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Hazel (1853 KP) rated Red Queen in Books

May 25, 2017  
Red Queen
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
Futuristic Fantasy
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard is a futuristic, fantasy novel where society is divided by rich and poor; powerful and weak; elite and commoners; Silver and Red. Those with silver blood have magical abilities which make them believe they are more important than the talentless Reds who are forced to live in dilapidated towns and be sent to their deaths in wars they cannot survive.

Mare Barrow is a Red and knows that her future is doomed. Desperate to escape she confides in a stranger and lands herself a serving position in the Silver palace. Suddenly, however, her world is turned upside down after an accident reveals that, although she has red blood, she has a magical ability too. Instead of killing her as she expected, the king and queen force her to pretend she is a Silver, threatening her family if she steps out of line.

Naturally Mare hates the Silvers and involves herself with the Scarlet Guard – a terrorist group of Red rebels. However a complicated love triangle, and a shocking plot twist, puts Mare in even more danger than she bargained for.

The Cinderella-like idea of Mare coming from a poor background yet finding herself a member of the elite is nothing new. The difference here is that Mare does not want anything to do with the Silvers. She does not trust them and is angry about the way they are treating her family and her people.

Red Queen reminds me slightly of a couple of other young adult novels. It is a mishmash of The Selection by Kiera Cass (the poor become elite) and stories such as The Hunger Games (violence, rich verses poor etc.) Therefore this did not feel like a completely original piece of work. Nevertheless it was still exciting and Mare is such an admirable character.

I recommend this novel to readers of fantasy, dystopia and romance as Red Queen combines all three ideas. It is suitable for teenagers and adults alike, and do not let the word “Queen” make you believe that it is going to be overly girly. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next installment of this series – the ending suggests that there will be a lot more fighting!

Beckie Shelton (40 KP) rated Last Seen in Books

May 28, 2017  
Last Seen
Last Seen
Lucy Clarke | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a book
OMG, First book I have read by Lucy Clarke, but so not the last, Last Seen for me was a five-star experience.
So we have two friends Sarah and Isla, best friends whose lives are so interwoven it's hard to see where one starts and the other ends. Must be lovely to have a friend so close you can experience everything together and share each other's lives,
you would think?
But even the closest friendships can turn toxic when tragedy strikes as it does to these two when only one little boy returns from the sea.
as the cracks begin to show and insecurities rear their little heads, you have to ask yourself, were the splinters always there under the surface just waiting for a reason to fracture and detonate.
What happens when all that has been brushed under the carpet bubbles to the surface.
When Seven years to the day of little Marley's tragic drowning Jacob, now celebrating his seventeenth birthday, vanishes without a trace its now time for Sarah's world to implode and shatter.
This was such a good read, I loved the way the story was laid out, jumping from Sarah to Isla's perspective, I found myself jumping from one camp to the other when it came to my sympathies as we the reader are drip-fed information about each girl.
we get to see the two woman stript bare, all their flaws showing, as a friendship disintegrates before our very eyes, it's so excruciatingly addictive to watch, a train wreck derailing.
I really wasn't expecting to enjoy Last seen so much, but it has to be one of my favourite reads of the year so far.
I was glued to this till the shocking, unexpected end.
A job well done Lucy Clarke you now have a new fan in me, I really didn't see it coming at all.
I Can't recommend this book enough, give it a go, I really don't think you will be disappointed.
Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advance reader copy of Last Seen by Lucy Clarke. This is my own unbiased opinion of this novel.

Arc Reviewed By BeckieBookworm
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
More entertaining than I expected.
Avengers: Infinity War was surprisingly entertaining. I’m not a huge fan of the Avengers series, especially the big multi-cast productions. I fully expected to go into this one and be bored to tears. However, when it came to movies available in the cinema that we could also take the nine-year-old to… Pickings were slim. So, superheroes it was. And yeah, even though there were a few scenes that weren’t nearly as funny as they were intended to be, it was an enjoyable watch.

I will say this: I did not understand what all the fuss was about the end. I saw people tweeting about crying and whatnot. I felt absolutely nothing. It’s a Marvel movie. The sequel is due out in a year. We all know they’re going to find a way to undo at least half of what happened in Avengers: Infinity War. Dramatic scenes lose much of their power when you know the chance of most of it not being negated in the next movie is practically nil. This Marvel money train is going to chug on until something happens to derail it completely.

