the movie is a low budget film, the cast put on a big budget performance. The special effects were well done and not over the top like so many other sci-fi action movies I’ve seen. While the movie is a bit on the campy side (which I do enjoy) I do want to point out that with the exception of the alien-thing the film keeps things quite realistic. One negative thing about the film is that because of the British accent and slang I did not understand some of the dialogue (I’m sure the British say the same thing about our movies).

I will be honest, Nick Frost was the driving force behind me wanting to see this movie and I thoroughly enjoyed his scenes but he only has a few scenes. Jodie Whitaker did a very nice job of taking the audience on a journey of a character who, at the beginning is both mad at and afraid of those who had mugged her, but as the movie progresses those feelings are slowly replaced with mutual respect, understanding and friendship. Jumayn Hunter portrayed such a unique drug kingpin I was actually rooting for him (don’t worry law enforcement officials, I will still “Say ‘No’ to Drugs”). The rest of the supporting cast all did wonderful jobs as well but I want to talk about the actors that made up Moses’s Gang.

You wouldn’t know it by watching the movie but this is the first film for John Boyega, Leeon Jones, Simon Howard and Alex Esmail; the second movie for Franz Drameh. Even before knowing that, I already thought these five actors did an incredible job in the film but after finding that out I was really blown away. Their five characters are the core of the movie that takes us on this great adventure. However I do want to single out the lead John Boyega, as his character goes through a sort of rite of passage in the film. He does an amazing job with the range of emotion that is needed all the while keeping the character as real as a sci-fi film will allow. I will definitely keep an eye out for future films with these actors.