I liked the interaction between most of the characters. I felt like they did a better job of making it seem a bit more realistic. I also like how some of the decisions and actions from the previous movies are coming back to bite the Avengers in the butt. Iron Man and Dr. Strange have a bit of a fun relationship. As for Spiderman… Well, he’s slowly winning me over. I still have absolutely zero desire to watch a movie just starring him, but he plays the impulsive teen angle well. Hulk, though, Sweet Baby Cthulhu, I’m getting tired of that character. I didn’t like the direction they took him in the Thor movie, and then for Banner to be the way he was in this one… ugh.

There were several scenes that made me gasp. A few where I was like “NO NO NO NO!” at the screen. Non-stop action and dialogue that wasn’t too groan-worthy do a lot. A lot happier with this movie than I ever expected to be. It’s not nearly as good as Black Panther was, but a solid offering nonetheless.
The Possession of Mr Cave
The Possession of Mr Cave
Matt Haig | 2019
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Possession of Mr Cave is the story of a father’s mental breakdown after the tragic loss of many people close to him. Terrence is mentally unwell through the whole novel and is fighting his dead son’s influence on his mind. It’s completely disturbing, surprising and scary.

I’ll start this off by saying that I know that this book wasn’t for me. As I said, the blurb didn’t sound like anything I would usually enjoy reading and I only bought the book because it was by Matt Haig. But just because the book wasn’t for me didn’t stop me from still giving it 3/5.

The Possession of Mr Cave is very Shakespearean which isn’t a surprise coming from Matt Haig, as he has written a few novels inspired by Shakespeare’s plays. This is written as if it is one of Shakespeare’s tragedies, so if you do enjoy that sort of thing, the book will be perfect. To begin with, it reminded me a lot of Romeo and Juliet because the novel begins at the end with Terrence Cave explaining that he has killed his daughter, and the novel is a letter to her, retelling exactly how the events led to her death. I did quite like this format, because it meant the suspense rose throughout the whole novel and left me guessing as to why he would kill his own daughter right up until the end.

I’m not the biggest fan of Shakespeare, which is why I feel that this was just not the book for me. Like I said, this reads exactly like a Shakespearean Tragedy, which I think in a way is also why I struggled to get into it. The language seemed clunky and drawn out in places and made it a bit hard to read, as well as Terrence’s conversations with his own mind.

It’s disturbing, and that is exactly what pulled me in. Terrence takes his protectiveness over Bryony too far to the point where I was wondering where his relationship with her was going to lead. I found it upsetting that nobody around Terrence spoke to him about how he was too protective of his daughter, and also how despite everything, nobody took the time to see if Terrence was okay.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) created a post

May 28, 2019  
So took my nephews to the #cinema today for the first time ever to see #howtotrainyourdragon3. Possibly one of the most rewarding & #magical experiences ive ever had. Seeing both thier faces light up in awe, excitement & wonder as it started is a #memory ill never forget. Sitting next to #Hudson & watching him shuvel popcorn in automatically without even breaking eye conact with screen showed me just how immersed he had become in the film too. Once the #popcorn had gone we started having little conversations about what was going one & thats when i realised suprisingly just how much he was actually following the story & taking it all in. After a slight lul in the middle (where he had a little lie down on his dads lap) he was soon back up leaning forward on the edge of his seat with me cheering & clapping as #toothless revield a new hidden #power he had learnt. Coming towards the end of the film Hudson went through moments of sheer panic, #surprise, sadness until finally lighting up with pure joy shouting out after the final set piece "I REALLY REALLY LOVED THAT BIT" & "Toothless is my favorite" which was so unbelievably #cute. As the film came to a close he started to become sad as the realiseation we were about to leave finally set in he turned to his dad & said "please can we come again tomorrow?" & "wait can we stay its not over theres more still" pointing at the credits. I think the entire experience just made me realise how truly magical & important the escapisum of film really is & just how many #feelings & #emotions a good movie can spark in you as you get lost/absorbed into it. I think it also reminded me of my first experience too & how it paved a way for the #love & adiction i have to film now. Bottom line is simply can not wait to take them again it was so rewarding & i urge any parent worrying about taking thier #kids for the first time to just do it (yes there will be teething problems but the reward of seeing thier little faces light up is oh so worth worth it). #EPIC. #sundayfunday #children #funny #weekend #family #sunday #vue #odeon #popcorn #beautiful #daysout #howtotrainyourdragon #dreamworks #filmbuff #filmcritic #joy #
The Way to London
The Way to London
Alix Rickloff | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great self discovery journey for Lucy
So what I was expecting from this book is a typical journey of a young woman and a boy she finds along the way. I was expecting a serious journey, perhaps with a few tear jerker scenes along and a bit of romance to lighten the mood. I was happy to be wrong about it when I finally finished the book.

Besides the obvious journey to London, it’s also more of Lucy’s road to developing her true self and coming to terms with it. She comes across characters that have had a hand in impacting her life and assisting Lucy in finding self finding journey.

The plot here was steady and flowing, there were some lulls here and there but it’s pretty much cut and clear. I did like reading Lucy’s character development throughout the novel. She went from spoiled entitled brat to someone who really did have a soft caring heart. It was great to see her develop into a more caring loving person of not others but also of herself. No matter how much she tries to go back to her selfish ways something always gets her back on track to show her true caring nature and that it is more rewarding helping and caring for others.

Lucy’s chemistry with Bill and Michael make the book more enjoyable to read. Bill because he brought out the caring aspect in Lucy, Michael because he challenged her and made her see things in a different light (plus, well he managed to wriggle under Lucy’s skin which was nice and fun to read as he had caught her speechless in some moments)

What I didn’t expect from the book was the funny light hearted moments. I found myself laughing here and there with Bill’s behavior and his uncanny ability to involve himself and Lucy into potentially hairy situations, or the times where Lucy fights with Michael, and it seems Michael is the only one that can render Lucy speechless and flabbergasted. Those were great moments in the book and it kept the reading at a light hearted mood despite what was happening around them.

I enjoyed this book a lot and I do recommend it if you’re in the mood for something light despite the dark setting of WWII London.
The Graces
The Graces
Laure Eve | 2016 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not much of a plot, it was a good ending though
There wasn’t a substantial plot with this one. You had an idea on why River was trying to be friends with The Graces and there were hints here and there throughout the story on what River was really wanting to do all this time. You’re pretty much following River as she makes friends and tries to be part of the in crowd with The Graces.

I didn’t really like River that much in the beginning. You knew why she was wanting to befriend them however at the same time she had a great friendship with Summer and you were hoping nothing would spoil it.

The Graces did have a certain charm to them but at the same time there was also something strange. They’re close knit, secretive, and not your average family. They already had their secrets to start with, and of all the three I’d have to like Summer the most. She was the outspoken one and the rule breaker with at least some semblance of sense and logic that her two siblings didn’t have (those that have read the book would know what I’m talking about).

Back to River. Oh darling. You know this could have gone well if you HAD JUST TOLD THEM. Sometimes I hate reading books where the protagonist has this huge secret because they tend to keep it to themselves until they finally realize it wouldn’t help anymore but by that time, it would mess up a lot of things now would it? And all throughout the book you’re screaming JUST. TELL. THEM. Sheesh.

Although I know I said I didn’t really like her in the beginning, she redeemed herself in the last third of the book. I was expecting her to be sniveling, crying and pleading but she suddenly became this beacon of rage and I suddenly pulled a 180 and loved her instantly. She finally realized who she was and what she was capable of. She didn’t need the Graces at all - well maybe she needed them to put her in the right direction but it was nice to see her pick herself up and be strong about it.

Loved the ending! Such a cliffhanger and I want to know what’s going to happen next now that River has found herself. Sequel is coming out this year! So I’ll be looking forward to it!
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Leigh Bardugo | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
Bream Reading Club Reviews of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Total Stars out of 5: 3 Stars

The first book in the Grisha Trilogy was full of promise. Dynamic and different, full of interesting places and characters, it ended on a cliff hanger pulling the reader in to read book two. Unfortunately as it often is with cases like this, the first book was great and the rest was not.
We are introduced to Alina and Mal, orphans who are raised together in the same orphanage. Some of our members assumed their affection was more familial so their stilted and lengthy romance felt awkward and though the rest of us ‘saw it coming’ it still felt contrived. Their love story we assumed was supposed to be something truly epic, a love that overcome all odds, but by book three we were still left wanting, perhaps the author changed her mind half way, leaving the reader sadly unfulfilled.

Alina is discovered to be the long awaited for ‘Sun Summoner’ the one the Darkling has been waiting for. The Darkling is a very interesting character, one with depth and personality. For a little while one almost looks forward to the relationship beginning to form between Alina and him, but that hope is for nought. It felt as if the author was afraid to let these two characters have a night in the same bed, and veered away from it instead of facing it head on. The light and dark of their respective powers draw these two together, but any chance of them bonding is ripped away with an old lady called Bhagra compelling Alina to run away, revealing what the Darkling really is.
Alina made good her escape but not for long. The Darkling’s powers are overwhelming and she is soon back in his grasp. The books ends with Alina managing to take control again of her own power and saves Mal’s life while sacrificing other Grisha in the process.

If you’ve noticed how Mal is not spoken about a whole lot in this review it is because his character is undeveloped. He is supposed to be the ‘hero’ in this story but all we saw of him was a square. He is immature and all the members agreed that Mal was short changed when it came to putting him on paper.

For all its promise, it did not deliver.
The Wrath and the Dawn
The Wrath and the Dawn
Renee Ahdieh | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, can we start off with this cover? I mean, it is freaking gorgeous!!!

As a rendition of A Thousand and One Nights, this had quite a few references to the original story, namely the stories told within the entirety of the novel. I love the stories and I hope they continue through the rest of the series.

I picked this book up quite a while ago, but I never got around to reading it. I had heard so many great things about it, but I didn't trust the reviews for some strange reason. So there it sat, staring at me from my shelf like I was betraying it or something. So, I picked it up. And I was not disappointed at all.

I loved the simplicity of it all. Not saying this is not a complex story; it most definitely is!! The characters do not feel like they are inflated to something more than human that a lot of stories tend to gravitate toward to today. They were all relatively normal (well at least in the story). Khalid, don't get me started on him. I absolutely adore him. If you have not read the book yet, do it and you'll see what I mean. I won't put anything too specific, except that I love him. Shazi is an amazingly strong woman. Not only is she able to stay feminine while she is kicking ass, she is so freaking sassy!!! I love the quick wit she has in any situation. It is very refreshing to see a woman character like her!

The descriptions of both the characters and the places around them drew me in and made me feel as if I was there, hiding in the shadows, able to smell the roses and lilac. I want Shazi's wardrobe, just saying. It seems so freaking beautiful!

I hope we get more of a backstory in the coming novels. I would love to see Khalid and Shazi as kids more to get a glimpse of why they are the way they are. The airs of mystery are well crafted, but I want some of those shrouds to be taken away so we can see the secrets underneath~~

Overall, I absolutely adored this novel and cannot wait until I get to read the next one!!

The Rose & The Dagger comes out 26 April!
Finally Letting Go (Infinity #2)
Finally Letting Go (Infinity #2)
C.J. Lynne | 2017 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much MUCH better read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Infinity series. I would recommend that you read book one, Worth The Risk, if only to know just how Brandon wrecked Tyler 3 years ago. Not totally necessary, though.

Brandon is so far in the closet, he doesn't even know WHERE he is anymore! Facing up to his father, and NOT going to law school, Brandon now comes face to face with Tyler, and he has to own up to what he did. And he does. Tyler's best friend, Simon, though, won't let Brandon get away with it. But Simon's reaction to meeting Brandon properly again for the first time is MASSIVE and INSTANT, and oh so unexpected. Simon won't, though, be anyone dirty little secret. Brandon has to own up WHO he is before Simon will go down that road.

And my gosh! What a great read! I love characters who, for one reason or another cannot own up to who they really are, who they really want, and Brandon, bless his heart, he fights. He FIGHTS so darn HARD, but Simon will not let up!

And let me tell ya, once Brandon admits to HIMSELF who he is and WHO he wants, that man is all in! And it is spectacular watching both these men fall and fall hard for each other. It is, really, quite beautiful watching these two, it really is.

And I did NOT see that coming at me, no ma'am I did not expect that!! Way to go Brandon!

I said in my review for Worth The Risk that there was some repetition of a couple of phases, and I was worried here, but there was none of that!

I loved that Tyler and Jax play a huge part here, and that Ben, the owner of Infinity plays a part, and his book is laid out, sorta. There is a little bit of a preview for Ben's book, Breaking The Rules, and his book is told in the first person. Now those who follow my reviews will know that's not a great favourite of mine, but because I KNOW this now, it won't be a problem. Can't wait to read it!

A much MUCH better read than book one so...

5 full stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**